‘Immediately Terminated’: Trump Calls For Abolishing Section 230 (Which designates social media as “platforms” and not “publishers”) In Late Night Tweet

Credit: Thomas Ulrich


It’s increasingly hard to argue that Facebook, Twitter, and the rest are really unbiased platforms and not publishers of content given the degree to which these firms have actively “edited” certain content.

(From The Daily Caller)

Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai announced in October that his office is seeking to “clarify” the meaning of Section 230. The announcement came days after Twitter prohibited the sharing of a New York Post article alleging corruption in the Biden family…

In an October statement Pai said,

…”Social media companies have a First Amendment right to free speech,”…”But they do not have a First Amendment right to a special immunity denied to other media outlets, such as newspapers and broadcasters.”

Click here for the article.

This article was originally posted here: https://www.ac2news.com/2020/11/immediately-terminated-trump-calls-for-abolishing-section-230-which-designates-social-media-as-platforms-and-not-publishers-in-late-night-tweet/.

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