Arkansas Swamp Part II: Spotlight on Clinton Foundation


The Arkansas swamp continues to bleed, while the spotlight shines on the Clinton Foundation. Part 1 of the Arkansas Swamp covered dozens of arrests, indictments, guilty pleas, and a key chart indicating potential upcoming arrests, from the ongoing investigations taking place in Little Rock, Arkansas. One sung like a bird, while another strong-armed others to remain silent, and yet another set out for murder-to-hire. It is important to review Part 1 to understand the magnitude of the Arkansas swamp, and the potential squeeze it may be putting on the Clinton Foundation. Their investigations have already connected senators, legislators, lobbyists, non-profits, and companies, spanning four states, with the primary focus in Arkansas. Some may believe that the Clintons haven’t been involved in Arkansas dealings for quite some time – they would be mistaken.

Deputy AG Llyod Warford, head of the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit in Little Rock, made it very clear that there are ongoing investigations on a Federal level as well. This is what he had to say when asked if more indictments are coming:

I’m reasonably certain there will be more people charged, either by us or the feds. While our investigation is separate from the federal investigation, we have communicated with them about our targets and their targets, and to some extent there’s been some cooperation.

When Warford was asked if they were investigating any legislators, he said “yes” and confirmed those legislators had not yet been charged. Again, they have four million documents being held in a vault that they created, in addition to 200 GB of data they pulled out of DHS. Warford also confirmed that his unit is investigating Medicaid fraud schemes at other behavioral health providers besides Preferred Family Healthcare. This is important information to make a mental note of.

Before getting to the testimony heard on December 13th, by financial analysts John Moynihan and Larry Doyle on the Clinton Foundation, and how the Arkansas swamp investigations connect to the Clintons, there are a few key events that have taken place over the past couple of weeks.


More Arrests, Convictions & Lawsuits

indictments, arrests, jail, guilty pleasFIRST CASE
Henry Wilkins IV, former Arkansas State Senator and Jefferson County Judge, who pleaded guilty in April to conspiring to commit offences against the United States, was scheduled for sentencing on December 7th after already having been delayed. It was then postponed again, until January 30, 2019, based on a sealed motion granted by Chief US District Judge Brian Miller in Little Rock. Both the government and Wilkins’ attorneys filed a joint motion to postpone sentencing. Why would sentencing be postponed for a man who pleaded guilty eight months prior? What’s in that newly sealed motion? Are they still working on a plea deal, and possibly gathering additional information to their ongoing investigation? Henry Wilkins IV comes from three generations of family members in the political arena, and the connections to the Bill and Hillary Clinton are significant, as seen later in this article.

On November 5th Harold “H.L.” Moody, a special events coordinator for Pulaski County Youth Services, was arrested on two counts of receipt of child pornography, three counts of distribution of child pornography, and a single count of conspiring to advertise child pornography. He also smoked methamphetamine while at his desk during regular work hours. Moody had that job for nearly two years before his arrest and was previously a DNC political consultant. He was a communications director for the Democratic Party of Arkansas for a year-and-a-half, and prior to that, he was chairman of the Pulaski Democratic Party for two years.

The nature of the photographs and videos Moody is accused of distributing, contain images of babies and young children being raped. According to agent Bennett’s testimony, she observed Moody as initially viewing the images, then distributing them, and had escalated to hosting sessions whereby people in a secure chatroom were streaming live videos of infants being raped. Despite all of this, Moody’s attorney stated that if the judge allowed him to remain free while awaiting trial in January, there were two business owners who offered to let Moody work for them. Those businesses were not disclosed. There is a connection to this case described further down in this article.

Attorneys for Jim Parsons, a former Ecclesia College board member, is suing Preferred Family Healthcare and its subsidiaries Decision Point, Dayspring Behavioral Health Services, and Wilbur D. Mills Treatment Center, for ill-gotten state taxpayer money. His attorneys filed the illegal exaction lawsuit on November 27, 2018. This is an interesting case, as it names additional names that are not listed in past arrests or indictments, and could very well be some of the players listed in indictments as “Person” or “Employee” (see key chart in Part 1). The suit also lists executives and board members or lobbyists. The suit lists $52.8 million from state taxpayers between 2011 and 2016, distributed by Arkansas DHS’s Medicaid programs.

