Funding the Control Grid Part 3: The Food Framework


By The Sharp Edge

“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.”  This quote has been attributed to Henry Kissinger, though he denies ever saying it.  Kissinger certainly did, however, perfect the weaponization of food through The Kissinger Report during his tenure as Secretary of State. 

The Kissinger Report outlined a covert operation to force compliance with a depopulation agenda using food aid as leverage in underdeveloped countries of strategic U.S. interest.  The report posited the following questions: “Would food be considered an instrument of national power?… Is the U.S. prepared to accept food rationing to help people who can’t/won’t control their population growth?  Should the U.S. seek to change its own food consumption patterns toward more efficient uses of protein?  Are mandatory population control measures appropriate for the U.S. and/or for others?”

The use of food as a weapon of war is a centuries old tactic, perfected in recent decades by the likes of Kissinger, and passed down through his protégé Klaus Schwab.  Schwab’s World Economic Forum has planted Young Global Leaders throughout the world to carry out a continuum of Kissinger’s depopulation plan, in-part by controlling and transforming the food supply.  Weaponization of the food and water systems is one aspect in a much larger scheme to create a control grid over the entire global population.

The food control grid consists of four key elements: poisoning the food and water supply, manufacturing food shortages, consolidating food and water systems, and weaponizing food programs while tracking the food supply and the people.  The purpose of this report is to outline these important aspects of the food control grid as well as funding for programs that contribute to this operation, condensed from 6,000 pages of legislation in the Omnibus and NDAA, passed through Congress at the end of 2022. 

Background & Context

Poisoning the Food & Water

  • Genetically engineered (GE) foods, also referred to as genetically modified (GM) or (GMO), have long been a source of concern for food safety organizations as research shows they have the potential to cause toxicity, allergic reactions, antibiotic resistance, immuno-suppression, cancer and loss of nutrition.  However, federal agencies including the FDA, USDA, and EPA insist that GE foods are safe for public consumption.  Aside from GE crops, genetically modified meat has also been approved for public consumption.  In 2017, genetically modified salmon were approved for use as food.  Then in 2020, the FDA approved genetically modified pork.  By March 2022, the FDA approved meat from bioengineered cattle using CRISPR technology. 
  • Although GE foods have been widely produced for decades, new technologies are developing so rapidly that the umbrella of “genetically modified” foods has expanded significantly in recent years, leading some to define this next generation of GE foods as “GMO 2.0” or “Pharma Food.”  In an in-depth report entitled “Pharma Food,” investigative journalist, Elze van Hamelen, details the next generation of GE foods including lab-grown meat, milk and egg products.  In February 2021, Bill Gates stated in an interview that he believes “all rich countries should move to 100% synthetic beef” as a way to combat climate change.  However, as Elze’s “Pharma Food” report points out, highly processed cell-cultured meat products are neither healthy nor ‘climate friendly.’  Despite overall rejection of fake meat products by consumers, there is a multi-billion-dollar effort by governments, organizations and corporations to develop and market synthetic foods and lab-grown meats for public consumption.
  • Globalist organizations, including the World Economic Forum, are completely reengineering the global food system to incorporate GMO 2.0 foods and insects, a move termed by some to be “The Great Food Reset.”  The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations which created the Codex Alimentarius in partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO).  “Codex was established for the sole purpose of setting the standards and guidelines for all food that is consumed by human beings,” according to a Corey’s Digs report entitled, “Inside Codex with Scott Tipps: New Global Food Diet – Insects, Rats and Dogs.”  Furthermore, the report states, “The USDA, for example, is a driving force for not only adhering to the [Codex] standards, but making certain other countries follow in lock step as well.”  In July 2022, a new “meat” category was presented to the Codex Committee which included dogs and rats, among others.  Additionally, the same document included a variety of insect food categories.  The push by international organizations to incorporate insects into the global food supply comes despite multiple studies warning of the dangers of insect consumption.
  • In September 2015, the USDA granted Merck conditional approval for mRNA injections for avian flu and the following month awarded Merck a $6 million contract to stockpile 48 million doses of the mRNA avian flu vaccines. Also sometime in 2015, the USDA approved mRNA vaccines for pigs.  In 2018, Merck introduced their SEQUIVITY mRNA vaccines for pigs which are currently on the market.  Since the introduction of the Covid mRNA jab, federal agencies have “opened the floodgate” on a wave of new mRNA injections for livestock.  As Dr. Malone points out in both his substack as well as a recent interview, there is a total lack of transparency among federal agencies as to the details of clinical trials for mRNA vaccines in livestock as well as the safety data on human exposure to meats tainted with these experimental gene therapies.  Viral Immunologist, Dr. Byram Bridle, remarked recently, “This [mRNA] technology technically is not new.  It’s relatively new for being used in people.  It’s been used for quite a few years in agricultural species and I’m actually starting to get quite worried.  If these vaccines can get into things like milk products, I start worrying about our food products.  People have to realize these technologies are not only being pushed hard now in people, but… many of them are being fast-tracked and we are going to have our food species loaded up with these mRNA vaccines and we need to understand whether or not these things are getting into our food products now.”
  • Recent court rulings have placed pressure on the EPA to assess the impact of certain conventional pesticides on endangered species in compliance with the Endangered Species Act (ESA). In response to litigation, the EPA announced that the agency would embark on an “unprecedented effort” to streamline their approach to pesticide registration, while placing a central focus on the protection of endangered species.  While the EPA has placed further regulatory pressure and bans on the use of certain conventional pesticides, developments in new RNAi-based biopesticides are paving the way “as a promising substitute to conventional chemical pesticides.”  RNAi technology is the next generation of pesticides designed to genetically modify crops and pests, so that pests are unable to produce a specific protein vital to their survival.  While similar technology has been deployed in the Covid mRNA injection to induce the production of a spike protein in the body, RNAi-based pesticides genetically modify organisms to inhibit the production of certain proteins.  This “next generation” of pesticides deploys nanotechnology as a delivery method.
