4 people arrested this morning, including Ammon Bundy


Ammon Bundy and Aaron Schmidt have been arrested on failure to appear charges, by the ADA County Sheriff’s Department. The men showed up today for their trial, on the trespassing charges from the ID state Capital, and they were not allowed in without masks.

So, as they stood in line to enter for their trial, they had warrants issued for ‘failure to appear’. You can NOT make this crap up. It’s like we’re living in a twilight zone!

Also arrested, Casey Baker for felony battery of a police officer and Greg was arrested for battery of a police officer, as a misdemeanor charge.
John Nunez, a retired police officer and Ammon’s process server, was trampled by deputies and sent to the hospital by ambulance.

Ammon and Aaron are being held at the Ada County Jail, on $10,000 bail. They are not posting bail and will remain in custody until they can appear before a judge on the false charges. Greg was released from jail, John was released from the hospital. More info posted here as it comes out.

Ammon Bundy previously faced 2 trespassing charges, but as of last week, one was dismissed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKaOVRnNGfo. Today was the scheduled trial for the remaining trespass charge.

Today’s events were courtesy of:
Ada County Sheriff: 208-577-3000

Ada County Chief Deputy: Scott Johnson … headed up the execution of the arrests today, following orders.

Ada County Sheriff: Stephen Bartlett … superior of above.

Judge: David Manweiler … head of the trial.

Ada County Trial Court Administrator: Sandra Barrios … supposedly passes judgment of whether a defendant has "appeared" or "failed to appear", was involved in other trespassing cases locally.

Original source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKaOVRnNGfo

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