I Have Nothing To Hide


I don’t care if they are surveilling me through my smartphone, I have nothing to hide, he said.

What do I care if government can spy on me, I have nothing to hide, she said.

Why does it matter if Amazon can listen to me and see me coming and going from my house, I can see if there are intruders, and I have nothing to hide, he said.

What difference does it make if organizations, globalists, and law enforcement can track my whereabouts through my vehicle, I have nothing to hide, she said.

Who cares if big box stores aggregate data on everything I purchase and target me with ads on every device I own, I have nothing to hide, he said.

These cameras installed throughout my home are to spy on intruders so if it means I get spied on through them what do I care, I have nothing to hide, she said.

So what if they are collecting all of my health records and sharing them with government agencies, big pharma, and organizations across the globe, I have nothing to hide, he said.

If they want to install a kill switch on my vehicle to prevent me from driving and setup vehicle-to-everything surveillance, I have nothing to hide, she said.

I’m OK with banks categorizing all of my spending habits, I have nothing to hide, he said.

What does it matter if they are installing facial recognition and biometrics in street lights, at entrances, and in airports, when I have nothing to hide, she said.

What’s the big deal if they want digital IDs with everyone’s background report, drivers license, health records, education, vaccine status, bank info, contact info, family network and friends, and any other info they want, when I have nothing to hide, he said.

Who cares about the thousands of satellites launched to surveil, I have nothing to hide, she said.

Why would I care if they can spy on me through my phone, computer, television, and in-home smart devices, when I have nothing to hide, he said.

What’s the big deal if they put all of my information on the blockchain and can monitor my entire life, habits, spending, or locations, and have the ability to alter the data, it’s not like I have anything to hide, she said.

Why should I be concerned about my child’s knowledge, behavior, and whereabouts being tracked through the education system and smartphones – I have nothing to hide, he said.

So what if they want to build a social credit score on all of us as some new credit system for getting access to establishments, jobs, or our financials, if I have nothing to hide, she said.

What’s the big deal if they pass some mandatory law requiring every citizen to move from a digital ID to a chip for ease, since I have nothing to hide, he said.

What’s wrong with having all of these apps, cool wireless tech devices, and virtual reality worlds where they can study our behaviors, when I have nothing to hide, she said.

Who cares if they ditch cash and we have to use digital wallets that are monitored and tracked, it’s not like I have anything to hide, he said.

Why does it matter if I can’t get into an establishment any longer, or make purchases I wish to make, or travel anywhere because of my social credit score being lowered due to buying meat or exceeding my monthly water and thermostat ration – I don’t have anything to hide, she said.

Just because I couldn’t buy any food today doesn’t mean I won’t be given access to it tomorrow, after all, I have nothing to hide, he said.

It’s ok that I can’t grow food anymore because they have these new indoor vertical farms that replaced traditional farming, and one day when I’m allowed access to the grocery store again, I get to nourish myself with this gene-edited food, and surely they’ll let me in because I have nothing to hide, she said.

I may not be able to drive any longer because I’ve run out of time to buy my mandatory electric vehicle, but I can just walk to where I need to go, and the street cameras can monitor me all they want because I have nothing to hide, he said.

The bench in the park is just fine for me to sleep on since they bought up all of our homes when we could no longer afford them. I will be OK on this bench because I have nothing to hide, she said.

I may have been cut off from my digital wallet, and cash no longer exists, but hopefully I will get my social credit score back up soon, because I have nothing to hide, he said.

I once dreamt of having a beautiful home in the country, raising a few children, and living life to the fullest, but now I own nothing, and I’m happy.

I have nothing left to hide.

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