Some of the names listed in this suit, that are not already listed in previous arrests or indictments, are Mark Kastner, Lisa Fairley, Gary McMurtry, Patricia Wallace, Stan Melton, John Benson, Wendell Parish, Robert Berry, and Anthony Henderson. The lawsuit doesn’t involve Ecclesia College, another Arkansas case covered in Part 1, however, Parsons is suing the college in Washington County Circuit Court, seeking the return of funds that were involved in that kickback scheme as well.

Another conviction in a Philadelphia case recently took place on December 3rd, which just so happens to include D.A. Jones, a lobbyist who waved his right to a grand jury and pleaded guilty in December, 2017 for conspiring with a former Arkansas state legislator and Preferred Family Healthcare to spend nearly $1 million on illegal political activity and kickbacks to conspirators. This case is covered in the Arkansas Swamp Part 1. Kenneth Smukler of Pennsylvania was convicted of making and concealing illegal campaign contributions in two Congressional primary elections. Smukler worked for Congressman Bob Brady, who was running against Philadelphia Municipal Judge Jimmie Moore, and orchestrated a payment of $90,000 with Moore’s campaign manager Carolyn Cavaness, and campaign consultant D.A. Jones, to pay Moore off, so he would drop out of the primary election. They have all pleaded guilty in this case, except Brady. Brady was being investigated as of November 2017, announced in January he would not run for reelection, and as of November 2018, despite testimony from all involved stating that Brady was complicit, litigators seemed to have run out the clock on the statute of limitations. Carolyn Cavaness is a former Hillary Clinton staffer.

Thus far, the Arkansas swamp arrests, indictments, and guilty pleas, travel across several state lines, including Arkansas, Pennsylvania, Missouri, and Oklahoma. These are bundles of corrupt political webs, directly impacting legislation, elections, and taxpayer dollars, that form a much bigger network.


Critical Testimony on The Clinton Foundation

December 13, 2018 was a day of anticipation for many that were waiting to hear from US Attorney John Huber about his findings on the Clinton Foundation. However, US Representative Mark Meadows, and financial analysts John Moynihan, and Larry Doyle all suggested he was not present at the hearing due to ongoing investigations into the Clinton Foundation. Interestingly, Moynihan and Doyle stated they sent documents to Huber’s office three times because his office stated they “misplaced” the documents. Meanwhile, they are confident that the FBI in Little Rock is in fact investigating the Clintons, and even have photos of the IRS and FBI loading a 757 plane with boxes of Clinton Foundation documents. When taking all of this information into consideration, it suggests that the investigation into the Clinton Foundation may have always resided with the FBI in Little Rock, and Huber may not even be involved in those specific investigations. It’s difficult to say at this point. One thing is for certain, it has been kept very quiet and without leaks.

On the same day as the hearing, It was later reported that Huber had been attending a media round table in Utah with FBI Special Agent in Charge Eric Barnhart, to alert the public to victims of child exploitation, and discussed other topics on gangs, drug activity, and violent crimes. Both Barnhart and Huber reported that offenders are likely to commit the same crimes after being released from even lengthy prison terms and the best treatment efforts. Huber stated that his office takes on some of the worst cases you can imagine, and one particular case involved 600 images of child pornography. He had this to say about it:

600 images of child pornography translate to 600 victims who have been raped, sodomized, and otherwise exploited for sexual gratification. That’s why these crimes are serious… this isn’t looking at a dirty magazine… this is harming children, exploiting them and passing on those images and videos.

It’s supply and demand, and there’s a great demand. I don’t know what we do as a society to cure that problem, to lessen that problem, but it is a growing demand and it’s ever present, and our children are, unfortunately, the fodder and the currency in that world.


The House Oversight Subcommittee hearing on the Clinton Foundation proceeded without Huber. Tom Fitton from Judicial Watch, Associate Professor of Law Phillip Hackney, and outside whistleblowers and financial analysts Larry Doyle and John Moynihan, were all in attendance to testify. Doyle and Moynihan had been meticulously working on the Clinton Foundation financials and taxes for three years, and had submitted documents to the FBI in Little Rock, as well as several jurisdictions on both local and state levels. Their testimony provided some key information. As of December 20th, the transcript and video currently remain on c-span, but may one day be scrubbed. Corey’s Digs has preserved the video, should it ever need to be resurrected.


