Kevin McKernan on the Dr. David Martin video and how patent law really impacts research

What Then Must We Do?

Bretigne Shaffer Podcast

By now you've probably seen the video where Reiner Fuellmich speaks with Dr. David Martin about his examination of patent records, which he says show that there is nothing "novel" about SARS-Cov-2, and that the genetic components that purportedly make it "novel" were in fact patented many years ago.

Kevin McKernan, CSO of Medicinal Genomics, knows quite a lot about genetic science and  he also knows a thing or two about patent law –  in particular the patent law around genetic research. So today, I asked him for his take on what Dr. Martin said in that video, and in his accompanying dossier.

In this episode, we hit some of the major points from Dr. Martin's presentation, and Kevin points out a few places where he thinks Dr. Martin gets it wrong. There's a lot more to dig into here though, and Kevin suggests a future conversation with himself and Dr. Martin – I'll keep everyone posted about that.

We also talk about the legitimacy of patent law, and intellectual property itself, and about whether patent protection helps medical research to flourish, or serves to stifle it.

The transcript of the video with Dr. Martin can be found here.

Kevin's Twitter thread on some of the issues we discussed can be found here.

And you can follow Kevin on Twitter here.

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