App Companies form coalition to squeeze stimulus dollars from taxpayers, despite being a healthy growth industry


Everybody (with a lobbyist) wants a piece of the pie. We are unsure why it is that an app company would need a bailout. It seems my family (and likely yours) is using more apps than ever these days.

(From The Hill)

The coalition is focused on creating a consistent message for app companies and educating lawmakers about their impact on the U.S. economy.

“If you think about what a stay at home order would look like without the apps that you use in your daily life — as severely impactful economically as this is — imagine what the impact would be?” Guice said.

So the app industry lobbyist is explaining to us that the prospects for app companies are very good. The industry, in an enviable position needs taxpayer money, why?

Because in a crony capitalist system it’s all about exploiting the system however and whenever one can.

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