This Week’ With Mary + Polly: Beware of the ‘Vaccine Hunters’

This week, Mary Holland, Children’s Health Defense president, and Polly Tommey, co-producer of “Vaxxed,” cover the latest on Dr. Anthony Fauci’sfull court press” to get everyone vaccinated and a German firm’s eye scan test for COVID — which is really just about commercializing your body.

Mary and Polly also discuss how plans to mix and match the COVID vaccines — which experts say “should” be safe — might really be about vaccine makers hoping to reduce adverse reactions.

Here are just a few of this week’s highlights: 

  • Pregnant women are being given the green light to get vaccinated “at any stage of pregnancy.” But, Mary asks, “how can we possibly say what will happen to that fetus?”
  • The COVID booster shots are coming, and as with flu vaccines, they will not only be ineffective, but may lead to increasingly dangerous virus variants. “For people making money off vaccines, the money is in the constant boosters.”
  • Pfizer has started COVID vaccine trials on 2- to 5-year-olds, even though statistically, children in that age group have zero risk of getting COVID. “Between vaccinating pregnant women and children, we’re looking at pre-cradle-to-grave vaccinations,” Mary says. “That’s something we didn’t even see with smallpox, when there was a 30% death rate.”
  • Johnson & Johnson privately asked rivals Pfizer and Moderna to join forces in investigating blood clots after COVID vaccines. The companies declined, saying they didn’t want their brands to be tarnished by association — even though blood clots and related blood clot disorders have occurred after all COVID vaccines.
  • The Los Angeles Times ran a story about “vaccine hunters” — family members, hailed as heroes for dragging family members “one arm at a time” to get vaccinated. “It’s part of a huge PR effort to convince minority groups to get vaccinated,” Mary says.
  • The New York Times ran an opinion piece by Ezekiel J. Emanuel on why healthcare workers should be required to get vaccinated. Emanuel is “very influential” in the Biden administration. Her views include how doctors should worry more about the greater good, than the health of individual patients who may be injured by vaccines.
  • Experts commenting on the death of a fully vaccinated person in Texas blamed the death on the “failure of the immune system in the host” — not the failure of the vaccine.

Watch “This Week” with Mary + Polly:

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