Action Alert: NY Mandatory Statewide Adult Vaccination Database is Proposed

New Yorkers, Albany wants your papers.

Health freedom advocates have been warning for years that this was coming and here we are. Having successfully stripped the rights of its students when it comes to vaccination choice, New York is coming for the adults. Senate Bill S75A, introduced by State Sen. Brad Hoylman, is described as “an act to amend the public health law, in relation to adult immunization reporting requirements.”

The predatory bill has been lying in wait for years but quietly passed in both Health Committees last session as COVID fears were peaking. It would require physicians and health care practitioners to record every dose of a vaccination given to an adult in a New York State database.

The current amended version of the bill literally removes “the consent of the vaccinee,” and instead makes a provision that “no report shall be made…if the person to whom the vaccine is administered, or a person authorized to consent to health care for the person, objects to the person who administered the vaccine, prior to the making of the report.” ​​

In other words, S75A would require healthcare providers to register every shot provided to people 19 and over in the state database UNLESS a patient explicitly refuses. However, the physician is under no obligation to identify that option. This is lack of consent by design.

A vaccine database is the first step in establishing mandates for adults and would further enable vaccine passports and systems of segregation based on vaccination status. With a system like this in place, noncompliant adults will be easily tracked and potentially targeted. The database is also a critical step in helping the global vaccine industry rein in its next target market, adults, now that infant and childhood markets are saturated.

Immigration advocates have also raised concerns that a vaccine database could be used to identify and locate illegal immigrants for enforcement action. This is likely why none of the non-white members of the Assembly Health Committee voted for the bill.

In response, supporters of S75A quickly proposed additional legislation, S6541(Rivera)/A7326(Gottfried), to placate opponents of the bill. But while its sponsors claim the new legislation addresses concerns that a database might be misused to target illegal immigrants, S6541/A7326 does not contain language that would prevent the Department of Health from providing information from the database to federal immigration authorities. Furthermore, a state law would not stop federal agencies from securing state data to enforce federal immigration laws. Essentially, this bill was designed to make opponents feel more comfortable voting for an unnecessary and oppressive piece of legislation that still violates the medical privacy of New Yorkers and will ultimately target the unvaccinated.

If passed, S75A/A279A will be a harbinger of adult mandates to come.

Please use the form below to send email messages to the members of the NY Senate Committee on Health.


Please call every member of the Senate Health Committee listed below at their District and Albany offices. Politely let them know you oppose the bill for the reasons below. Here are some talking points you can use.

S75A/A279A Talking Points

  • What is the need? There are no required vaccines for general population adults.
  • Violates every principle of medical privacy.
  • Violates physician’s duty of confidentiality.
  • Will be used to identify and punish people. It is COVID now; it will be other disorders in the future.
  • This is the first step to statewide vaccine passports.
  • Opens the door to government demanding all medical records, psychiatric medicines, STDs, contraceptive use, etc.
  • This is taxpayer-subsidized marketing for drug companies.
  • Immigrant rights advocates are concerned that it will be used to track and locate undocumented people.
  • This bill will disproportionately impact black and brown people who have the lowest rate of COVID vaccine uptake of any racial groups.
  • S6541/A7326 will not alleviate concerns that the database can be used to locate people for immigration enforcement.

Please Call Every Member of the Senate Health Committee


Health Committee Chair Gustavo Rivera
District: (718) 933-2034
Albany: (518) 455-3395
Twitter: @NYSenatorRivera

Sen. Alessandra Biaggi
District: (718) 822-2049
Albany: (518) 455-3595
Twitter: @SenatorBiaggi

Sen. Kevin Thomas
District: (516) 739-1700
Albany: (518) 455-3260
Twitter: @SenKevinThomas

Sen. Rachel May
District: (315) 478-8745
Albany: (518) 455-2838
Twitter: @RachelMayNY

Sen. Julia Salazar
District: (718) 573-1726
Albany: (518) 455-2177
Twitter: @SalazarSenate

Sen. Todd Kaminsky
District: (516) 766-8383
Albany: (518) 455-3401
Twitter: @Toddkaminsky

Sen. Samra Brouk
District: (585) 223-1800
Albany: (518) 455-2215
Twitter: @SenatorBrouk

Sen. Cordell Cleare
District: (212) 222-7315
Albany: (518) 455-2441
Twitter: @CordellCleare

Sen. Sean Ryan
District: (716) 854-8705
Albany: (518) 455-3240
Twitter: @SenSeanRyan

Sen. Brad Hoylman
District: (212) 633-8052
Albany: (518) 455-2451
Twitter: @bradhoylman

Sen. Brad Hoylman, the author of S75A, is also the author of the bill that repealed the religious exemption from vaccine mandates to attend school. He also sponsored bills to mandate HPV and annual flu shots to attend school, and a bill that would require college students to get the COVID-19 vaccine.


Sen. Phil Boyle
District: (631) 665-2311
Albany: (518) 455-3411
Twitter: @PhilBoyleNY

Sen. Peter Oberacker
District: (607) 432-5524
Albany: (518) 455-3131
Twitter: @SenOberacker

Sen. Ed Rath
District: (716) 631-8695, (585) 454-0322
Albany: (518) 455-3161
Twitter: @EdRath

Sen. Patrick Gallivan
District: (716) 656-8544
Albany: (518) 455-3471
Twitter: @senatorgallivan

Sen. Dan Stec
District: (518) 743-0968
Albany: (518) 455-2811
Twitter: @SenatorDanStec

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The post Action Alert: NY Mandatory Statewide Adult Vaccination Database is Proposed appeared first on Children's Health Defense.

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