Key takeaways from the testimony of Moynihan and Doyle, per c-span transcript (type errors included):

• “We sent our appeal in with a FOE COE – photo copy of the FBI and IRS removing boxes from the Clinton Foundation after they brought a 757 down and taken the materials out of the Clinton Foundation in Little Rock, Arkansas. We sent that to demonstrate that your letter coming from Atlanta doesn’t reconcile with what’s going on in Little Rock.”

• “It was an open and ongoing investigation he couldn’t comment on. That would indeed indicate there’s an investigation.”

• “He stated (Clinton Foundation CFO Andrew Kessel) very specifically, and it took us both off guard, I’ve been doing this a long time, but when someone says, I know where all the bodies are buried.”

• “Overall it might have been 40% by our calculations, ended up going to programs, and 60% was administrative.” (This refers to the amount of CF funds that went to administrative, which is generally 15% for non-profits.)

• “Mr. Doyle, you said from $400 million to $2.5 billion might be subject to taxation. So you’re saying, worst case is in your opinion $400 million were improperly used in a charitable foundation named the ‘Clinton Foundation’, is that correct?” Doyle: “Yes.”

• “They were brokering money and brokering pharmaceuticals. They were an agent of money through these donors. They would take a fee, and broker the money and broker relationships with pharmaceutical companies. By the same token, they were brokering the pharmaceuticals and taking some.”

• “Our conclusions, in the interest of time, are this – foreign agent. The Foundation began acting as an agent of foreign governments throughout its life and continues to do so. As such, they should have registered under FARWA. The auditors acknowledged this fact and conceded in formal submissions that it did not operate as an agent.”

• Meadows: All right, so who approved the 501-C-3 status for the Foundation? Moynihan: Would have been the IRS. Meadows: Do you have the document? Moynihan: We have it. We’ve got the determination letters. Meadows: It was approved for what? Building a library or? Moynihan: The initial approval was simply for library. Meadows: Who modified it? Moynihan: We saw no modifications to the articles of incorporation. …. In order to go forward the application has a schedule G that asks you if CHAI is a successor organization to a previous one, so you have the library, then you have this CHAI running unapproved. You gotta get approved….. They go and make an application, and on the form schedule G, when it’s asked, is this a successor operation, they specifically and affirmatively answered no. That is a misrepresentation because it’s the same people doing the same thing.


Clinton Health Matters Initiative Operating in Arkansas During Ongoing Investigations


In November 2012 the Clintons launchedClinton Health Matters Initiative’ in partnership with GE, Tenet Healthcare Corporation, and Verizon, to focus on health issues in underserved communities. According to their 5-year plan, they state, “the Clinton Foundation announced that Central Arkansas (Pulaski County) would be the site of the second Community Health Transformation community. From its inception, CHMI designed this work with both a national and regional focus in Central Arkansas, with the support of core strategic partners and the Clinton Presidential Center. CHMI will serve as a convener of key local stakeholders, across sectors to implement a locally developed blueprint for action, based on each community’s unique health indicators.” Verizon was to address the health gaps by providing remote and home patient monitoring technologies as a key component to CHMI.

Other regions within CHMI’s Community Health Transformation (CHT) portfolio include Adams County, Mississippi; Northeast Florida (Jacksonville); Greater Houston, Texas; Knox County, Illinois; and San Diego County, California. In 2018, CHMI completed its five-year engagement in the Coachella Valley, California.

GE, Clinton Foundation, Tenet Healthcare Corporation

This partnership may raise eyebrows, considering the decades-long investigations and corruption within these organizations. Tenet Healthcare Corporation has been under numerous investigations dating back to 2000, resulting in almost $2 billion in fines and settlements over kickbacks, Medicaid and Medicare fraud, and likely more with the recent charges on October 3, 2016 for defrauding the US while making illegal payments in exchange for patient referrals, with a fine of $513 million. Then again, on February 1, 2017, a former executive was charged for alleged role in $400 million scheme to defraud Medicaid programs and patients of Tenet hospitals.

