Embattled union honchos’ lavish spending exposed: Villas, four-figure dinners, $60,000 cigar bill


$60,000 on cigars? Were they lighting them with $100 bills?

(From Fox News)

“A December 2015 Gary’s Sales invoice issued to ‘UAW c/o [UAW Official A]’ for a $13,046.91 purchase that included an order for 12 boxes of Ashton Double Magnum cigars at $268.00 per box (totaling $3,216) and 12 boxes of Ashton Monarch Tubos cigars at $274.50 a box (totaling $3,294),” was among the purchases listed in court documents. The documents listed another $13,000 purchase invoiced to Pearson from the same store the following year, part of an alleged $60,000 on cigar- and tobacco-related purchases between 2014 and 2018.

Reprinted from: https://www.ac2news.com/2019/12/embattled-union-honchos-lavish-spending-exposed-villas-four-figure-dinners-60000-cigar-bill/

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