Will The Real Jim Yong Kim Please Stand


It is purported that World Bank President Jim Yong Kim was born in Seoul, South Korea, immigrated with his family to the U.S. at age five, grew up in the small town of Muscatine, Iowa, graduated Brown University and Harvard Medical School, and was soon on his way through a journey of a lifetime. He made the most incredible connections along the way, was ranked by Forbes as the 45th most powerful person in the world, and was named TIME Magazine’s “100 most influential people in the world.” It’s an inspirational story, until one begins to sift through the grandeur, to find mirrors of illusion that were well put in place. Was Kim really born in South Korea, and what about his sister and brother who are seldom mentioned? What connections catapulted his career moves, and why were his positions vital roles to achieving forward momentum with the 2030 agenda, he and his cohorts have discussed and planned for decades?

Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Jim Yong Kim
Photo: Wikipedia

Jim Yong Kim was appointed President of the World Bank in 2012 by former President Barack Obama, and could have lost his position in 2017, had President Donald Trump chosen to replace him, but he did not. On January 5, 2019, Jim Yong Kim abruptly announced his resignation, three years prior to his term expiring. Some are reporting that Kim was not forced out by the Trump administration, and that he chose to resign due to differences of opinion on climate change, and feels that he can do more to build infrastructure in the developing world by working in the private sector. Whatever the “real reason” may be, his past needs a closer examination, especially leading up to how and why he retained the position at the World Bank.


A Brief Timeline of Kim’s Career

Co-founded Zanmi Lasante in Cange, Haiti with Dr. Paul Farmer, Todd McCormack, Thomas White, and Ophelia Dahl

1987 – 2003
Co-founded Partners in Health with Dr. Paul Farmer, Todd McCormack, Thomas White, and Ophelia Dahl

2003 – 2006
Advisor to Director-General World Health Organization / Director of HIV/AIDS Dept.

2006 – 2009
Chief of the Division of Global Equity at Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Chair of Dept. of Global Health and Social Medicine at Harvard
Director of Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights (Four Pillars) at Harvard School of Public Health
Co-founded Global Health Delivery Project at Harvard University with Dr. Paul Farmer and Professor Michael Porter

2009 – 2012
President of Dartmouth College
Co-founded the Dartmouth Center for Health Care Delivery Science

2012 – 2019
President of the World Bank



7 Key Topics on Jim Yong Kim’s Journey


TOPIC 1:  Jim Yong Kim’s Family – Who Are They?

Very little is spoken of or written about Kim’s family. In fact, this single sentence is the one that is typically used in hundreds of sources, including Wikipedia and Encyclopedia Britannica: “His father taught dentistry at the University of Iowa, where his mother also earned her PhD in philosophy.” This is very strange, considering his brother Bill Hoon Kim is a medical doctor who is the chief of staff of PIH Health in Downey, Los Angeles, and is co-owner of Frischer Medical Group. Jim’s sister Heidi Jee Hei Kim, a sociologist and opera singer, is an Episcopal Church Missioner for Racial Reconciliation, with a background in helping children at preparatory schools.

Bill Hoon Kim Medical License

In 2016, Jim Yong Kim sat down for an exclusive interview with The Original, in what appears to be one of very few articles in which Kim speaks about his family at all. He states that his father grew up in North Korea, escaped at age 19 after the borders closed, and headed South to get an education to become a dentist. Kim goes on to say that his mother came to the United States on a scholarship when she was 18. She studied at the Union Theological Seminary in New York City. In later years, she received a PhD in Confucian philosophy. Kim said that when he was born, Korea was one of the poorest countries in the world.

In one other article from 2007, by Brown Alumni Magazine, they go fairly in-depth into Kim’s history, his leadership fellowship from the Kellogg Foundation, how the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gave Partners in Health $44.7 million in 2000, and Jeffrey Sachs told Kim he needed to start asking for billions. Kim shared a little insight into his family in this piece, stating that when he was accepted to Brown “his father cried when he came east” and that his mother and sister Heidi drove with him, and Heidi followed her brother to Brown three years later. He also stated that his mother had encourage him as a boy to read the writings of Martin Luther King Jr., and had taken him to hear George McGovern speak, and to volunteer for the candidate when he ran for president in 1972. He said that his mother’s influence stuck, and that he had become deeply committed to social justice and liberation theology, and that he’d devoted his medical career to helping the poor.