Meanwhile, GE was just hit with new investigations from SEC and the Justice Department in October, adding to the SEC investigation from January over GE’s accounting tactics as well as a $6.2 billion insurance loss. In 2009, the SEC charged GE with accounting fraud which resulted in a $50 million settlement charge. There are also multiple lawsuits against GE in the courts, including shareholders against GE.

Over on the Verizon front, there’s been a lot of heat on them for throttling firefighters’ data connections during the wildfire crisis in California. The fire department had purchased an unlimited data plan from Verizon, but once they hit 25GB usage, Verizon began throttling their speed to 1/200 or less. Even after Verizon was alerted that it was affecting their ability to provide emergency service, they continued to slow data speeds until the fire department purchased a more expensive plan to speed up the service.

The Clinton Foundation has been under scrutiny for over a decade and is allegedly under investigation in Little Rock right now, according to multiple source, which was first reported by John Solomon at The Hill in January 2018. This partnership consists of four organizations, three of which have been under investigations spanning well over a decade, and some of whom have already been charged for fraud multiple times.

Clinton Health Matters Initiative is another “initiative” operating as a fictitious name under the Clinton Foundation, and was never filed correctly with the IRS. Therefore, from 2012-2017 it was operating illegally, working in health areas that was far outside the scope of what the Clinton Foundation was approved for by the IRS. The CEO, Alex Chan, of Clinton Health Matters Initiative, is also the CEO of the Clinton Foundation. The regional director Tionna Jenkins, previously served a three-year appointment to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Regional Equity Council.

Their five-year plan goes on to state:  Arkansas’s rate of total uninsured residents declined by 50 percent between 2013 and 2016 and the rate of uninsured children in Arkansas dropped in 2016 to four percent. This is due in part to the implementation of the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion – also known as the private option and now rebranded as “Arkansas Works” – which was approved by the state legislature in 2013.

Medicaid is a key component in their work, and also happens to be a key component with the investigations and indictments rolling out in the Arkansas Swamp, all of which is separate from ongoing Federal investigations that have a lid on them. There are 35 states that have implemented the “Medicaid expansion,” which allows for Americans earning up to 138 percent of the federal poverty level to qualify for Medicaid under Obama’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

States were given this option to expand Medicaid, but what makes Arkansas unique, is that they accept the federal money provided through the ACA to buy private insurance for about 250,000 eligible low-income residents, through the marketplace. This was an approved plan by the federal government in September 2013. They were the first state to work with the Obama administration on creating this unique plan, and then-Gov.  Beebe was pleased to get it passed, despite the fact that it would be much costlier for the federal government who was willing to pay 100 percent of the costs for the Medicaid expansion up until 2017.

In December, Iowa followed suit with utilizing the funds for residents to purchase private insurance, and in March of 2015, New Hampshire did the same. In 2014, under Governor Corbett, Pennsylvania obtained a waiver to expand Medicaid for buying private insurance as well, but Governor Wolf transitioned it back to traditional Medicaid expansion in 2015.

That said, there are a few states, including Arkansas, that are now instituting work requirements for Medicaid adults, which is creating a lot of issues in the courts. A federal judge in Kentucky temporarily blocked the requirement from taking effect, and two of the groups that challenged Kentucky’s work requirement are now trying to put a halt to Arkansas’ requirement.

The timeline of this Medicaid expansion is rather interesting, when comparing it to both the Clinton’s new initiative, as well as the investigations, especially taking into consideration the amount of Medicaid fraud charges that seem to be exploding over the past several years. The Medicaid timeline is broken down below.

To put CHMI’s reach in perspective, they partner with more than 200 stakeholders from the public, private, and philanthropic sectors and strategic partners from the health and wellness community. Together, they created a five-year strategy to improve health and wellness in Central Arkansas, known as a “Blueprint for Action.” Here is a very short list of those partnering with the Clinton Foundation, GE, and Verizon in this initiative:

• Pulaski County Youth Services
• Arkansas Department of Human Services (DCFS), Department of Youth Services
New Futures for Youth
• Planned Parenthood
• Winthrop Rockefeller Institute
• Loop Capital Markets
Ben Noble, Noble Strategies, LLC (Tyson foods, Riceland Foods, Inc.)
• American Red Cross
• Governor’s Office, Governor Mike Beebe
• Little Rock Mayor’s Office and Mayor Riley McKinzie of Wrightsville, AR
• Little Rock Police Department
• Pulaski County Sheriff’s Office
• Alliance for a Healthier Generation
• Mexican Consulate, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
• Arkansas Department of Health and Department of Education
• Little Rock School District
• University of Arkansas at Little Rock
• AT & T, Verizon Wireless and Comcast
• Numerous hospitals, schools, churches, commissions and foundations

This begs the question, how is it CPAs, attorneys, financial analysts, and a seemingly large number of the American people are fully aware that this “initiative” is operating illegally, yet these folks continue to do work with them?

