FBI Lawyer Kevin Clinesmith Sentenced to Probation for Creating False Email Connected to Carter Page FISA Warrant


Hard to imagine an ordinary American getting probation for falsifying a document and lying to a court

Allowing overtly partisan political figures to infiltrate the FBI is a particularly vicious form of cronyism.

He wasn’t even disbarred.

(From RedState)

Federal District Court Judge James Boasberg in the District of Columbia has sentenced fired FBI Attorney Kevin Clinesmith to probation — no sentence of incarceration — for creating a false document as part of his work with the Robert Mueller Special Counsel’s Office in preparation for obtaining a Third Extension on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant obtained on Carter Page…

…Prosecutors from Special Counsel John Durham’s office asked for a sentence of incarceration due to Clinesmith’s position of authority and responsibility as an FBI attorney who was obligated to provide accurate information, and the act of altering the email was inconsistent with that responsibility.

Click here for the article.

This article was originally posted here: https://www.ac2news.com/2021/01/fbi-lawyer-kevin-clinesmith-sentenced-to-probation-for-creating-false-email-connected-to-carter-page-fisa-warrant/.

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