URGENT! Tell the D.C. Council to Stop the COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for School Children!

The kids of Washington, D.C. need you to take immediate action! On Tuesday, Nov. 1, D.C. Council members will vote on whether or not to extend the compliance deadline for the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for students until the 2023-2024 school year.. The law currently in place requires children age 12 and older to be vaccinated before the Jan. 3 deadline in order to remain in school. COVID-19 shots are not only unnecessary for children, but are dangerous and can cause serious injuries and death. It is time to end this mandate for good and give parents the ability to decide whether or not to give these shots to their children without coercion.

The Council passed legislation in October 2021 that required COVID-19 vaccinations for all students age 12 and older within 70 days of the shots receiving full authorization from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in order to remain in school.

In an effort to avoid a mass exodus from the public school system due to poor COVID-19 vaccine uptake, D.C. Deputy Mayor of Education Paul Kihn sent a letter in August notifying public school leaders that the enforcement deadline for students ages 12 – 17 had been pushed back to Jan. 3, 2023.

Children are already suffering academically as a result of lockdowns and other COVID-19 measures. This mandate stands to force parents and children to choose between taking a dangerous product which they have avoided thus far, or go further into a downward academic spiral.

Demand D.C. Council Stop School COVID Vaccine Mandate

D.C. Councilmember Christina Henderson introduced the COVID-19 vaccine mandate bill last year. In a curious turn of events, she is now proposing legislation to delay the mandate until the 2023 – 2024 school year and has further stated that she supports revisiting the requirement to determine whether a mandate should exist at all based on the evolving science.

Let’s build on that momentum. While Councilmember Henderson’s actions are encouraging, we need the rest of the council to understand the same reasoning. Contact the D.C. Council Members right away and urge them to end the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for D.C. kids. Let’s flood their inboxes and voicemail boxes with the truth about these horrendous shots! It’s time they admit just how unfounded and dangerous COVID-19 vaccine mandates are.

Additionally, everyone in the D.C. area is encouraged to join the peaceful protest planned for Tuesday morning:

When: Tuesday, Nov. 1 at 10:45 am

Where: The John A Wilson Building (across from Freedom Plaza)

1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20004

Details: We will gather peacefully on the sidewalk in front of the Wilson Building on Pennsylvania Ave. This is a public sidewalk so we can not block the walkway.

Please bring your signs/posters and positive energy.

METRO stations are Federal Triangle or Metro Center.

There is no public parking at the Wilson Building. However, there are numerous parking garages in the area with the closest garage located next door at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center.

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