In 2013, they held a roundtable breakfast, and had this to say about it: “In addition to the key stakeholder interviews and engagement strategy, a corporate roundtable breakfast was held in 2013 in parallel with our efforts to collect information through the interviews and health outcomes data. CHMI, in partnership with then-Governor Mike Beebe; Dr. Joe Thompson, Arkansas Surgeon General; Dr. Joe Bates, senior public health advisor; and Grant Tennille, executive director, of the Arkansas Economic Development Commission hosted this breakfast to introduce CHMI to the Arkansas corporate and business community to support the work of existing public private partnerships and garner both national and local connections that address immediate needs in the region.”

One such partner is ‘Arkansas Impact Philanthropy’ (AIP)
In December 2015, the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation, Clinton Foundation, and the Council on Foundations co-hosted a meeting at the Clinton Presidential Center on the local relevance of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, in alignment with the Blueprint’s goal for Central Arkansas. In October 2016, they joined again, along with the Arkansas Community Foundation, to host the Bold Ideas Gathering (BIG), bringing together 50 leaders from 26 philanthropic organizations to form Arkansas Impact Philanthropy. Their focus is to work together to address access to health care, quality education, and family-supporting jobs.

Since their inception, foundations such as Tyson Foundation, Mary Reynold Babcock Foundation, Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation, Walmart Foundation, Carl and Florence King Foundation, Arkansas Community Foundation, and Delta Dental are just a handful of the foundations working together on this joint project. The Arkansas Community Foundation is a statewide foundation that was founded in 1976 with an initial investment of $258,000 from the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation, which they continue to give grants to today. Just this October, the Winthrop Rockefeller Charitable Trust gifted $100 million to the University of Arkansas, who is also working with CHMI. Winthrop Rockefeller moved to Arkansas in 1953, served as the 37th governor from 1967-1971, and passed away in 1973 at the age of 60.

Another Partner is The Arkansas Center for Health Improvement (ACHI)
In addition to the University and state departments, they are partnered with the Clinton Foundation as listed under ‘partner organizations’ document from 2013. ACHI refers to themselves as a “nonpartisan, independent, health policy center that serves as a catalyst to improve the health of Arkansas.” They implement local, state, and federal programs to improve health in Arkansas communities and schools. They work in partnership with many initiatives, including Alliance for a Healthier Generation founded by the American Heart Association and the Clinton Foundation, the Clinton Health Matters Initiative, numerous health clinics, Walmart, food programs and other initiatives.


Timeline on Medicaid Program in Arkansas

The Arkansas Medicaid expansion program has operated under federal government waivers under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Democratic President Barack Obama signed the federal law in 2010.

November 2012 The Clintons created Clinton Health Matters Initiative in Arkansas. Just as with CHAI, it is a fictitious name that was never filed properly under the Clinton Foundation.

December 2012 The Obama administration suggested that states could use premium support in their Medicaid expansions. Health and Human Services stated, “Under Medicaid and CHIP statutory options, states can use federal and state Medicaid and CHIP funds to deliver Medicaid and CHIP coverage through the purchase of private health insurance.” The federal government would pay 100% of the Medicaid expansion through 2017.

April 23, 2013 then-Gov. Beebe worked with Arkansas legislatures to craft an alternative private option. Rather than expanding Medicaid, they would use the federal Medicaid expansion fund to help those eligible to buy private insurance coverage. Arkansas lead this plan, and a few other states later followed suit.

September 25, 2013 Obama and Clinton took the stage to promote ‘Obamacare.’

September 27, 2013 The federal government approved the Medicaid expansion plan in Arkansas to allow them to use the funding for over 230,000 residents to utilize the marketplace to seek private insurance plans.

December 31, 2014 Over 213,000 had already enrolled in the private option.

