Exploiting Transgenders Part 1: Manufacturing an Industry


Manufacturing an Industry

How do you
build an industry? How do you market it and provide support backing up your
marketing? How do you exploit a community, while creating a glamorized trend
throughout society, stemming from chaos and confusion? How do you grow your
margins and take it all the way to the bank? How do you do all of this, and
still sleep at night? The exploitation and manufacturing of the transgender “industry”
kicked off in the 1950s with a mix of social and medical engineering, with a moving
target on children. The manufacturing of this industry goes far beyond anyone’s
wildest imagination, and if you dare question it, it is discrimination. The
real discriminators are those exploiting a community who truly suffer from
trauma, depression, and an attempted suicide rate of 40 percent. They are the
ones who should be angrier than anyone about the atrocities these people have
committed. They are now exploiting your children, and they have taken this to
dangerous extremes. 

• A study by Johns Hopkins researchers shows “gender-affirming” surgeries have increased four-fold from 2000-2014.

• More than 40% of transgender people attempt suicide with a higher portion resulting after reassignment surgery, and the suicide rate is nineteen times higher than the general population.

• Less than 1% of the population identifies as transgender with 23% of them identifying as heterosexual.

• Only 4.5% of American adults identify as LGBTQ, yet teaching about these different sexualities and sex has already made it into state law in four states and counting, while seeding young children’s minds with the idea that switching genders is like choosing between an Almond Joy or a Snickers bar.

• There are over 25,000 adverse reports including 1500 deaths on Lupron products for puberty blockers, endometriosis, and prostate cancer. Manufactured by AbbVie, Lupron Depot-Ped is the number one prescribed puberty blocker, which is being used on children for early stages of gender transitioning, despite never having been approved by the FDA for that purpose.

• Multiple states now offer “Gender X,” a non-binary third gender option on state ID cards, driver’s licenses, and birth certificates, by way of using “discrimination” for passing new legislation. This is a global epidemic.

Why are transgender people being glamorized, the idea of switching genders pushed upon children, and it’s all prohibited from being discussed or debated? The remaking of a population by creating mass confusion and chaos while dishing out puberty blockers as though it’s the next best Botox treatment, has avalanched into dangerous territory. Faster than one could daringly speak the incorrect pronoun, gender clinics are popping up across this country, surgeons are sharpening their scalpels, and money is pouring into this agenda. With the suicide rate of transgenders being nineteen times greater than the general population and a large percent of transitioned transgenders wishing they hadn’t done so, one wonders how this destructive agenda got its kickstart and who’s really benefiting from it. Certainly not those dealing with gender dysphoria.

Part one will
take you through the timeline and origins of the social engineering used to
create this industry. Part two will cover the medical engineering behind this,
and the danger to children. Part three will get into those funding this agenda
and those profiting from it. Part four will show how they have manufactured a
reality, who’s assisted, and how it must be stopped.

Pivotal Moments & The Kickstart of Exploiting Transgenders to Manufacture an Industry

Though the
first gay periodical dates back to 1896 in Berlin, the first pro-gay film was
released in 1919, and the first gay bar in America was established in 1936, many
transgenders are not gay. This isn’t about sexual desires, but rather sexual
identity. The timeline below focuses on the transgender movement specifically.

Magnus Hirschfeld, a German physician in Berlin, coined the term transvestite at his Institute for Sexual Science. He was the first to offer gender reassignment surgery. Much of his work was allegedly destroyed in 1933 when the Nazis burned books. In 1922, her performed a castration. He went into exile during Nazi Germany and his Berlin institute was destroyed.

In Berlin, Dora Richter born as Rudolph Richter, was the first known transgender woman to undergo vaginoplasty.

Biologist Dr. Alfred Kinsey founded the Institute for Sex Research at Indiana University, now known as the Kinsey Institute. He received his Ph.D. in biology from Harvard University. In 1948 his first volume of results by the ISR research team was published, called ‘Sexual Behavior in the Human Male,’ which became number two on the New York Times bestseller’s list.

1952 (Hollywood glamour kickstart phase 1: setting the stage for the pivotal push)
Christine Jorgensen was the first American to undergo a sex change operation, which was promptly featured in American national media in both The New York Times and the New York Daily News. She was glamorized and turned into an instant celebrity, who spent her life advocating for the transgender community, with Hollywood’s help. The operations were performed in Denmark, and vaginoplasty done in New York with the oversight of Harry Benjamin. (more on this below)

1954 (more of setting the stage)
The first known British transgender woman, Roberta Cowell, began making headlines around the world.

1962 (the push on children)
The first gender identity research clinic opened at UCLA. They worked with children and adults on conversion therapy but did not perform surgeries.