  • Researchers claim RNAi-based pesticides are ‘climate-friendly’ and they are capable of specifically targeting insect species, weeds, viruses or fungi without impacting non-target species.  However, little is known about the impacts of unintended mutations using this emerging technology which could pose a serious biosafety risk.  The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy reports some of the risks posed by RNAi pesticides may include, “allergenicity, increased toxicity, changes in nutritional composition; [and] unwanted immunostimulatory effects can reduce white blood cell count in humans and non-target organisms throughout the food chains.”  Researchers have remarked how the “funding that poured into making mRNA for Covid vaccines,” helped to drastically reduce the manufacturing costs of RNA which has enabled an explosion in this new multi-billion-dollar pesticide industry.  In June 2017, the EPA approved Monsanto’s SmartStax Pro RNAi pesticide for corn.  Since then, the EPA notes that the agency has approved RNAi pesticides for a “number of crops, including corn, cotton, potato, soybean, papaya, and plum.”
  • Not only have agencies been deceptive about the health hazards of GMO 2.0 foods, but they have also misled the public in their approval processes and labeling practices.  In May 2020, the USDA issued a final rule amending regulatory requirements for certain genetically engineered organisms including crops, “thereby reducing the regulatory burden” and “facilitating the development of genetically engineered organisms.”  The Center for Science in the Public Interest stated, “a majority of genetically engineered and gene edited plants now will escape any oversight,” and “government regulators and the public will have no idea what products will enter the market and whether those products appropriately qualified for an exemption from oversight.”  In July 2021, the Center for Food Safety filed a suit against the USDA for giving “private entities carte blanche to ‘self-determine’ their own products’ regulation without any future oversight.”  This case appears to be ongoing with a recent filing in December 2022.  Meanwhile, the Center for Food Safety filed an additional lawsuit over the USDA’s attempts to deceptively label GE or GMO products with QR codes alone.  The district court held that USDA must include additional labeling on packages, but sided with the USDA on the new terminology, “bioengineered,” for packaging.
  • On February 3, 2023, a train carrying vinyl chloride was derailed in East Palestine, Ohio, near the Ohio / Pennsylvania border, just miles north of the West Virginia border.  According to the EPA, vinyl chloride was “diverted to an excavated trench and then burned off,” while, “contaminated soil and free liquids were observed and potentially covered and/or filled during reconstruction of the rail line.”  A massive plume of deadly chemicals was released into the air, soil and water, with an evacuation zone ordered in the immediate vicinity of the crash site.  By February 8th, the area was “deemed safe,” noted Ohio Governor, Mike DeWine, and the evacuation order was lifted, as Pennsylvania Governor, Josh Shapiro, emphasized that the burning of toxic chemicals went “as planned,” with “no concerning” detections of air or water toxicity in the area.  EPA officials claimed that they had not detected anything unexpected from the derailed train’s toxic chemical release, as clean-up and testing for air and water quality continued.  “So far so good,” claimed EPA official James Justice. 
  • Stephen Petty, who is the president of an environmental health and safety company and has overseen thousands of forensic investigations as well as provided expert testimony in more than 200 cases, is in the process of independently testing samples from East Palestine.  He stated, “It was a bad decision to release it and burn it,” adding, “When you burn vinyl chloride poorly, and that was definitely burned poorly because it had such a black plume… When there’s incomplete combustion, there’s evidence that part of the vinyl chloride goes to dioxin, and dioxin is one of the most deadly compounds known.”  Petty went on to explain, “There’s the lie.  It wasn’t a ‘controlled burn.’  It was an uncontrolled burn,” adding that in order for it to be a controlled burn, officials would have to “very carefully” control the temperature and oxygen levels to facilitate complete combustion.  “They didn’t do that.  So, it’s an uncontrolled burn,” Petty explained.  Petty also remarked on the EPA “purposely” measuring for “things that don’t really matter,” while indicating to the public that the area is safe.
  • When burned, vinyl chloride can form into dioxins, which are highly toxic environmental pollutants that can accumulate in humans and animals resulting in cancer, reproductive and developmental issues, as well as immune system damage.  According to a 2006 toxicology profile provided by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), “vinyl chloride in water or soil evaporates rapidly if it is near the surface. Vinyl chloride in the air breaks down in a few days, resulting in the formation of several other chemicals including hydrochloric acid.”  Hydrochloric acid released into the air then forms into acid rain.  The report goes on to state that vinyl chloride is “highly mobile” in soil, increasing the chances of leaching into groundwater and drinking water.  Suspiciously, this toxicology profile was revised less than a month prior to the train derailment, after remaining untouched for 17 years.
  • Despite assurances from officials, experts and locals are reporting quite a different story.  Reports of mass die-offs of fish and other animals continue to mount up, as physicians warn of the long-term effects on humans and animals exposed to the DNA-damaging carcinogens.  Concerns are growing over the derailed train’s toxins spilling into the Ohio River, which provides water to 5 million people.  Both the EPA and Governor Jim Justice confirmed that chemicals were detected in the Ohio River.  Meanwhile, there are many unanswered questions as to the toxic effects on farming and food production in the area.  Agriculture is one of Ohio’s top industries, as it is home to roughly 75,000 farms, of which about 90 percent are family or individually owned.  Ohio ranks nationally as one of the leading producers of many agricultural products in the country.  Some are warning of the potential for toxins to spill into the Mississippi River and travel east in the air.  Reports of acid rain and strange smells have stretched as far east as New York City and Boston, as far north as Durham, Canada, and down to southwest Kentucky, leading some to warn about potentially deadly contamination of a vast swath of area east of the Mississippi.  Others are warning that “this may be the largest dioxin plume in world history,” with the potential to spread via air, water, soil and the food chain throughout a large portion of the U.S. 
  • David Dubyne, a recent guest on Corey’s Digs Solution Series, stated in a recent video that “This will eclipse Love Canal by orders of magnitude.”  Love Canal was a chemical waste dump which was later covered and developed into a neighborhood.  Inhabitants became very ill from the toxic chemicals percolating up through the soil.  A high percentage of Love Canal residents suffered from DNA damage causing a wide range of health problems including cancer, birth defects and miscarriages.  Residents were relocated and the abandoned land was purchased by the state of New York.  Dubyne remarked that farm fields exposed to vinyl chloride chemicals will be “unusable this year” and then added, “Are they going to make this area of the country off limits for farming this year or are they going to allow the farmers to plant in this toxic mess and… put it on your dinner plate and make everybody sick?”  Comparing the Love Canal scenario to the current catastrophe, Dubyne speculated, “If it is so contaminated, they are absolutely going to force relocate people off the land.”

