Ep. 141 Do You Want the Crankish Monetary System We Have Now, or This Other Crankish Monetary System?

Contra Krugman with Bob Murphy and Tom Woods


It’s one thing to find problems with the current monetary system. It’s quite another to recommend an alternative. Switzerland has establishment commentators going berserk over its own proposal — why, this would return us to the “Dark Ages,” warns Business Insider. We’re less interested in Switzerland than we are in figuring out what changes would move us in the right direction, and what changes would amount to the cure being worse than the disease.

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Contra Krugman is a weekly podcast, available on iTunes and Stitcher, that critiques the New York Times column of economist Paul Krugman. Hosts Bob Murphy and Tom Woods belong to the Austrian School of economics, which includes such luminaries as Ludwig von Mises, Nobel Prize winner F.A. Hayek, and Murray N. Rothbard. (Learn more about the Austrian School at our special resource page.) Become more knowledgeable about economics in just 30 minutes a week by listening to Contra Krugman!

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