Reed Erickson became a patient of Harry Benjamin to transition into an American transgender man, then in 1964 created a foundation to donate millions to promote transgender and gay equality, between 1964 and 1984. His foundation helped fund the creation of the Harry Benjamin Foundation and $72,000 funded Johns Hopkins Gender Identity Clinic between 1967 – 1973.

1965 (first US clinic to perform surgeries)
John Money and Claude Migeon quietly opened the Johns Hopkins Gender Identity Clinic, the first sex reassignment surgery clinic in America, which was later shut down in 1979 over controversy because some of the psychiatrists believed that the patients were not better off after surgery. Though, somewhere along the way, they began doing surgeries again under the name ‘Sex and Gender Clinic.’

Harry Benjamin published a book titled ‘The Transsexual Phenomenon.’

1969 (setting the stage for a disorder in children)
Marshall and Tanner published the results of their study of 192 white British girls. They claimed that the average age of thelarche (onset of secondary breast development, whereas the initial growth occurs in fetal development) was eleven years and they defined “precocious puberty” in girls if this began before age eight. For boys, it’s if pubertal development occurs before age 9.

Psychiatrist from New York, Richard Green and John Money, an assistant professor at Johns Hopkins, co-edited ‘Transsexualism and Sex Reassignment,’ which Johns Hopkins Press published. (more on Green and Money below)

1969 (setting the stage of victimhood as a focal point for the future)
LGBTQ people rioted after police raided the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village in New York City. The Stonewall Inn was a gay bar that transvestites, transgenders, hustlers, and even homeless youth went to.

1970 (building the discrimination wall)
The first gay and lesbian pride parade in the world kicked off in Chicago, followed by a march in New York and parade in Los Angeles, priming the public for accepting what was to come down the road, while building up a case of discrimination along the way.

An LGBTQ class called ‘Social Movement: Gay Liberation’ was taught at USC.

1970s – 1980s
Transgender advocate and Hollywood celebrity, Christine Jorgensen, traveled the country to speak at university campuses, advocating for transgenders.

1971 (the medical push on children)
Discovery and synthesis of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) by two research teams, Andrew Shally of the New Orleans Institute Laboratory, and Roger Guillemin from the Salk Institute in California. They devised analogs that led to a Nobel Prize in 1977. This is what is used for puberty blockers, under the guise of a “disorder,” so it could be used for transgender transitioning in the future.

The University of Michigan established the first LGBT office.

Richard Green was the founding 30-year-editor of ‘Archives of Sexual Behavior.’

The Gender Dysphoria Clinic at Queen Victoria Hospital, Melbourne was established by Dr. Trudy Kennedy and Dr. Herbert Bower. Then, in 1979 the Victorian Transsexual Coalition and the Victorian Transsexual Association were formed, creating Australia’s first transgender rights and advocacy organizations. (The industry was simultaneously being built across the globe. This is just one example of many.)

1976 (pushing it into the education system)
First course in LGBT studies were taught at UCLA.

World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), previously named the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association, was founded by Paul A. Walker and headquartered in East Dundee, IL.

The BBC put out a documentary about Julia Grant, a transgender woman, titled ‘A Change of Sex.’

1980 (health insurance push = more $)
The American Psychiatric Association’s (APA) third Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual (DSM-3) added “gender identity disorder” which helped transgender
individuals to get access to healthcare.

1989 (creating medicine for a false need in children)
Patent for Supprelin was filed in May by The Salk Institute, which is a histrelin acetate injectable puberty blocker for children with “central precocious puberty.”

Supprelin was approved by the FDA on December 24th as the first product of its kind. However, Johnson & Johnson’s were the pharmaceutical company selling it.

1993 (the political push)
Roberta Achtenberg became the first openly gay or lesbian person to be nominated by the president and confirmed by the U.S. Senate. She was appointed by President Bill Clinton. Though not transgender, this is included because both the Clintons and Obamas were cohorts in pushing the agenda full speed ahead.

1997 (Hollywood glamour kickstart phase 2)
Ellen DeGeneres came out on television as being gay. Though DeGeneres is not transgender, she became the Hollywood face of the gay community to push the LGBTQ agendas. It all connects.

1998 (discrimination push for future legislation)
The murder of transgender woman Rita Hester, lead to the ‘International Transgender Day of Remembrance,’ which began in 1999.

Hillary Clinton became the First Lady to march in a LGBT pride parade.

2002 (the legislation push)
The Transgender Law Center was founded in California to fight for discrimination against transgender people, and alter laws and opinions.