Manufacturing Food Shortages

  • In March 2022, Biden addressed the topic of food shortages at a press conference in Brussels, stating, “It’s going to be real.”  Referencing a long discussion in the G7, particularly regarding wheat production in the U.S. and Canada, he added, “We both talked about how we could increase and disseminate more rapidly food shortages.”  He spoke with a confidence in knowing food shortages were not only a possibility, but part of a plan devised by globalists who found a convenient excuse in Russia’s war with Ukraine.  Biden wasn’t the only one to predict the coming food shortages.  One report notes, “Joe Biden, NATO, the G7, the European Union, the World Bank, USAID, and every western leader in the United States and Europe stated in early and mid 2022 there will be food shortages in 2023.  They did not say there might be shortages; their statements were emphatic, there will be shortages.”  While food shortages have been “real” in the U.S., they don’t come close to comparing to the dire situations occurring in other parts of the world including Pakistan, India and Africa due to “’western energy policy’ and the impact energy has on everything from field (fertilizer) to fork (distribution).”
  • In April 2022, a massive fire destroyed the nation’s largest independent organic food distributor, Azure Standard.  Within that same month, 2 planes crashed into separate food facilities – a General Mills food processing plant, and an Idaho potato processing facility.  While it is not uncommon for a small percentage of food processing disasters to occur each year, 2022 saw a “sharp uptick” in fires indicating sabotage of the food supply.  Disasters impacting the supply chain have continued into 2023, with the East Palestine, Ohio train derailment (discussed above) as well as a massive fire that destroyed an egg farm in Connecticut, killing 100,000 egg-laying hens.
  • Former VP of EcoHealth Alliance, Dr. Andrew Huff, became a whistleblower disclosing how Covid-19 was created through gain-of-function research in several laboratories.  In a recent interview, Huff explained how simulations he created, based on government data he had access to, were used to test critical infrastructure and food systems, he described as “a roadmap to attack critical infrastructures in the U.S.”  Huff noted that the consolidation of food systems has left this segment of critical infrastructure vulnerable to attacks with widespread implications.  Dr. Huff went on to explain that, in 2019, the data went missing during a time in which the government targeted and harassed him.  Reflecting on the recent attacks against the food supply, Huff stated, “In the U.S. I think domestically there has been somewhere between 130 to 150 attacks now, and I actually analyzed the attacks against the most critical systems in this data set, because I had a backup of it, and it’s a perfect match… I had never seen such a strong correlation in my life… I immediately reported this to DHS and the FBI… I never received a response back if you can believe that.” When asked in a separate interview to give his assessment on food supply sabotage, Huff stated, “I think it’s a new type of 5th generation hybrid warfare.  I think the intent of the attacker is to destabilize the economy and create uncertainty and create maybe some fear along with that.”  Huff, who is a bioterrorism expert, admitted that the perpetrators of these attacks are unknown, though he speculated they could be an “inside job” possibly by the CIA, other state-sponsored actors, or “a number of groups that are aligned against the U.S.” such as the World Economic Forum (WEF).
  • Since February 2022, more than 58 million birds, including more than 40 million egg-laying hens, have been culled in the U.S. under the guise of an avian flu outbreak.  If a single bird within a flock tests positive for avian flu, then farmers must cull the entire flock.  According to the USDA, any positive test results using an rRT PCR test for avian influenza, are considered to be a “presumptive positive case” regardless of whether “the presence of compatible illness” exists, resulting in the culling of entire flocks based on the presumption of infection.  While studies have shown in the past to produce false positive PCR tests for avian flu, more recently false positive test results have been “a problem” for Covid testing.  Studies show that routine mass testing using PCR tests will result in more false positives, and logic dictates that those “presumptive positive” cases would lead to the culling of many millions of birds unnecessarily.  While mainstream media outlets consistently attribute the avian flu outbreak as the cause driving higher costs for chickens and eggs, many suspect “it’s a cover story to destroy the food supply and accelerate scarcity” in chicken meat and eggs.

Consolidating Food & Water Systems

  • When it comes to the food system, consumer choice is an illusion.  A handful of mega corporations control the majority of foods consumers buy in grocery stores.  According to a recent report conducted by Food & Water Watch, “four firms or fewer controlled at least 50% of the market for 79% of the groceries. For almost a third of shopping items, the top firms controlled at least 75% of the market share.”
  • Over nearly 40 years, the agricultural sector has steadily shifted from midsize farms to big agribusinesses.  According to a 2020 report entitled “Consolidation in U.S. Agriculture Continues,” published by the USDA, in 1987 midsize farms owned 57 percent of U.S. cropland, while large agribusinesses operated only 15 percent of all cropland.  By 2017, midsize farmland shares fell to 33 percent, as large farms grew to 41 percent of all croplands.  The trend marks a persistent consolidation of food production found in nearly all crops and regions of the U.S.  From 1997 to 2017, 70 percent of family-scale dairy farms shut down.  Now, 83 percent of milk sales are marketed by three dairy cooperatives – Land O’ Lakes, DFA and California Dairies, Inc.  Between 1982 and 2017, large hog farms have taken over in Iowa, with the number of hog farms dropping by 90 percent as the scale of each hog farm operation increased 20 fold.  A recent letter to the FTC by a farm advocacy group known as Farm Action outlined how the high price of eggs has much more to do with the consolidation of egg production and distribution than the avian flu.  Egg production and distribution is dominated by a handful of corporations, with Cal-Maine Foods controlling 20 percent of the market – dwarfing their nearest competitors.  Farm Action blames a “collusive scheme” among the few top industry leaders for price coordination, price gouging, and unfair practices.
  • The growing trend of consolidated food production has been exacerbated by the inflation-driven higher input costs for fuel, fertilizer and equipment disproportionately impacting small and midsize farms.  Fertilizer prices skyrocketed by 300% in 2022 in some areas.  The rising production costs have led to decreased farm incomes and increased farm sector debt.  Due to economies of scale, large agricultural businesses are better equipped to manage the impacts of inflation.  Furthermore, research shows that large farm operations tend to benefit from government subsidies by a far greater margin than small and midsize farms, with the largest ten percent of farms receiving half of the payments.
  • Big investors have been scooping up farmland, as increasing farm values have outpaced the rate of inflation.  Over the past five years, institutional investor farmland funds have raised at least $8.7 billion.  While Warren Buffett owns thousands of acres throughout the U.S., it pails in comparison to the 270,000 acres of farmland Bill Gates owns – making him the largest private owner of farmland in the U.S.  Gates owns an additional 25,750 acres of land which is transitioning from farmland to residential or commercial use.  As alarming as Bill Gates’ ownership of farmland is, perhaps the greatest threat is foreign ownership. According to a report by the USDA, as of 2021, foreign persons and entities held an interest in 40.8 million acres of U.S. agricultural land.  The report states that Chinese investments account for 384,000 acres of U.S. farmland.
