As San Francisco DA, Kamala Harris’s Office Stopped Cooperating with Victims of Catholic Church Child Abuse

The Catholic sex abuse scandal (your editor was raised Catholic) has spanned the globe and over multiple decades now. One of the reasons it has continued on, and why information has been so slow to the fore is because of powerful interests in government. Was Kamala Harris one of these political enablers?

(From The Intercept)

But when it came to taking on the Catholic Church, survivors of clergy sexual abuse say that Harris turned a blind eye, refusing to take action against clergy members accused of sexually abusing children when it meant confronting one of the city’s most powerful political institutions…

…In her seven years as district attorney, Harris’s office did not proactively assist in civil cases against clergy sex abuse and ignored requests by activists and survivors to access the cache of investigative files that could have helped them secure justice, according to several victims of clergy sex abuse living in California who spoke to The Intercept.

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