January 14, 2015 Attorney General Leslie Rutledge’s administration’s first full day at the Little Rock attorney general’s office, which included a mass firing of 32 staff from Dustin McDaniel’s last day on the 12th. Rutledge hired seven new staff members, with additional vacancies to be filled, including Lloyd Warford who was made deputy attorney general in charge of the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit. The same Warford overseeing the investigations itemized in Arkansas Swamp part 1.

February 5, 2015 Gov. Asa Hutchinson recommends extending it, while creating a task force to look for alternative actions beyond 2016.

December 29, 2015, They rebrand the plan to be called ‘Arkansas Works’.

February 18, 2016 Former Deputy Director of Arkansas Department of Human Services Steven B. Jones was sentenced to 30 months in prison for engaging in a bribery scheme involving two mental health companies that provided inpatient and outpatient services to juveniles, owned by Theodore Suhl. Jones and former probation officer, Phillip Carter accepted multiple cash payments and “other things of value” from Suhl. Numerous other cases involving legislative fraud, wire fraud, and Medicaid fraud followed with senators, lobbyists, legislatures, clinics, and non-profits.

April 2017 Bill Clinton praised Arkansas Medicaid expansion, at the CHMI summit in Little Rock.

In Early 2018 Arkansas became the third state to receive approval from HHS to implement a work requirement for Medicaid adults.

March 2018, the Arkansas Democrat Gazette reported: After months of uncertainty, the Arkansas House of Representatives on Wednesday approved a measure giving spending authority of $8.2 billion to the state Division of Medical Services and clearing the way for the continuance of the state’s Medicaid expansion in the coming fiscal year.

September 2018 Arkansas Times published an article revealing some of the unsealed text messages from the Preferred Family Healthcare case involving numerous now-former-senators, lobbyists and legislators, that indicate:

References to vote trading that seemed to indicate votes for the Arkansas Works Medicaid expansion were won by trading for votes in favor of behavioral health spending advocated by Rusty Cranford, who’s pleaded guilty to multiple kickback and illegal contribution schemes to build the Preferred Family Healthcare behavioral health colossus. It was fueled by millions in state Medicaid money.


Clinton Connections to Investigations That Raise Questions

Former Gov. Mike Beebe

Then-Gov. Mike Beebe received $26,000 in campaign funds from executives with Preferred Family Healthcare, their family members, or related subsidiaries between 2010 and 2016. He is on the list of 12 politicians whom received campaign contributions over $4k from them. It is not known as to whether or not he was aware of the corruption at that time. Beebe served as Arkansas’s 45th Gov. from 2007 – 2015.

In 2013, the Clinton Foundation stated that they were working in partner with Gov. Beebe with their CHMI program.

One of Beebe’s most notable successes in his administration was passing the state’s Medicaid expansion program, then called the private option, in a Republican-controlled legislature. Beebe told the crowd his White House go-to was Vice President Joe Biden.


Henry Wilkins IV

Former state senator, state representative, and Jefferson County Judge Henry Wilkins IV pleaded guilty on April 30, 2018 to accepting over $80,000 in bribes in exchange for influencing Arkansas state legislation and transactions, including steering approximately $245,000 in Arkansas General Improvement funds to his co-conspirators, and to devising a scheme to conceal the bribe payments as donations to St. James United Methodist Church in Pine Bluff, where Wilkins also served as a pastor. While serving the Arkansas General Assembly from 2010-2014, Wilkins admits to accepting a series of bribes from lobbyists and non-profit organizations, in exchange for filing shell bills, sponsoring full bills, and voting in favor of specific legislation.

One of the non-profits was Preferred Family Healthcare (PFH), which entailed Wilkins working with PFH executives, former AR state senator Jonathan Woods, lobbyists Rusty Cranford and Eddie Cooper, and consultant Donald Andrew Jones, all of whom have pleaded guilty.

Wilkins was also involved with the Former Executive Director of Non-Profit, Jerry Walsh who pleaded guilty on July 19, 2018 to conspiring to divert over $380,000 from South Arkansas Youth Services (SAYS). The scheme involved steering the non-profit’s funds to Henry Wilkins and the lobbying firm of convicted lobbyist Rusty Cranford, in exchange for the senator agreeing to influence Arkansas officials regarding state contracts with DHS and DYS.

