‘This Week’ With Mary + Polly: Ramping Up Fear as Vaccine Demand Drops Off + Bill and Melinda Gates Ask for ‘Privacy’ + More

This week, Mary Holland, Children’s Health Defense (CHD) president, and Polly Tommey, co-producer of “Vaxxed,” cover the latest COVID headlines, including the latest numbers on COVID breakthrough cases, Denmark’s decision to ditch the Johnson & Johnson vaccine and the death of a Kenyan doctor who was an outspoken critic of the HPV and other vaccines.

Here are some of this week’s highlights: 

  • Health officials are ramping up fear that children are at risk from COVID variants, as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration prepares to authorize the Pfizer vaccine for children as young as 12. “They have to hype the variants because kids are at virtually no risk of dying from COVID,” Mary said.
  • Post-vaccine deaths are “rare” and only a small number of very frail elderly are being injured or dying, according to a new UK study. “They’re saying, well, the vaccines aren’t perfect, but the people being injured or dying weren’t good subjects — they’re victim blaming.”
  • According to the World Health Organization’s European drug monitoring agency, there have been 19,916 reports of “eye disorders” — including hundreds of reports of blindness — following COVID vaccines.
  • The Pentagon is tracking 14 cases of heart inflammation in service members who received either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine. “These are young, healthy men,” Mary said. “About 30% – 40% are refusing the vaccine — these are some of the most aware people about vaccine injury and risk.”
  • According to EudraVigilance, the EU vaccine injury reporting system, about twice as many deaths have been reported after COVID vaccines compared with the U.S.  — which makes sense, as the EU has about double the population of the U.S. “We’re getting a sense of the scale of reported injuries,” Mary said.
  • Facing “paltry demand,” the feds are rethinking their vaccination strategy, and redoubling their efforts to reach “stragglers.” “It’s part of the ‘we can’t reopen the country unless everyone gets vaccinated’ strategy,” Mary said.
  • Some employers are taking a wait and see approach to COVID vaccine mandates. “It’s our legal view that no company can mandate an experimental product,” Mary said, adding that even the military upheld the right of service members to refuse the Emergency Use Authorization vaccines. “People will be discriminated against, they’ll lose pensions,” Mary said. “We’re going to need lawyers in every state.” If your employer is mandating the vaccine, download this letter and send it.
  • Venezuela has begun trials of Cuba’s Abdala COVID vaccine using “old-fashioned” vaccine technology that “looks nothing like the other COVID vaccines.”
  • Canada said it will require a vaccine passport passport. “This is not about vaccines, this is about fusing all your information in order to create a “24-hour surveillance system.”
  • In announcing their plan to divorce, Bill and Melinda Gates asked for “space and privacy” for their family. “Maybe they should give us our privacy, too,” Mary said.
  • There will be a hearing Wednesday on Facebook’s motion to dismiss CHD’s lawsuit. The hearing will address: 1) Facebook acting as an agent of the federal government to censor CHD; 2) Facebook downgrading and censoring CHD platforms to protect their profits, which is a racketeering claim; and 3) our Lanham Act complaint alleging Facebook is falsely promoting our competitors.

Watch “This Week” with Mary + Polly:

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