  • A 2020 report published by the American Farmland Trust found that from 2001 to 2016, 11 million acres of farms and ranches were converted for urban and residential use, averaging 2,000 acres per day.  The encroachment of urban and residential land onto farmland and ranchland, AFT argues, is threatening the future of agriculture.  While this may be true, it has been used as an excuse to corral the masses into “Built Better Cities” also known as 15-minute cities promoted by the World Economic Forum, complete with indoor vertical farming, enabling full control of all food production, as outlined in the Corey’s Digs report entitled, “NEW Controlled Food System is Now in Place and They Will Stop at Nothing to Accelerate Their Control.”
  • On his first day in office, Biden issued an Executive Order directing all federal agencies to “immediately commence work to confront the climate crisis.”  As part of this initiative, agencies including the EPA and SEC have issued or are in the process of issuing rules that will dramatically affect the farming sector.  In January 2023, the Biden administration signed off on an EPA rule revising the definition of the “Waters of the United States” known as the WOTUS rule.  The revised rule creates uncertainty for farmers and ranchers as to their rights to farm on their properties.  Farmers and ranchers have come under threat of potential permitting costs, compliance costs, and civil or criminal penalties for violations of the WOTUS rule.  The American Farm Bureau Federation along with 17 other organizations have filed a suit against the EPA for their overreach.  The lawsuit states, “Under the Rule, Plaintiffs’ members will constantly be at risk that any sometimes-wet feature on their property will be deemed WOTUS by the Agencies using vague and unpredictable standards—making normal business activities in that area subject to criminal and civil penalties.”
  • In January 2021, the Biden regime issued an Executive Order on “Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad.”  The EO, known as the 30 x 30 plan, pushes for a government-wide approach to land, water and wildlife conservation with a target of conserving at least 30 percent of all U.S. land and water by 2030.  The American Stewards of Liberty is rightfully calling this initiative “the largest unauthorized federal land grab our nation has ever faced,” adding that “This is not about conservation.  It’s about control.” To reach their goal, the federal government intends to acquire an additional 409 million acres of U.S. land for “permanent protection” by 2030.  The American Stewards of Liberty is working with local governments to establish resolutions across the nation to oppose the 30 x 30 land grab.  The American Farm Bureau Federation and several state farm bureaus have passed resolutions to oppose the Biden regime land grab and protect their members’ rights to remain stewards of their private lands.
  • In May 2021, Biden outlined an “America the Beautiful” initiative to conserve land, water, and wildlife nationwide.  The initiative is part of the Biden regime’s goal to conserve 30 percent of all U.S. land and water by 2030.  As part of this initiative, the Biden administration intends to expand government “voluntary conservation” programs such as the Conservation Reserve Program.  The Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) is a project whereby the USDA pays rent to farmers on portions of agricultural land that are put out of production.  By April 2021, the USDA rented 21 million acres from farmland owners, most commonly for 10 years at a time.  In that same month, USDA increased their rental rates and incentives to attract more farmers with the goal of adding 4 million acres to the CRP program, totaling 25 million acres and increasing rental payouts to approximately $300 million per year.  The USDA has reported that more than 5 million acres have been added to the CRP program in 2023.  Margaret Byfield of the American Stewards of Liberty warns of the trap used by conservation programs such as CRP and EQIP, stating, “Those are the kinds of conservation programs that we have to be very careful about because… it creates a federal nexus to those lands.”  For example, “When they designate critical habitat for a species, it does not apply to private lands unless there’s a federal nexus.  So, if your land is in CRP or any other of these conservation programs… that creates the federal nexus… Once you sign that conservation easement, you are giving control to a land trust or the federal government.  They now control your land.”
  • Also in May 2021, Biden issued an Executive Order outlining a plan to force companies to comply with “climate disclosures,” a term used to describe their “climate-related financial risk.”  By March 2022, the SEC proposed a rule to require businesses to disclose climate-related risks including the registrant’s greenhouse gas emissions.  The American Farm Bureau Federation notes that the proposed rule could severely impact farms and ranches and “intensify farm and ranch consolidation.”  Under the proposed rule, farms and ranches would not be required to disclose climate-related risks, rather the rule would require companies to report climate disclosures within their value chain.  As farmers produce the raw products within the value chain, corporations would be forced to report climate disclosures of the farms with which they do business.  Small farms which are not equipped to handle the compliance costs would be prevented from partnering with companies in moving their products to market.  Once again, big agricultural businesses would win, and small farms would be squeezed out of the market under the new SEC proposed rule.  With 15,000 public comments to the proposed rule, the SEC has received intense pushback from business and agricultural sectors.  While the SEC has hinted that they may make some “adjustments” to the proposal, their plan to move forward with a new climate disclosure rule is on schedule to be finalized in the spring of 2023.
  • In October 2021, the Biden regime announced a government-wide plan to accelerate efforts to protect against per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination in air, water, and the food supply.  PFAS is a man-made chemical described as a “forever chemical” found in many household products, which may cause cancer or other health problems.  As part of this plan, the EPA launched a 3 year strategy called the PFAS Roadmap, which includes plans for regulations, administrative actions, and enforcement by the EPA to accelerate national testing for PFAS contamination, broader PFAS cleanup efforts, and plans to “stop polluters from discharging PFAS.”  Under the Trump administration, the EPA said low levels of PFAS, 70 parts per trillion, were not harmful.  However in June 2022, the EPA updated their advisory lowering the threshold of PFAS contamination to zero.  Now, “scientists are finding PFAS everywhere,” according to a recent report.  With a PFAS contamination roadmap in place by the EPA, states have enacted bans on PFAS going into effect in 2023.  Maine’s law banning “intentionally added PFAS” from any products sold in the state is now impacting farmers.  PFAS contamination has been found on 56 Maine farms tested so far, with plans for testing over 1,000 more sites in the state.  Vegetable farms and dairy farms deemed to be contaminated are pulling their produce off the shelves and shutting down production.  The American Farm Bureau Federation rejects the EPA’s new proposed rule on PFAS contamination, noting that farmers in Maine, Michigan and New Mexico have already been severely impacted by PFAS detection, devastating their farmland values.  As a result, Maine lawmakers are considering a bill to buy out farmland contaminated with “forever chemicals.” 