Henry Wilkins IV comes from a family that has been in politics for three generations. Henry Wilkins son Wesley worked as an administrative assistant at the attorney general’s office until January 2015, when the Rutledge administration moved in and dismissed 32 staff, including 15 lawyers and 7 new hires, in a mass firing. Wesley Wilkins was one of the employees let go. His father, the late Henry “Hank” Wilkins III was a state legislator who was friendly with Bill Clinton, and introduced his daughter Cassandra’s husband, Rodney Slater, to Bill Clinton decades ago. In 1982 Slater began campaigning for Bill Clinton to regain the governor’s seat, and the following year, became the assistant to governor Clinton from 1983-1987. From 1987-1993 he was a member of the Arkansas State Highway Commission, as well as director of governmental affairs for Arkansas State University.

Both Cassandra Wilkins, Henry Wilkins IV’s sister, and her husband Rodney Slater followed Bill Clinton straight to the White House. In 1993 Clinton appointed Slater to the director of the federal highway administration, and in 1994 appointed Cassandra to senior advisor to the social security commissioner. In 1997 Clinton appointed Slater to be the secretary of transportation, and in 1998 Slater passed the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21), making a record $200 billion investment in surface transportation. The Clintons threw a big party at the White House that year, with a guest list that included British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Sir Elton John, Barbra Streisand, John Kennedy Jr. and his wife Carolyn, Tom Hanks, Steven Spielberg, Warren Buffet, other celebrities and big names, and a host of politicians including Linda Chesterfield, Cassandra Wilkins and Rodney Slater.

Cemex, the largest cement company in the world (according to Cemex), benefited greatly from the Transportation Equity Act that was passed. In Cemex’s 1999 annual report, they stated that this Act could increase government outlays for highways and bridges by more than 40% over the next six years, and that the major impact should be seen during the first half of 2000.

In 2000, Cemex reported that their net sales in the US were $769 million, up 30% in cement sales and 21% in ready-mix sales, from 1999, and that the cement demand is expected to continue, stemming from the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century. The largest demand was seen in Arizona and California. In November, Cemex completed its acquisition of Southdown, Inc., the second-largest cement producer in the United States.

On Christmas Eve in 2000, Gov. Bill Janklow announced a deal to sell the state-owned South Dakota cement plant in Rapid City to GCC, which is partly owned by Cemex, to the tune of $252.3 million. Janklow called a special session of the state legislature for December 28th to approve the deal and stated it must be completed by the end of the calendar year because GCC made the deal conditional upon acceptance by December 31st.

Since Slater’s time at the White House, he has served on the board for Africare, a nonprofit providing development aid to countries in Africa, United Way, Delta Air Lines, and Verizon. He became a partner at the law firm Squire Patton Boggs LLP in 2001. Bill Clinton is very familiar with the Boggs family, and may or may not have been instrumental in Slater moving over to Squire Patton Boggs LLP upon leaving the White House. In 1997, then president Bill Clinton appointed 81-year-old Lindy Boggs as US Ambassador to the Vatican, where she served until 2001. David Dunn, from Squire Patton Boggs LLP is also a good friend of Hillary’s according to an email between herself, David Dunn and Cheryl Mills.


Rusty Cranford

Former executive and board member of Preferred Family Healthcare (PFH) and Arkansas Lobbyist, Rusty Cranford, operated three lobbying firms; The Cranford Coalition, The Capital Hill Coalition, Outcomes of Arkansas. Cranford was Indicted and pleaded guilty to one count of federal program bribery detailed in this plea agreement. Cranford bribed Arkansas elected officials in a multi-million-dollar scheme, plus embezzled millions of dollars from PFH, working with PFH executives, Jonathan Woods, Henry Wilkins IV, Eddie Wayne Cooper, and Donald Andrew Jones. He also worked with APPOINTED officials on legislation to help the charity, as well as steering grants and other sources of funding to the charity.

SECOND CASE: Cranford is also accused of giving kickbacks to Jonathan Woods and Micah Neal, in which they funneled $400,000 in state grants to AmeriWorks, a company of Cranford’s.

THIRD CASE: Murder-for-Hire – Cranford tried to arrange the murder of Donald Andrew Jones to prevent him from testifying about the kickbacks Cranford was receiving. Jones has pleaded guilty for his role in the bribery schemes, and his sentence is pending.

