Community and World United, We Say No!


Children’s Health Defense is proud to stand with all of these organizations and countries (below) as we work together to pushback on medical mandates, unsafe vaccines, and increasingly totalitarian governments.

In the coming months, these issues will be front and center in discussions around the world as people decide whether to cling tightly to their freedoms or blindly follow whatever edicts are put in place by corrupt government officials and profit-driven corporations.

The making of this video was accomplished through the teamwork of organizations and individuals who will not stand by and watch liberty be stripped away from citizens little by little until total tyranny reigns.

Please join us in standing up and demanding that our individual and medical freedom rights are forever protected. The time to be courageous is now.

#WeSayNo   #StandFirm

(See Full Script Below)


Organizations in Unity:

(Please contact us if you would like to add your organization name)

Children’s Health Defense
The Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge 
The Bolen Report
Autism Action Network
DeMoss Chiropractic
California Jam
Health Choice 4 Action
Northport Wellness Center
Natural News 
Medical Freedom Pac
The Truth About Cancer
The Truth About Vaccines
1986 The Act Movie
Informed Consent Action Network
National Vaccine Information Center
Bioenergy Medical Center 
The Autism Center Austin 
Vaxxed II, The People’s Truth
Millions Against Medical Mandates
Centers for Advanced Medicine
Wellness Forum Health
Tenpenny Integrative Medical Center
V is for Vaccine
Immunity Education Group
Age of Autism
The Autism Trust U.S.A.
Plague of Corruption Book

Countries in Unity:

United States
New Zealand
Northern Ireland

Script: United, We Say NO!

We stand together representing MILLIONS who proclaim the right to health freedom for our ourselves and our families.

In recent months, people around the world have suffered death, illness, shutdowns, quarantines, school closings, food shortages and other restrictions because of COVID.

And now we face a new threat – the threat of being bullied into vaccination.

Some are predicting we won’t get our lives back ‘til we get vaccinated. Some are saying that every person on the planet has to be vaccinated and tracked to “get back to normal.”

Now is this based on sound science?

Wasn’t the US founded on liberty? Who are these people anyways?

We are scientists, physicians, nurses, lawyers, religious leaders, parents, journalists and more. We are freedom-loving individuals who will never allow a liability-free, poorly-tested product to be injected into ourselves or our children.

We say “No!” Mandating an invasive medical procedure violates our most fundamental rights. All medical procedures, including vaccines, carry risks; they must be voluntary.

And vaccine injuries aren’t rare – they’re approximately 1 in every 40 doses, according to a  U.S. Agency for Health Research Quality 2010 study.

Being pressured to vaccinate — to stay in school, keep a job, get welfare benefits, or get on a plane – violates rights to personal autonomy, informed consent, parental rights, religious freedom, medical freedom, equal protection and due process.

What will you do when someone shows up at your door to vaccinate you or your children? We say “No!”. Will you consent — or refuse? If your employer, school or government can bully you into vaccinating, what’s next? More forced medicine? More forced tracking? All for the greater good??

We stand for your rights — and ours – including your right to consent. But know this:

  • No federally-recommended vaccine has ever been tested against a real placebo. Vaccines are tested against other vaccines or vaccine ingredients, masking harm. And the government has never tested the entire childhood schedule in vaccinated vs. unvaccinated children.
  • Vaccines are typically tested for days or weeks, not years, like drugs.
  • Government agencies charged with vaccine safety are, in essence, vaccine companies, owning patents and earning royalties. They are sock puppets of industry.
  • Mainstream media heavily censors information critical of vaccines. The vaccine companies spend billions every year in advertising revenue to the big media companies in our country, and they’re not only buying ad space, they are dictating content.
  • It’s important to know you can’t sue a vaccine manufacturer for a vaccine injury or death. Instead, you have to go through a government claims program where most people lose. Vaccine makers get all the profits, but the injured get all the losses — physical, mental, emotional and financial.
  • COVID-19 vaccines have received billions in government subsidy and private money. These vaccines have become “too big to fail,” even though the clinical trials have been disasters.

So, please: 

Be courageous!

Stand up for YOUR right to consent or refuse. 

Protect your individual and medical freedom rights!

You decide – not the government – what substances can be injected into your children’s bodies and your own.

Our health, our freedom and our future depend on what we do NOW! 

So say no, and stand firm.

Join the Movement!

The post Community and World United, We Say No! appeared first on Children's Health Defense.

© 14 Sep 2020 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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