Weaponizing Food Programs While Tracking Food Supply & People

  • In 2019, 35.7 million people nationwide were enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) with $60.4 billion in funding.  Since Covid, Congress took advantage of the SNAP program, boosting funding and expanding enrollment opportunities to deliver assistance to those impacted by job and income losses.  As of 2022, the number of enrollments increased to 41.2 million, or 1 in 8 people across the country.  Yearly funding for SNAP has nearly doubled since 2019, reaching $119.2 billion.  With emergency Covid allotments set to expire in February 2023, recipients will see a decrease in their SNAP benefits.  Average SNAP enrollees will receive about $90 less per month in food assistance.  This comes at a time when inflation continues to skyrocket, adding pressure on lawmakers to expand SNAP benefits in the upcoming Farm Bill set to pass in 2023 – another massive spending bill which occurs only once every five years and encompasses all of the food assistance programs.
  • In September 2022, the Biden White House held a conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health, in which the regime announced a “transformational vision” backed by $8 billion in funding to address their goals of controlling the people through the food supply by 2030.  This new vision includes scaling up enrollment in food assistance programs such as SNAP and WIC, incorporating a “food is medicine” approach in primary care practices by screening for malnutrition and funneling more patients into food assistance programs, investing in indoor vertical farming, ‘leveraging technology’ to improve digital access to food programs, and expanding indoctrination programs focused on defining the regime’s version of nutrition, physical health, and mental health.  A representative for Feeding America, a participant in the conference, stated, “We are transitioning from a pandemic crisis to a hunger crisis.” 
  • As the Corey’s Digs report entitled “New ’Food is Medicine’ Nutrition Screening, RX, Tracking and Control” points out, “Their goal is three-fold: 1) Scoop up as many people as possible into SNAP and WIC programs in order to implement digital food tokens, control the spending and purchases, and gather data to establish the need to move everyone into this food system structure – socialism. 2) Integrate food with health so as to move policies under one umbrella to more easily create new policies, funding, and ultimate control, which will result in tying together a vaccine ID passport with an all encompassing log of each person’s health record, school, work, travel, food tokens, and of course bank accounts under a digital currency. 3) Change food standards, categories, and so-called nutrition by removing traditional farming, converting all seeds to patented gene-edited seeds grown indoors, and regulating the ability to farm specific agriculture and cattle from being ranched, all while building a menu of insects, gene-edited food, and lab grown meat.”
  • In October 2022, the USDA issued an interim final rule that will require states to “plug into” a National Accuracy Clearinghouse (NAC) database.  This database, which has been in the works for years, will cross reference SNAP participants from all states to identify recipients who are double-dipping into benefits.  States will be required to submit identifications of SNAP enrollees including names, social security numbers, and birth dates, using a “privacy-preserving record linkage (PPRL) process” to create a cryptographic hash.  A participant ID is then generated to link the individual’s personal data to their SNAP enrollment.  The same distributed ledger infrastructure established to identify SNAP participants within a national database is also deployed for Central Bank Digital Currencies as well as to store personal documents on Covid Digital ID certificates.  In other words, this National Accuracy Clearinghouse (NAC) is creating the infrastructure for digital IDs for all SNAP recipients.   The NAC’s “privacy-preserving record linkage (PPRL) process,” which will allow the same individual to be identified across multiple databases “without revealing private information,” is a technique that will “serve as a reference model” in systems “across the federal government.”
  • School lunch programs have also been going digital.  In the UK, a staggering 75 percent of secondary schools have deployed biometric technology for several purposes including for payments in school lunch programs.  Biometric technology is less prevalent in U.S. schools, though the trend appears to be picking up as advocates promote the ‘safety’ features of biometrics in the wake of recent school shootings, as the Corey’s Digs report “Welcome to the Surveillance State: Biometrics Data Collection is All Around You” points out.  Biometric scanning for school meals has been implemented in Mississippi, Missouri, and Kentucky for example.  
  • As the Corey’s Digs report entitled “The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports” explains, governments and international organizations around the world are in various stages of rolling out digital IDs for full control of their citizens.  Many of the programs are linked to food and financial assistance for example, in India, Ukraine, Iran, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Syrian refugees in Jordan.  While “biometrics have been used to create digital identities in the humanitarian space since the early 2000s,” globalist organizations such as the WHO, the UN, USAID, and the World Bank have vastly scaled up their efforts in recent years.  Since 2017, the UN’s World Food Programme has developed “the world’s largest implementation of blockchain technology for humanitarian assistance,” through their Building Blocks initiative.  As part of their ID4D initiative, the World Bank also promotes digital IDs for farmers to receive financial assistance as well as to increase tracking of the food supply.  Digital proof of provenance, which is essentially a digital ID for agricultural products and livestock, is becoming more common.  For example, in June 2021, Mastercard launched their E-Livestock digital ID for the cattle supply chain.
  • The ‘One Health’ approach, which was developed by the UN, the CDC, the EU and others, is a model for tracking and controlling the food supply under the umbrella of public health emergencies.  The use of the “One Health,” approach, as described in a report by Elze van Hamelen entitled “’One Health’ – Where Biosecurity Meets Agenda 2030,” advances biosecurity governance by using “health terror” as a means of “governing through the worst case scenarios.”  The report goes on to detail how “under the guise of ‘One Health’, this biosecurity is being extended under the radar to anything that can affect health. Starting with our food and nature.”  The aim of this agenda appears to be a “blueprint for expanding power of the UN and WHO – allowing them not only to set health policy in the event of crisis, but also to take control of food chains and natural areas in the name of public health.”  The ‘One Health’ agenda focuses on food safety and zoonoses, with a particular interest in livestock. 
  • In August 2021, the USDA announced an initiative to funnel $300 million from American Rescue Plan funding to the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) “to conduct surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 and other emerging and zoonotic diseases in susceptible animals and build an early warning system.”  APHIS is the USDA’s lead division to provide a strategic framework for the ‘One Health’ agenda to track and control the food supply.  As outlined in the Corey’s Digs report entitled “USDA Hitting Food Supply Chain with Cattle Surveillance and a Level-4 Animal Disease Laboratory,” in March 2021, APHIS announced plans to pursue a mandate for RFID chips in cattle, to rapidly trace livestock for communicable diseases.  The RFID mandate was repealed as a result of major pushback from the public and industry leaders.  APHIS is currently heavily involved in the avian influenza surveillance program seeking to track and control the poultry food supply.

If history is any indicator, these very agencies, organizations and programs that contribute to the food control grid, will continue their nefarious practices while receiving a boost in funding from the 2023 Omnibus and NDAA, as outlined below.

Omnibus & NDAA Boost Food Control Grid

Total funding from the 2023 Omnibus bill reaches $1.7 trillion, a $134 billion increase over the 2022 budget.  Total authorizations from the 2023 NDAA reaches $858 billion, an increase of $80 billion over the 2022 defense budget.  Food and Agricultural programs accounted for $242 billion, of which discretionary programs reached $25.5 billion, an increase of $737 million. 

Sections and page numbers referenced below can be found here in the Omnibus bill and NDAA.

Agencies & Programs Contributing to the Food Control Grid

  • Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) requested $85 million, an increase of $7 million.
  • Agricultural Research Service (ARS) receives $1.74 billion.
  • Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) receives $1.17 billion, an increase of $61 million.
  • CDC receives $9.2 billion, an increase of $760 million.
  • Child Food Programs receive $28.5 billion, an increase of $1.66 billion.
  • Codex Alimentarius receives $4.92 million.
  • EPA receives $10.1 billion, an increase of $576 million.
  • Farm Service Agency (FSA) receives $1.2 billion.
  • FDA receives $6.5 billion, with $3.5 billion in discretionary budget authorities, an increase of $226 million.
  • Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) receives $1.16 billion.
  • Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) receives $900 million.
  • National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) receives $1.7 billion, an increase of $48 million.
  • Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) receives $941 million.
  • SEC receives $2.2 billion, an increase of $210 million.
  • SNAP Food Program receives $153.9 billion, an increase of $13.4 billion.
  • State Department, USAID & Related Agencies receive $80.92 billion including: humanitarian assistance such as the Food for Peace program totaling $11 billion, contributions to international organizations reaching $2.9 billion, food security programs totaling $1 billion, environmental programs reaching $1.29 billion, international nutrition programs totaling $160 million, and water and sanitation programs reaching $475 million.
  • USDA budget for 2023 is $303.42 billion, a decrease of $128.44 billion.
  • WIC Food Program receives $6 billion.
  • World Bank funding budgeted by the Treasury totals $206.5 million.

