WEBINAR: Cell Phone Brain Tumor Litigation — Legislation, Barriers and Opportunities

The Defender reported last week on a new lawsuit filed by the family of a Louisiana pastor alleging cell phone use caused the man’s fatal glioblastoma brain tumor. This is not the first case of its kind — there are more than 70 cell phone brain tumor cases in the U.S. Courts.

As the complaint filed last week demonstrates, there is ample evidence showing cell phones cause brain tumors, and that the telecommunications industry has misled the public to believe that cell phones are safe.

Attorney Hunter Lundy, one of the leading personal injury lawyers in the U.S. and who has been at the forefront of this litigation, and attorney Dafna Tachover, Children’s Health Defense’s (CHD) 5G and Wireless Harms Project director, will shed light on the cell phone brain tumor litigation during a webinar Wednesday, April 28 at 2 p.m. ET / 11 a.m. PT. Register below.

So far, the telecom industry has kept these lawsuits from going to trial — in some cases for as long as 20 years — by using various delay tactics. However an expert report from a retired department director at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a scheduled evidentiary hearing and this new case may be game changers.

The webinar — “Cell Phone Brain Tumor Litigation in the U.S.: Legislation, Barriers & Opportunities” — will cover the history of the litigation; tactics used by the telecom industry to delay these cases from going to trial; legislation and key legal issues that have affected the litigation; the upcoming evidentiary hearing that will decide whether or not these cases will move forward to a jury trial; the opportunities presented by the new case filed in federal court by Lundy and CHD Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.; and why it may help to finally expose what is likely one of the biggest frauds that has ever been perpetuated on the public.

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