The National Center for Transgender Equality was founded in Washington D.C. by transgender activist Mara Keisling, focusing on policy advocacy and media activism.

2007 (the push for children to change genders, as young as 3-years-old)
The first youth gender clinic opened at Boston Children’s Hospital. They are a comprehensive general transitioning clinic for 3 to 25-year-olds. (more on this below)

Supprelin-(R)-LA was approved by the FDA. Rather than being an injectable puberty blocker like their method designed in 1989, this is a subcutaneous implant that is inserted into the upper arm for a continuous release over a 12 month period.

2008 (backup support to alter children)
The Endocrine Society, with members in more than 100 countries, “approved” puberty suppressors as a treatment for transgender adolescents as young as 12 years old.

2011 (more backup support to alter children)
The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) issued “standards of care” for the treatment of patients with gender dysphoria, including puberty suppression. WPATH was originally called the Henry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association.

2011 (the push of laws to include LGBT in school’s for children)
California passed a law requiring schools to teach LGBT history, and began distributing LGBT-inclusive textbooks for K-8 in 2017.

The Janus Information Facility, University of Texas Medical Branch, published ‘Information For The Family of The Transsexual and of Children with Gender Identity Disturbances,’ funded by The Erickson Educational Foundation which closed in 1977. This booklet was digitized and made available in 2012.

The BBC published an article on Jorgensen in 2012, stating “George Jorgensen, a quiet New Yorker, shocked a nation by returning from a trip to Denmark transformed into the glamorous Christine.”

President Barack Obama, the first sitting president who was okay with the same sex marriage, brought up gay rights issues in his inaugural address.

The American Psychiatric Association’s (APA) fifth Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5) changed the “gender identity disorder” diagnosis to “gender dysphoria.”

Government appeals board ruled that Medicare must cover surgery for gender transitions, which overturned a policy dating back to the 1980s. WPATH standards of care studies on the benefits of sex reassignment therapy played a big role in this. It doesn’t mean all sex reassignment surgeries will be paid for by Medicare, but it lifted the ban so they can submit documentation for coverage.

President Barack Obama was the first president to state the words “gender identity,” and did so while giving a speech about foster care when declaring May “National Foster Care Month.” That same year, he appointed transgender activist Raffi Freedman-Gurspan, who served as the first openly transgender appointee to work inside the White House as an outreach and recruitment director in the presidential personnel office.

Roby Mook became the first openly gay manager of a presidential campaign, for Hillary Clinton.

In April, Olympic gold medalist Bruce Jenner came out as a trans woman, changing his name to Caitlyn. The same year, after this announcement, Jenner starred in a reality television series called “I am Cait,” which was all about his gender transition. He underwent the reassignment surgery in 2017.

2015 (decades of pushing it, now fully glamorized)
IMDB put out an article titled ’70 Celebrities Who Are Actually Transgender People.’

Barack Obama gave Ellen DeGeneres the Medal of Freedom award, while Bill and Melinda Gates sat behind them.

Ellen DeGeneres and Barack Obama

Hillary Clinton wrote an op-ed for Philadelphia Gay News, which was the first time a major-party presidential candidate wrote an op-ed in an LGBT newspaper.

President Barack Obama designated Stonewall Inn as a national monument, again
focusing on discrimination. He tweeted about it in 2019.

Stonewall Inn

Angela Ponce competed in the Miss Universe contest as the first transgender to compete, and it made big headlines worldwide across every major news source.

The Australian Psychological Society, representing 24,000 professionals, says the disapproval of both parents for a child to have reassignment surgery, should not inhibit a child under 16 from consenting to procedures and that hospitals should have the right to petition courts and change the parents minds.

The Hill reported in October, “a federal judge overturned ObamaCare protections for transgender patients, ruling that a 2016 policy violates the religious freedom of Christian providers. The regulation prohibited insurers and providers who receive federal money from denying treatment or coverage to anyone based on sex, gender identity or termination of pregnancy. It also required doctors and hospitals to provide “medically necessary” services to transgender individuals as long as those services were the same ones provided to other patients.”

CNN ran two LGBTQ Town Hall’s for democratic presidential candidates to pander to them on live TV.

Four states have already passed legislation requiring all schools to teach LGBT history in schools. California was the first state in 2011 but didn’t approve of its first LGBT-inclusive textbooks for K-8 until 2017, followed by Colorado and New Jersey in 2019. Illinois will begin incorporating it into their schools in 2020.

