The head of Facebook’s “election integrity” program was “Special policy adviser for Europe and Eurasia to former US Vice President Joe Biden”
Ms. Makanju, who is in charge of Facebook’s “election integrity” program is a senior nonresident fellow at The Atlantic Council. Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian company recently tied to Hunter Biden, has donated $300,000 to The Atlantic Council. Ms. Makanju, in addition to previously working as a senior adviser to Vice President Biden, is also a fellow of an organization funded by Paul and Daisy Soros. (Paul was (now passed) George Soros’s older brother.)
(From The American Thinker)
Before ending up at Facebook, Makanju was a nonresident Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council. The Atlantic Council is an ostensibly non-partisan think tank that deals with international affairs. In fact, it’s a decidedly partisan organization.
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