California’s Energy Regulations Hurt the Poor, While ‘Green’ Subsidies Benefit the Rich

A Manipulated Photo of a Pair of Nuclear Reactors with Smiley Faces on Them



You editor has had many conversations around the impact of “green” subsidies and regulations and their impact on the poor with economists who study these things. It has been your editor’s experience that there is widespread indiference to the impact of these policies on the poor. In instances it was worse than indifference.

(From Reason)

Nevertheless, the study has raised an interesting—albeit stunningly obvious—point, as California continues its headlong rush toward a green-energy future based on command-and-control edicts, subsidies and quasi-market mechanisms such as cap and trade. It found that incentive programs for electric cars and solar panels and some other costly energy policies, “have been found to disproportionately benefit wealthier individuals.”

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