Ep. 130 Contra Robert Reich

Contra Krugman with Bob Murphy and Tom Woods


Today we branch out a bit and take on one of Robert Reich’s popular (but obviously simplistic) videos about what’s gone wrong with the economy. Why, we once had strong labor unions, education, and health care, and then big money corrupted politics and we don’t have any of these things, and that’s where our problems come from. We’re further told that the financial crisis was caused by banks “gambling,” and by fraud. (He never asks why the banks should suddenly have started gambling at a particular moment, as opposed to 50 years ago; there certainly was no “deregulation” that artificially encouraged “gambling,” contrary to popular belief.)

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Contra Krugman is a weekly podcast, available on iTunes and Stitcher, that critiques the New York Times column of economist Paul Krugman. Hosts Bob Murphy and Tom Woods belong to the Austrian School of economics, which includes such luminaries as Ludwig von Mises, Nobel Prize winner F.A. Hayek, and Murray N. Rothbard. (Learn more about the Austrian School at our special resource page.) Become more knowledgeable about economics in just 30 minutes a week by listening to Contra Krugman!

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