New Zogby Strategies/CHD Poll: Growing Intensity Among Californians Against Medical Freedom/Privacy Bills

Press Release

For Immediate Release

Los Angeles, CA – Following one of Los Angeles’s largest rallies in recent times where an estimated 25,000 Californians rallied against a series of bills restricting medical freedom, a new poll of 805 likely California voters conducted by Zogby Strategies on April 19th, commissioned by Children’s Health Defense (CHD), shows an overwhelming majority oppose the bills like SB920 and SB866.

SB920 (allows the California Medical Board to inspect records of patients without their consent) is opposed by 68% of likely California voters and is supported by 26%. Among the 68% who oppose, 49% strongly oppose the bill. Notable demographics opposing the controversial bill include:

  • 77% Republicans
  • 72% Independents
  • 70% Women
  • 68% Whites
  • 68% From Los Angeles/San Diego
  • 63% From the Bay area
  • 60% Democrats
  • 60% Parents with children under 12
  • 58% 18-29-year-olds
  • 56% Liberals

SB866 lowers the age of vaccination consent to 12 (without parental consent). .  Overall, 55% of Californians oppose the bill (36% strongly oppose) vs. a total of 37% who support the bill.  Notable demographics in opposition:

  • 73% Republicans
  • 64% Independents
  • 59% Women
  • 58% Whites
  • 57% From Los Angeles/San Diego
  • 53% Parents with children under the age of 12
  • 50% Hispanics
  • 43% Democrats

Regarding SB920 and SB866, in both cases those who strongly opposed the bill outnumbered or equaled the total percentage of combined support (respondents had the choice of “strongly” or “somewhat” regarding their support or opposition).

“This level of intense opposition should come as no surprise given that, historically, the more voters know about vaccine policies, the more convinced they become that the policies run counter to medical freedom.,” said CHD executive director Laura Bono.

At the beginning of the survey, voters were asked whether or not they support COVID mandates in general. This question yielded 68% in support and 30% in opposition.

As the survey continued and voters were asked about specific pieces of legislation using exact language from the bills, support dropped dramatically.

“It is incumbent upon CA voters to demand transparency regarding legislation that could change their lives and the patient-doctor relationship so dramatically,” said Ms. Bono.


Children’s Health Defense is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Its mission is to end childhood health epidemics by working aggressively to eliminate harmful exposures, hold those responsible accountable, and establish safeguards to prevent future harm. For more information, visit

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