Clear Your Mind and Recalibrate


There is no doubt that we are all experiencing some of the
most trying times in our lives right now. Emotions are high and swinging like a
pendulum from hope to anger, with a little bit of everything in between.
Confusion, frustration, and depression have set in for many, while others
continue to battle on, despite their exhaustion.

Many, like myself, have been researching and exposing
corruption at the highest levels, darn near 24/7, for years. It felt much like
running a marathon – racing to expose as much as possible so people were equipped
with the knowledge they needed to make the best choices for themselves, their
family, and the greater good. It was like being on an adrenalin sugar high,
with a drastic crash. Though it sometimes feels as though we failed at this
mission, nothing could be further from the truth. This is only the beginning.
That said, it’s important to take some time to recalibrate, as different paths
lay before us, and we need to be fully fueled for this next journey.

A lot of people feel lost and aren’t quite sure what to do
moving forward, how to fight back, where to live, what choices to make for
their families as new legislation is stacking the shelves in an unlawful
dictatorship, and how to discern fact from fiction while misinformation pours
out like psychopaths on crack cocaine.

My Suggestion?

Unwind, get back to the basics, clean house, and take care
of yourself before making any rash decisions or spinning out on the social
media merry-go-round. A clearing of the mind and cleansing of the space is
absolutely necessary, because this is a psychological battle first and
foremost. Get your head on straight to open the way for faith and battling the
spiritual warfare front. Once you’re balanced in those two areas and have fully
recalibrated, then the physical aspects will come much easier, more clearly,
and be more manageable.

To clear the mind, you have to unplug from all exterior
noise and distractions, and not just for an hour. This will likely require
days. For anyone suggesting that “you can’t leave the battlefield right now!” –
you can. It’s temporary. If you don’t take time for training, you will be
useless to yourself and those around you. And by training, I mean – the
battlefield just changed direction and kicked up about ten notches. It is
necessary to be able to hear yourself above all of the chatter, to see with a
new set of eyes, and to balance yourself accordingly. They are rapidly trying
to change the game with intimidation and trying to propel you into a tailspin.
Don’t let them.

Unplug for a bit. Turn off notifications and the leaky valve
that is constantly dripping propaganda into your mind. Shut it down. No matter
how smart you may be, a constant inflow of visuals, content, and sound bites
impact the brain. Clean your house, organize files on your computers, and get
things in order. Clutter around you and clutter in the mind is a recipe for
disaster. Pull in all of the little sensory items that bring you to a more
peaceful state of mind, such as a scented candle, incense, windchimes, music,
fresh air from a cracked window (even in the wintertime), fresh flowers, etc.
Stimulate your senses so your focus remains positive. Do something wild that
gives you a sense of release, laughter, or inspiration. Jam your favorite tunes
and dance like a fool throughout your house, if that’s what makes you feel
good. It’s a great release.

If you have neglected your health over these past several
years, get back to it. Allow yourself to sleep in or take naps, get in a run,
yoga, Qi gong, weights, bike ride, or whatever raises your energy. Consider
meditating or sitting silent in nature or in front of a sunny window inside and
let your mind settle. Be still. Disciplining the mind to be still will be quite
valuable moving forward. Release the anger, betrayal, or hopelessness you feel
and focus your emotions on the feeling of love you have for people in your
life. Hold onto that.

Some folks believe that all of this will turn around in
short order, justice will be served, and we will have a beautiful new country. I
certainly see all of the moves being made on all sides, and hope that some of
this comes to fruition, but either way – the battlefield has changed and a
recalibration is needed.

This movement has become 80+ million strong, making up 25%
of this country, and the first step to taking it back is clearing the mind to
see with precision and having the energy and stamina to endure and slice
through the BS. Once the mind and faith are restored, the planning, organizing,
and implementation needs to be carried out by those with the aptitude and skill
to lead on local levels across the entire country.

People from all walks of life, with all different skills
will be needed to create and build systems that slice straight through the
heart of this false reality of a “humane world” they wish for us. Navigating
around it, inside it, and through it will be critical, but that is for a
separate article.

First, clear your mind, restore your energy, and recalibrate.

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