Poisoning the Food Supply

  • The Omnibus provides USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) $1.17 billion, an increase of $61 million.  APHIS is the USDA department responsible for approving the use of biologics, including mRNA gene therapies, for livestock.  Congress authorized additional funding in the amount of $64 million specifically to address the avian flu outbreak.
  • On page 14 of the Omnibus, the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) receives $1.74 billion.  ARS funds research in many areas of the food control grid and is even testing bats’ susceptibility to CovidThere are multiple ARS funded projects underway involving mRNA vaccines for livestock including for Swine Fever in pigs, Salmonella in chickens and eggs, and viral infections in chickens.  ARS is also funding research on RNA based technologies for managing insects and insect viruses that impact crops.
  • On page 17 of the Omnibus, the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) receives $1.09 billion for agricultural research, an increase of $42 million.  NIFA funded research includes studies on mRNA vaccines for livestock.  For example, NIFA funded research by Iowa State University on mRNA vaccines to prevent Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV).
  • On page 73, Codex Alimentarius receives $4.92 million.  As discussed above, Codex Alimentarius  was created by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the WHO for the purpose of setting the guidelines and standards for all foods globally.  Newly presented food categories include dogs, rats and a wide range of insects for public consumption, as described in the Corey’s Digs report, “Inside Codex with Scott Tips – New Global Food Diet – Insects, Rats & Dogs.”
  • On page 115 in Section 754 of the Omnibus, the funds appropriated to the USDA may be made available for “grants for biotechnology risk assessment research.”
  • Page 119 in Section 765 of the Omnibus discusses the acceptable packaging labels for GMO 2.0 animals for consumption.  It states, “the acceptable market name of any engineered animal approved prior to the effective date of the National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard (February 19, 2019) shall include the words ‘genetically engineered’ prior to the existing acceptable market name.”
  • Page 125 in Section 775 of the Omnibus discusses the transfer of operations from DHS to USDA within the new BSL-4 lab known as the National Bio- and Agro- Defense Facility (NBAF).  As a BSL-4 lab, the NBAF will handle the most deadly and transmissible zoonotic diseases in their research. The NBAF facility, which is the first BSL-4 lab capable of housing large livestock, has been constructed on Kansas State University’s campus in Manhattan next to their Biosecurity Research Institute (BRI).  Research conducted by the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) will be transferred to the NBAF facility.  Research currently underway at BRI, such as mRNA vaccines for swine fever funded by ARS, will “expand with nearby partners” including the NBAF.  The Kansas State BRI lab is developing multiple human and animal mRNA vaccines using a nanotechnology they developed to create “the next generation of mRNA vaccines.”  Planning and construction of this BSL-4 lab has taken place over several years, as noted by the Corey’s Digs report, “USDA Hitting Food Supply Chain with Cattle Surveillance and A Level-4 Animal Disease Laboratory.”  In December 2022, the last phase of construction was completed.  The Omnibus states that the full transfer of operations within the new BSL-4 lab will be decided within 120 days after a date agreed upon by the secretaries of both agencies.  The Omnibus bill also “fully funds the continued establishment of the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility.”  The NBAF is on target to be fully operational in 2023, as DHS announced transfer of ownership will take place in spring 2023.
  • On page 188 in Section 763 of the Omnibus, the EPA and FDA are required to issue new advice about fish consumption by September 2023.  Safe fish eating guidelines currently listed on the EPA website, updated on January 25, 2023, list a number of possible contaminants in fish including dioxins.  In light of the recent chemical catastrophe in East Palestine, and potential release of dioxins impacting the environment, it will be interesting to see how the FDA and EPA revise the fish consumption guidelines.
  • Pages 3980 – 4146 of the Omnibus outline the Pesticide Registration Improvement Act of 2022 (PRIA 5).  Maintenance fees for each registered pesticide increased from $3400 to $4875.  The EPA aims to collect an average of $42 million per year from 2023 – 2027 in pesticide registration maintenance fees, an increase from $31 million per year.  The additional funding will be used by the EPA to improve pesticide registration and review timeframes.  In the EPA’s 2023 Performance Plan, they state that many of the pesticide registration actions taken in 2023 “will be for reduced-risk conventional pesticides and biopesticides” to reduce ecological impacts and protect endangered species.  As discussed above, biopesticides include RNA-based technologies that genetically alter plants and pests.  This “next generation of pesticides” may be fast-tracked by the EPA due to their ability to genetically target specific species without impacting endangered species.  However, much is still unknown about off-target genetic mutations caused by RNA-based pesticides which could impact the entire food chain.  On page 4004 of the Omnibus, a “Vector Expedited Review Voucher Program” (VERV) is established to incentivize and expedite the review process of novel mosquito control pesticides that prevent the spread of diseases such as West Nile, Zika and Malaria.  New novel RNA-based pesticides to genetically modify mosquitos using CRISPR technology may be eligible for the VERV program.

Manufacturing Food Shortages

  • On page 20 of the Omnibus, $41.5 million is appropriated for the Food and Agriculture Integrated Activities, including for funding the Food and Agriculture Defense Initiative (FADI) through September 2024.  FADI is a program under the USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), which focuses research on biosecurity risks, natural disasters, cyber threats, and other shocks to the food system.  Programs under FADI include research and surveillance of animal disease outbreaks in 60 laboratories across the U.S.  The National Animal Health Laboratory Network (NAHLN) division of FADI has played a key role in testing for avian flu throughout the country.  As of December 2022, 52 NAHLN laboratories in 39 states performed 170,000 PCR tests for avian flu.  As mentioned above, at least 58 million birds, including 40 million egg-laying hens have been culled due to the recent avian flu scare, which often bases the presumption of infection on questionable PCR tests.  The culling of tens of millions of birds in the U.S. has compounded the high costs and short supply of chickens and eggs in the country.
  • On page 27 of the Omnibus, the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) receives $1.16 billion.  On page 1861, FSIS receives an additional $29.7 million.  FSIS is responsible for issuing recalls of meat, poultry, and egg products, while the FDA handles recalls of other foods. The FSIS issued several recalls of hundreds of thousands of pounds of meat in 2022 and over 2 million pounds of canned meat and poultry products in 2023.  USDA’s food recalls reached record high numbers in 2022.  The increasing prevalence of meat recalls is shown to have a significant negative impact on consumer demand for fresh meat, while also impacting businesses, as the average cost for each food recall reaches $10 million.
  • On page 77, the FDA receives a total of $6.56 billion, of which $1.2 billion goes to the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) for duties such as inspections, food compliance programs and enforcement.  On page 3552 in Section 3401 of the Omnibus, a new office is established within CFSAN known as the “Office of Critical Foods,” in response to the baby formula shortage.  This new office will be responsible for oversight of “critical foods” including infant formula and “medical foods.”  Congress mandates that the FDA expedite the premarket submission process of new infant formulas to address the shortages.  In addition, the agency is required to “harmonize” regulatory requirements for infant formulas with other countries and conduct a study on infant formula in the U.S. with respect to regulations, nutritional content, and supply chain issues compared to the European Union.  Furthermore, the FDA is required to notify Congress within 24 hours of a recall of infant formula with a report on the details of the recall and impacts on the supply chain.  The FDA, in coordination with the USDA, is required to develop a national strategy on infant formula to increase supply chain resiliency, protect against future contamination, and prevent shortages.
  • On page 119 in Section 776 of the Omnibus, the USDA is awarded $5 million to test soil, water, and agricultural products for the presence of PFAS contaminants, and for mitigating the impacts to farmers for unmarketable livestock or crops.  As noted above, widespread testing for PFAS contamination deemed to be “forever chemicals” has put dozens of farms out of production, with many more expected as PFAS testing continues throughout the country. 
  • On page 1075 of the NDAA, the Secretary of the USDA is required to conduct a study and report to Congress on food supply chain shortfalls, focused on the 5 largest wholesale produce markets.  The study must include disaster preparedness in the event of cyber attacks and terrorist attacks.  After completion of the study, the USDA must then consult with Department of Transportation, Department of Homeland Security, wholesale produce market owners and operators, as well as state and local officials on necessary infrastructure improvements and disaster preparedness.
  • On page 1204 in Section 6808 of the NDAA, the Director of National Intelligence along with other heads of the intelligence community are required to conduct an analysis of the impacts to global food security with respect to the Ukraine war.  The assessment must include an analysis of potential political instability related to food insecurity. 
  • On page 107 of the NDAA, the Secretary of Defense is required to establish a Center for Excellence in Environmental Security used to facilitate civil-military operations focused on managing the consequences of food, water, and energy shortages.  The center will facilitate preparations for management of when, how, and why lack of food, water and energy “will cascade to economic, social, political, or national security events.”
  • On page 1290 in Section 7301 of the NDAA, the Secretary of Defense and the Administrator of FEMA are required to coordinate on an assessment of global catastrophic risk, which includes a comprehensive list of potential existential threats within the next 30 years as well as the likelihood of occurrence and potential consequences of events such as “global pandemics, nuclear war, asteroid and comet impacts, supervolcanoes, sudden and severe changes to the climate, and intentional or accidental threats arising from the use and development of emerging technologies.”  Furthermore, the operational plan must include a strategy to ensure the welfare of the civilian population with respect to basic needs including food, water, and shelter.