FOURTH CASE: Cranford was also involved with Jerry Walsh, the former executive director of South Arkansas Youth Services (SAYS), and Henry Wilkins former Arkansas state senator, to steer the funds from SAYS to Wilkins and Cranford in exchange for Wilkins agreeing to influence Arkansas officials regarding state contracts with DHS and DYS.


Linda Chesterfield

Rusty Cranford has direct ties to Arkansas state senator Linda Chesterfield, who was on Hillary’s 2016 campaign “Leadership Council” in Arkansas. The Arkansas Times reported that Chesterfield received an income of $12,500 from Preferred Family Healthcare (PFH), as “diversity outreach consultant” in 2016, and her response to that was, “I did an honest day’s work for an honest day’s pay, and no one has questioned me about this matter but you.” They state that she helped PFH receive state money on top of millions it received through Medicaid. Between 2010-2016 she also received $5,600 in campaign funds from either PFH executives, their family members, or their subsidiaries.


Carolyn Cavaness

Cavaness, who pleaded guilty for campaign fraud in Case #4 above, worked as a deputy finance director for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign before she went to work for Moore.


Harold “H.L.” Moody

As listed above under Case #2, Harold worked for Pulaski County Youth Services, where he was arrested on pornography charges involving live streaming chat rooms where infants were being raped. CHMI works with several youth services, including Pulaski County Youth Services. In addition, he was a communications director for the Democratic Party of Arkansas for a year-and-a-half, and prior to that, he was chairman of the Pulaski Democratic Party for two years. Some of Moody’s friends and associates include Chad Griffin who is head of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), and Jason Wiest co-host of The Big Gay Radio Show and former deputy director of communications at the office of Gov. Mike Beebe, as shown in a video clip Harold Moody posted to his facebook page, along with hundreds of photos with politicians at political events.


In February 2016, the Hillary Clinton campaign in Arkansas, announced its “Leadership Council” which included Gov. Mike Beebe and wife Ginger, three spouses of regular columnists of the Arkansas Times, Rodney Slater, Linda Chesterfield, and Cassandra Wilkins Slater, just to name a few.


What does all of this mean for the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation?

To summarize, the Bill and Hillary Clinton are operating an illegal fictitious company under the Clinton Foundation, in partnership with GE and Tenet Healthcare Corporation, both of whom have been charged for fraud in the past and are currently under investigation again, together with Verizon, all with a focus on healthcare and Medicaid in Little Rock. They ran this program throughout Pulaski County for five years, from 2012-2017, during a time where investigations into Medicaid fraud and looking into behavioral health care facilities, with a strong focus on legislators (past and present), were taking place, and future arrests are eminent. There are also ongoing Federal investigations taking place simultaneously, in which it would appear as though the Clinton Foundation is one of those investigations.

They have connections to the Pulaski County Youth Services, where the former DNC consultant was recently arrested on pornography charges of streaming live chat rooms where infants were being raped. They also have connections to Henry Wilkins, Casandra Wilkins Slater, and many arms that extend from the Wilkins family. They have connections with Linda Chesterfield and Governor Beebe, both of whom accepted campaign money from Preferred Family Healthcare. Linda Chesterfield, on was on Hillary Clinton’s leadership council for her 2016 presidential campaign, and has connections with Rusty Cranford, the key central figure in Warford’s investigation. And finally, Linda Cavaness, who pleaded guilty to campaign fraud, used to be a deputy finance director for Hillary’s 2008 presidential campaign.

The Clinton Foundation, through Clinton Health Matters Initiative, had over 200 supporters working with them, from the police departments to the governor’s office, the department of human services where the deputy director pleaded guilty in February 2016 to bribery schemes and is serving a 30-month prison sentence, to the department of health and education, the university and school district, as well as the Winthrop Rockefeller Institute, Planned Parenthood, and Loop Capital Markets – just to name a few. All of these businesses and institutions are complicit in working with an illegally operating entity, Clinton Health Matters Initiative.

Add to this, the Wilkins case sentencing being pushed back several times in joint motions between his attorneys and government, all raises one very important question – are these investigations heading down a track that can only end at Clinton station, or perhaps the library?


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