PA Smart Meters Case – Amici Form

Thank you for your interest in joining the Amicus Brief. Court rules require us to provide specific information for each of the organizations/corporations who join as an amici. Both incorporated and unincorporated organizations can sign as amici. Below is the information we need from you in order to include your organization in the amicus brief.

If your organization is incorporated please fill out sections A and B.
If your organization is NOT incorporated, please fill out sections A and C.

A. Contact Information


B. For Incorporated Organizations:

2. State where incorporated:

4. Does the organization belong to another corporation (parent Corp) or have affiliations with other corporations (e.g., subsidiaries)?

6. Does another corporation hold more than 10% of your corporation’s stock?

7. Did your corporation receive money from anyone in connection with participation with or in preparation of the amicus brief?

Limit your mission statement to 200 words.

12. Does your corporation work with people who need to have a smart meter opt-out because of health reasons?

C. For Unincorporated organizations:

2. City/State

3. Are you affiliated with or part of a corporation?

5. Are you affiliated with another organization?

7. Did your organization receive money from anyone in connection with the participation with or preparation of the amicus brief?

12. Does your organization work with people who need to have a smart meter opt-out because of health reasons?

D. If you have additional information or comments, please write them here:

The post PA Smart Meters Case – Amici Form appeared first on Children's Health Defense.

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