Takeover: Chinese President Xi Signs National Security Law For Hong Kong


Is this goodbye to Hong Kong, long one of the freer and richer places on Earth.

(From Zerohedge)

China’s top legislative body passed, and president Xi signed, a new controversial law for Hong Kong that would allow authorities to crack down on pro-democracy protesters and “foreign forces” who attempt to destabilize the semi-autonomous region, reported Reuters. The National People’s Congress Standing Committee swiftly approved the landmark national security law on Tuesday, signaling Communist Party leader Xi Jinping’s desire to seize more control to squash pro-democracy protests in the city to stop subversion, terrorism, separatism, and collusion with external forces.

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Reprinted from: https://www.ac2news.com/2020/07/takeover-chinese-president-xi-signs-national-security-law-for-hong-kong/

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