‘Brexit doesn’t go FAR enough!’ Soon to be head of Bank of England says it’s about Britons ‘taking back control’
This is a very interesting message being sent from the top of one of the world most important central banks. A central banker that gets “it”?
(From The Express)Mr Rajan also spoke of his support for ordinary people who rally against the elite, saying: “Periodically democracy gets really angry with the kind of cronyism that happens, and sends the message ‘we don’t want that’.
“It happens in communist countries, it happens in crony capitalist countries, it happens in fascist countries.
Reprinted from: https://www.ac2news.com/2019/04/brexit-doesnt-go-far-enough-soon-to-be-head-of-bank-of-england-says-its-about-britons-taking-back-control/