Consolidating Food & Water Systems

  • On page 29 of the Omnibus, the Farm Production and Conservation Business Center receives $248.7 million.  On page 30, the Farm Service Agency (FSA) receives $1.22 billion.  On page 36, the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) receives $941 million through 2024.  These agencies facilitate farmers’ access to programs that incentivize putting farmland out of production such as the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) and the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP), as discussed above.  Increased rental payments by the federal government for unused farmland have incentivized farmers to enter the CRP program, resulting in the addition of 5 million acres to the program in 2023.
  • The Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) receives $900 million.  On page 37, Watershed and Flood Prevention operations receive $75 million.  On page 765, the North American Wetlands Conservation Fund receives $50 million.  On page 119, an additional $5 million remains available to “prioritize the wetland compliance needs of areas with significant numbers of individual wetlands, wetland acres, and conservation compliance requests.”  As discussed above, monies appropriated to the LWCF and related programs are used to carry out the Biden regimes’ 30 x 30 plans to conserve 30 percent of U.S. lands by 2030.  Private lands with conservation easements adjacent to federally protected areas are a primary target.  Farmers participating in most financial benefit programs offered by the Farm Service Agency (FSA) and Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) must abide by the Wetlands Conservation Compliance rules.  Conservation Compliance prevents farmers from producing crops on protected wetlands under the threat of revoking USDA financial benefits.  As discussed above, American Stewards of Liberty warns that it is programs such as EQIP and CRP offered by FSA and NRCS that create a nexus for the federal government to control private lands.  Adding to this, the EPA has expanded the definition of United States waters in their latest Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule to include wetlands, lakes, ponds and streams, subjecting farmers to fines and jail time for conducting regular farming activities that are in violation of the WOTUS rule.
  • On page 39 of the Omnibus, the Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production program receives $8.5 million.  This program provides funding for projects that include indoor vertical farming in urban areas for full control of the food system, which is part of a larger agenda to create 15-minute cities, as outlined in the Corey’s Digs report, “NEW Controlled Food System is Now in Place and They Will Stop at Nothing to Accelerate Their Control.”
  • Page 3909 in Section 201 of the Omnibus establishes a new Ponzi scheme to facilitate the participation of farmers, ranchers and private forest owners in the carbon credits market.  Farmers may be eligible for carbon credit payments in exchange for fertilizer reduction and land conservation, while ranchers may receive carbon credit payments in exchange for livestock emissions reductions.  Carbon credits have failed to offset the high costs of converting farms to produce less carbon.  So far, less than 1.5% of farmers have entered into carbon credit contracts.  Critics argue that carbon credits are a fraudulent scheme used by big corporations to “greenwash” their businesses.  Others argue that a carbon credit scheme would primarily benefit large scale operations instead of small farms.
  • The EPA receives $10.1 billion, an increase of $576 million, including an increase of $72 million for enforcement and compliance programs.  As part of their PFAS Strategic Roadmap discussed in the EPA’s 2023 budget, the agency plans to allocate $126 million for PFAS research, testing, prevention and clean-up efforts.  As discussed above, the continued testing for PFAS contamination has led to dozens of farms shutting down production, and potential government buyouts of farmland deemed to be contaminated with “forever chemicals.”  As part of the EPA’s PFAS Strategic Roadmap, testing for PFAS contamination will continue throughout the country leading to more farmland placed out of production.  The FDA will ramp up testing for PFAS in food and packaging which may lead to further recalls, while the USDA will scale up testing of dairy farms which may put contaminated dairy farms out of production.  On pages 119-120 of the Omnibus, the USDA is awarded $5 million for testing PFAS substances in soil, crops and livestock, as well as for compensating farmers for losses due to contamination.  On page 33 of the Omnibus, Congress authorized the continuation of the Dairy Indemnity Program to compensate dairy farmers for losses resulting from high production costs or contamination.  The American Farm Bureau warns that the impact of the EPA’s PFAS contamination agenda will likely be widespread and devastating to farms.  Members of Congress anticipate that the upcoming Farm Bill slated to pass in 2023 will add additional funding to compensate farmers whose land is deemed to be contaminated with “forever chemicals.”
  • On page 582, the SEC receives $2.15 billion, an increase of $210 million.  House Republicans’ amendments to the Omnibus to address the SEC’s regulations on climate-related disclosures were blocked by Democrats.  As outlined above, the SEC plans to issue a final climate disclosure rule, requiring businesses to report climate-related risks within their value chain.  This new rule could have a severe impact on small farms doing business with companies who move their products to market, as small farms are unequipped to handle the compliance costs.  Big agricultural businesses would then gain a larger share of the market, consolidating the food system even further.
  • On page 124 in Section 773 of the Omnibus, the Secretary of the USDA is required to report to Congress on foreign investments in agricultural land, including the impact on family farms, rural communities and domestic food supply.  The USDA is required to streamline the process of electronic submission of disclosures of foreign investments in agricultural land, and create a database of those foreign investments within 3 years.  As outlined above, foreign investments in agricultural land reached 40.8 million acres as of 2021, with Chinese investments accounting for 384,000 acres of U.S. farmland.