The Social Engineering Origins

After reviewing the timeline, it is easy to see how the making of this industry was manufactured, glorified, and glamorized. A lot of work has gone into building up this industry, considering less than 1% of the population identifies as transgender. Much like the climate hoax that took decades to build upon, engineered by many of the same people and organizations, this agenda has moved past its infancy stage and is full steam ahead. I say “industry” because that is what they have built, and are pursuing with great determination. There are already over fifty youth gender clinics in this country, and that’s just for youth!

Role models
were put in place, turned into instant celebrities, and the media has done its
job well. The medical industry created the illusion they needed in order to
target children for the long game. Politicians, Hollywood, the media, and
lawmakers all played their roles. But the health industry, from the scientists
to the doctors and surgeons, pharmaceutical companies, and the organizations
making the false claims, are by far the worst culprits of all in the
manufacturing of this industry. The universities had a hand in all of it, and
the education system for youth is now greatly at risk.

Meanwhile, legitimate
transgender people are suffering, trying to work through difficulties, and they
are being exploited for the benefit of the greedy. And whereas controlling
society, creating cognitive dissonance, and targeting children is par for the
course for their overall game, this is equally, if not more so, about the
money. There is big money in this, and gender clinics across the country are
lining up doctors for their next fat paychecks, while pharmaceutical companies
are raking it in. It’s appalling!

first American transgender surgery

Though there were a few others, one of the greatest spotlights was placed on George William Jorgensen Jr., who was born in New York and drafted into the Army at age 19 during World War II. George was given an honorable discharge in 1946. When he returned from the Army, he set off to Denmark to undergo a sex change operation, making him the first American to do so. Jorgensen began hormone replacement therapy under Dr. Hamburger’s direction, a Danish endocrinologist in Denmark. He was given special permission from the Danish Minister of Justice to undergo several operations, and in 1951 had an orchiectomy, followed up by a penectomy in 1952. When she returned to the United States as Christine Jorgensen, a vaginoplasty was performed on her under the direction of Dr. Angelo, with Harry Benjamin as a medical advisor.

When she stepped off the plane in New York, she was turned into an instant celebrity, and used her platform to advocate for the transgender community. By the 1970s she was touring university campuses. What media was the driving force the moment she returned from Denmark? The New York Daily News and The New York Times. Headlines are as important as the media source putting them out. The New York Times titled their piece ‘Bronx Boy is Now A Girl: Danish Treatments Change Sex of Former Army Clerk.’ The New York Daily News titled theirs ‘Ex-GI Becomes Blonde Beauty,’ with a subheading of ‘A World of a Difference.” It’s interesting that both included the fact she had been in the Army in their headlines.

first American reassingment surgery gender dysphoria

Jorgensen had gone to Dr. Christian Hamburger in Denmark to
begin her process, because in 1952, there wasn’t much in the way of healthcare
for transgenders in the U.S. However, that quickly changed, once the spotlight
was amplified. After all of the media attention, they allege other transgender
Americans began writing to Dr. Hamburger for treatment, and he referred them to
none other than Harry Benjamin, who of course had practices in New York City
and San Francisco.

Prior to Jorgensen being drafted into the Army, she did a
short 2-year stint at RKO studios, which was founded in 1928 and taken over by
Howard Hughes in 1948. Over the years, Jorgensen was a socialite, pop singer,
cabaret performer, photographer, filmmaker, and of course an advocate for the
transgender community. Hollywood embraced her, she was invited to all of the
big parties, and film contracts were streaming in. They built her into the
perfect role model to glamorize the beginning stages of their new industry.

The BBC published an article on Jorgensen in 2012, stating “George Jorgensen, a quiet New Yorker, shocked a nation by returning from a trip to Denmark transformed into the glamorous Christine.” A Danish doctor, Tiet Ritzau, who made a documentary about Jorgensen in the 1980s, said that she felt she was “a woman who happened to be in a man’s body.” And there it was – glamour, and being trapped in the wrong body – two of the most propagated and misleading tactics for the transgender community today. They then pushed a story that Jorgensen struggled with relationships because her birth certificate stated she was a man. What are we seeing right now? Gender X being added to birth certificates, state ID cards, and driver’s licenses, and in some states transgenders are allowed to change their gender on their birth certificate to male or female.

Do you think
it’s a coincidence that George (Christine) Jorgensen read and learned about
doctors doing hormone therapy while he was in the Army, received an honorable
discharge, lived in New York, was able to get high-level permission for surgery
in Denmark, only to step off a plane in New York to be made an instant
celebrity pushed by Hollywood? Do you think it was coincidence that the
universities welcomed her with open arms to advocate for transgenders, documentaries
were made, and it was totally glamorized? These are the industries who create
the narratives, push the agendas, and try to control society. Jorgensen died of
cancer in 1989, at the age of 62.

