Leaving New York: High earners in finance and tech explain why they left the ‘world’s greatest city’
(From CNBC)
Hefner is one of thousands of high earners who’ve left New York this year, an exodus that is deepening concerns over a projected $9 billion budget shortfall. While the city is no longer the national virus hotspot it was earlier this year, those leaving cite anxiety over the region’s economy and quality of life and a conviction that higher taxes are coming. Last month, business leaders publicly upbraided Mayor Bill De Blasio for “deteriorating conditions in commercial districts and neighborhoods across the five boroughs.”
In other words DeBlasio allowed the demons of 1960s, 70s, and 80s New York City to reemerge. How long until the peep shows are back in Times Square?
This article was originally posted here: https://www.ac2news.com/2020/11/leaving-new-york-high-earners-in-finance-and-tech-explain-why-they-left-the-worlds-greatest-city/.