Outbreak & Supply Chain Tracking

  • The USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), which receives $1.17 billion, an increase of $61 million, is responsible for an animal surveillance program to track the emergence of zoonotic disease outbreaks.  As noted above, APHIS is the USDA’s lead agency to implement the One Health agenda of tracking and controlling the food supply under the guise of public health.  APHIS attempted to implement an RFID chip program to track the cattle supply, but the proposed rule was repealed after major pushback.
  • On page 3329 in Section 2235 of the Omnibus, the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Director of the CDC are mandated to collaborate with the USDA and Department of Interior on a “One Health coordination mechanism at the Federal level to strengthen One Health collaboration related to prevention, detection, control, and response for zoonotic diseases and related One Health work across the Federal Government.”  As discussed above, the One Health approach is a mechanism of tracking and controlling the food supply under the umbrella of so-called “public health emergencies.”
  • The FDA receives a total of $3.5 billion in discretionary funding, which is an increase of $226 million.  The FDA’s ‘New Era of Smarter Food Safety’ program receives $20 million.  As part of this initiative, the FDA issued a new final rule in November 2022, to facilitate end-to-end traceability of the food system.  The new rule requires that certain foods listed on the Food Traceability List must be registered with a Traceability Lot Code which is used to track the food throughout the entire supply chain.  The deadline for compliance is January 2026.  A core element of the FDA’s ‘New Era of Smarter Food Safety’ program is “Tech Enabled Traceability” which includes blockchain technology. The FDA’s 2023 Plan states, “While limited to only certain foods, this proposal lays the foundation for a standardized approach to traceability recordkeeping, paving the way for industry to adopt, harmonize, and leverage more digital traceability systems in the future.” In other words, the FDA’s ultimate goal is to expand a blockchain-based digital identity system for every food in the supply chain.  Critics argue that the FDA’s new rule will place a heavy regulatory burden on small businesses within the supply chain – from harvesting, to processing and packing, to selling in grocery stores and restaurants.  This new regulation will not only expand the food surveillance and control grid but it will inevitably lead to more food supply consolidation.
  • Page 1053 in Section 5913 of the NDAA outlines the creation of a “National Research and Development Strategy for Distributed Ledger Technology” as discussed in the Corey’s Digs report “National Strategy to Develop Distributed Ledger Technology for Digital ID Tucked into 2023 Defense Budget.”  Use cases for this distributed ledger technology include digital IDs, delivery of public services (which may incorporate food assistance programs) and supply chain tracking.  On page 1278 in Section 7226 of the NDAA, a pilot program is established to identify use cases for deploying scalable artificial intelligence-enabled systems which may include predictive food demand and supply chain tracking.

Weaponization of Food Programs

  • On page 66 of the Omnibus, Child Nutrition programs receive $28.5 billion through September 2024 for school breakfast and lunch programs, an increase of $1.66 billion.  Additionally, page 3963 outlines a “permanent” Summer EBT for Children program, which receives $40 million to provide meals for children year-round.  On page 69, the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program receives $6 billion.  On page 70, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) receives $153.9 billion, an increase of $13.4 billion, through September 2025.  On page 695 in Section 211, FEMA receives $785 million through September 2024 for the Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP) for illegal immigrants.  On page 823 of the NDAA, a pilot program is awarded $15 million each year to address food insecurity of veterans and their families.  As discussed above, enrollment in food programs such as SNAP have dramatically increased over the years, as the Biden regime is making new efforts to funnel millions more into the food assistance system.  Meanwhile, agencies are working behind the scenes to create a distributed ledger infrastructure for recipients of food assistance as they move forward in plans to link food assistance to digital IDs.
  • On page 73 of the Omnibus, the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) receives $237.3 million through September 2024 for agricultural food production assistance programs through USAID.  On page 74, Food for Peace Grants receive $1.75 billion, an increase of $10 million.  On page 75, the McGovern-Dole International Food for Education program receives $243.3 million, an increase of $6 million.  On page 1332, the Global Environment Facility (GEF) receives $150.2 million, an increase of $912 thousand.  The GEF, which was created by the UN and the World Bank, plays an integral role in transforming global food systems and land use.  On page 1335, the Treasury Department receives $43 million for payment to the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), while $10 million goes to the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program, and $20 million is appropriated to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for the Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust or the Resilience and Sustainability Trust.  Page 1421 of the Omnibus states that funds under USAID’s Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance will be made available to the UN’s World Food Programme (WFP).  On page 984 of the NDAA, Congress amends the Global Food Security Strategy to appropriate $1.2 billion for this program for each year from 2024 to 2028, while the Emergency Food Security Program is amended to appropriate $3.9 billion to the program for each year from 2024 to 2028.  As previously discussed, international food and humanitarian assistance programs are often linked to biometrics and digital IDs.
  • On page 1558 of the Omnibus, $1.01 billion is made available for the Secretary of State and USAID to enter into negotiations with foreign governments and private entities “including the United Nations Rome-based agencies and the World Bank” to establish a fund focused on food security.  UN agencies based in Rome include the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the World Food Programme (WFP) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).  The UN’s FAO promotes programs to incorporate digital innovations into farming, including digital IDs for farmers and blockchain enabled tracking of food systems.  The UN’s WFP is a “key player in the humanitarian field, leveraging digital technologies [digital IDs] and biometrics” to provide food and humanitarian assistance to millions of people.  And the World Bank promotes digital IDs for farmers and agriculture, to provide financial assistance to farmers as well as to track the food supply.
  • On page 1834 of the Omnibus, under Ukraine Assistance, $50 million is made available in Food for Peace Grants, while $5 million remains available for child nutrition programs.  On page 1849, $937.9 million is appropriated for International Disaster Assistance.  As one of the most corrupt countries in the world with deep ties to the Biden crime family, serious questions remain as to how much of more than $100 billion in U.S. military and humanitarian aid has landed in the pockets of corrupt officials.  Of the humanitarian aid that has been distributed to the Ukrainian people, the government uses a digital ID system, Diia, for displaced Ukrainian citizens to access financial aid and other critical services.  This system was developed prior to the war with the assistance of USAID, and is now being deployed in other countries with additional funding from USAID in the amount of $650 thousand to assist in the “digital transformation.”

In Summary

The weaponization of the food system is one aspect of a much larger strategy to create a control grid over the entire global population.  The food control grid has four key elements: poisoning the food supply, manufacturing shortages, consolidating food and water systems, and weaponizing aid while tracking the food and the people.  With our own taxpayer dollars and uncontrolled debt, we are funding this food control grid designed to imprison us.

It is time for the people to take action.  We must pressure lawmakers to defund as many of these programs as possible.  The upcoming 2023 Farm Bill, set to pass by September, will be the next battleground.  This massive spending bill encompasses all agricultural and food assistance programs for the next 5 years, with food assistance programs reaching about 80 percent of the total spending. 

As lawmakers focus on creating more dependence on government programs, it will be up to the people to choose self-reliance.  We have the power to take back control of the food system by growing our own food, networking in our communities to build new food systems, and supporting local farms and businesses.

Funding the Control Grid Part 1: The Biomedical Framework

Funding the Control Grid Part 2: The Psychological Framework

Resources & Related Reading:

New “Food is Medicine” Nutrition Screening, RX, Tracking and Control

Inside Codex with Scott Tips: New Global Food Diet – Insects, Rats and Dogs

NEW Controlled Food System Is Now In Place And They Will Stop At Nothing To Accelerate Their Control

USDA Hitting Food Supply Chain with Cattle Surveillance and A Level-4 Animal Disease Laboratory

The Organic Narrative & Whole Foods Red Flags

A Clearer Breakdown of What This Infrastructure Bill is Really Funding

Dig It! Podcast #178: With Elze van Hamelen on Pharma Food

National Strategy to Develop Distributed Ledger Technology for Digital ID Tucked into 2023 Defense Budget

Finding Sources of Fresh Food

Homesteading Tips from John Moody

Bountiful Food and Self Reliance with David Dubyne

BIG SOLUTION: Shop with Patriots and Ditch Big Box Stores Now!

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