CHD Holds Press Conference on Evidentiary Brief Filing in CHD V. FCC Lawsuit


To fulfill our commitment to stopping the harmful exposure of our children to 5G and wireless radiation, CHD has taken the giant step toward unprecedented litigation against the FCC. This illuminating and celebratory press conference was held the day after CHD filed its evidentiary brief.

The case is challenging the FCC’s refusal to review its 25-year-old obsolete wireless “health guidelines”and  to promulgate scientific, human evidence-based radio frequency emissions (“RF”) rules that adequately protect public health. The FCC’s false “health guidelines” have enabled the uncontrolled proliferation of harmful wireless technology and more recently, the deployment of dangerous 5G installations.

CHD’s lawsuit asserts that the FCC’s refusal to update these guidelines despite the submission of overwhelming evidence of harm from wireless technology radiation, is capricious, arbitrary, not evidence based, and an abuse of its discretion. The success of our case will be a game changer in the battle to stop Big Tech from further damaging children and all life.

This evidentiary brief is the main submission in our case and provides the evidence upon which the petitioners rely. It cites thousands of studies, including those conducted by U.S. government agencies, and numerous reports that show clear evidence of harm. It also outlines scientifically the established mechanisms of harm from wireless radiation. Additionally, the brief shines a light on the human evidence of widespread sickness, which the FCC ignored when it egregiously closed its docket on the issue on Dec. 4 2019.

This illuminating and celebratory press conference was held the day after CHD filed its brief .

Speakers included: Robert F. Kennedy Jr., CHD Chairman; Dafna Tachover, Esq. MBA,  CHD’s Director of 5G & Wireless Harms Project; Scott McCollough, Esq., CHD’s attorney; and David Carpenter, M.D., a Petitioner in the case; as well as parents who submitted affidavits in the case describing their children’s injuries and death from wireless radiation.

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