New York Doctor, Harry Benjamin, played a vital role in the making of this
industry, along with others. Benjamin was born in Berlin in 1885, knew Magnus
Hirschfeld and had spent time with him at his Berlin institute before
Hirschfeld went into exile and his institute was destroyed. A few years after
receiving his doctorate in 1912, he moved to New York. He became very
interested in sexology in 1948 and treated a child with estrogen, despite the
psychiatrists not agreeing with this treatment, and helped arrange for the
mother and child to go to Germany where surgery could be performed. Benjamin
went on to treat hundreds of patients, published papers, lectured extensively
to professional audiences, published a book in 1966 called ‘The Transsexual
Phenomenon,’ and in 1979 the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria
Association was formed.

gender sex reassignment surgery

The Harry
Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association is a group of psychologists
and therapists who devised the “Standards of Care” for the treatment of gender
identity disorder. Reed Erickson, a transgender patient of Benjamins, helped
fund this association, as well as educational materials, medical conferences,
and Johns Hopkins gender clinic. Paul Allen Walker was the founding president. He
also ran the Janus Information Facility at the University of Texas and the
gender clinic. In 1979 it changed its name to the World Professional
Association for Transgender Health, and it has been instrumental with assisting
in changing legislation.

Benjamin was
introduced to Leo H. Green by John Money from Johns Hopkins University. Green
was born in Brooklyn, New York and earned his MD from Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine in 1961, and J.D. from Yale Law School in 1987. He met Money
during his medical studies at Johns Hopkins, and collaborated with him on boys
showing cross-gender behavior. Green acknowledges that Benjamin further honed
his career.

John Money, Green’s co-editor of ‘Transsexualism and Sex Reassignment,’ published by Johns Hopkins Press, was born in New Zealand and immigrated to the United States where he earned a Ph.D. from Harvard University in 1952. He was a psychologist and sexologist, and served as a professor of pediatrics and medical psychology at Johns Hopkins University from 1951 until his death in 2006. He established the Johns Hopkins Gender Identity Clinic in 1965 with Claude Migeon. They began performing reassignment surgery in 1966, though they kept this very hush hush, and it was shut down in 1979, only to reopen years later.

Money was the creator of many definitions used throughout history, beginning in the 1950s. He established a definition of gender, came up with “gender role,” and in a 1955 paper suggested that gender was not only on the basis of one’s genitalia but also on the basis of somatic and behavioral criteria that go beyond genital differences. Money also asserted that “affectional pedophilia” was about love and not sex. He believed affectional pedophilia is caused by a surplus of parental love that became erotic. A famous and disturbing quote from Money:

“If I were to see the case of a boy aged ten or eleven who’s intensely erotically attracted toward a man in his twenties or thirties, if the relationship is totally mutual, and the bonding is genuinely totally mutual, then I would not call it pathological in any way.”

Money is criticized for a particular 1966 case involving the involuntary sex reassignment of David Reimer at the age of 22 months. After a botched circumcision, his testicles were surgically removed. The parents agreed to hormone treatment, raising him as a girl, and naming him Brenda, but wouldn’t agree to an artificial vagina. Follow up appointments entailed Money forcing Reimer and Reimer’s twin brother Brian to rehearse sexual acts. He had his brother Brian press his crotch against David’s (Brenda) buttocks, and also had them strip for genital inspections, whereby he took photos. For years Money reported that the sex reassignment was a success, until both brothers committed suicide. In 1997, seven years prior to his suicide, David (Brenda) told his story. It caught a lot of attention and intersex activists said that his unreported failure led to the surgical reassignment of thousands of infants as a matter of policy.

This is just a glimpse. It is a small handful of some of the folks who spearheaded this industry, which has escalated to dangerous levels in recent years. By glamorizing it, they have dismissed the trauma that those identifying as transgender suffer from. They have suggested that a person can be born in the wrong body as though they have a genetic defect, when that isn’t the case. A study by the University of Rome proves this. Rather than addressing and helping them work through their issues, they were, and are, quick to insist that transitioning and reassignment surgery will make you “feel whole,” when it couldn’t be further from the truth. Forty percent of transgenders attempt suicide, more of whom felt this despair after surgery. So what exactly is the health industry selling?

I imagine
most will be as stunned as I was, after reading part 2, where I get into the medical
engineering origins that have long been targeting children and have recently
upped their game. After all, to build an industry, you have to target the
masses to keep a steady flow of income, and confusing and conditioning the
minds of children has long been their game. Part 2 is by far the most critical
chapter of this report.

Coming Next Week.
Exploiting Transgenders Part 2: Medical Engineering Danger to Children

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