Gender equality quickly became one of his biggest focal points that he speaks about at countless conferences, as well as being quoted in articles on this topic. He is very passionate about girls being educated and women being treated with equality. In 2014, Kim stated the following at a CARE conference on gender equality: “In the midst of all this complexity, the great news is that gender equality doesn’t require trade-offs; it only has benefits. And the benefits accrue to everyone, not just women and girls. Societies benefit and as even MEN are beginning to understand, economies benefit, too. The governors of the World Bank Group have set ambitious goals to end extreme poverty by 2030 and to boost shared prosperity for the bottom 40 percent of the population in developing countries. If we are to reach those goals, investing wisely in women and girls needs to be a major part of our work.”

This is a 2-min video of Jim Yong Kim speaking passionately about how important gender equality is.


This begs the question, if he feels so strongly about gender equality and education for women, why is there little to no information on his mother’s success, and why does Kim rarely speak of her? In fact, The Washington Post did a piece on Kim, back in 2012, titled ‘Who is Jim Yong Kim?’ Yet, all they could muster up, was the same sentence floating around on hundreds of websites, with no additional information about his mother or father. Nor, did they mention the fact that Kim has two siblings. One would think, with a headline like that, it would offer some substance.

Jim Yong Kim’s wife Dr. Younsook Lim, has an equally impressive background as Kim, yet there is very little reported about her, and one rarely hears Kim speak of her. He mentions her in this 54-second video Dartmouth published in 2009, and Dartmouth also covered her work in an article that same year. Younsook has been a pediatrician at Children’s Hospital Boston, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Harvard’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital. She was an instructor in pediatrics at Harvard Medical School from 1995 to 2003, and from 2004-2005 she was a medical officer for the World Health Organization in Geneva, in the evidence and information for policy cluster and the department of child and adolescent health, which was during the same time frame that Jim worked for WHO as Director of the HIV/AIDS department. At the time of the article, in 2009, she had recently been working on a project in Rwanda that focused on care for children living with HIV, and had intentions of working with TDI at Dartmouth.

For a power couple, Younsook sees very little coverage in the media, and Kim’s parents have almost completely escaped the limelight with only one black and white photo of Jim, brother Bill, and their father back in 1961.


4 Key Claims with Discrepancies:

1) In 2005, Kim stated his father Nhak Hee Kim died in 1987, and that his mother Oaksook Chun Kim was living in Los Angeles near his brother Bill.

2) In a 2015 speech Kim gave at the migration and global development agenda, he stated, “In 1964, I became a migrant when my parents decided to leave the extreme poverty and instability of post-war Korea to give me and my siblings a chance at a better life.”

3) In 2016, Kim stated that his father grew up in North Korea, escaped at age 19 after the borders closed, and went to the South to get an education to become a dentist. He also stated his mother came to the United States on a scholarship when she was 18, but never mentioned her coming back again until their family migrated in 1964.

4) In 2018, Encyclopedia Britannica produced a bio page on Kim, stating that his original name is Kim Yong, and during his youth, Kim switched the order of his name to Yong Kim, according to Western style, and added the first name Jim.


For starters, Google will have you believe that his father’s name is Nhak Kee Kim, when in fact it’s Nhak Hee Kim. Most sources get it correct, but there are a handful that spell it as google suggests, and others that leave his parents’ names out entirely.

Nhak Kee Kim google


The information below was extracted from multiple U.S. public records databases in order to cross-reference and verify the accuracy, in addition to reviewing property records, and other data points. Anyone that wishes to spend the time doing so, can seek out this information through both open source and paid databases of public records.

Jim’s father Nhak Hee Kim, was born on April 15, 1929, and died on January 4, 1987. Notice the same social security numbers for both names below, and the notes section explaining this. Oftentimes middle names are left off of certain records.

A) His social security number was issued – June 1955 in New York. Therefore, Nhak was working in the United States in 1955, four years prior to Jim being born, and 9 years prior to their family immigrating to the U.S.

B) His records also indicate he was born in South Korea, not North Korea, as Jim stated.

It’s important to note that in the 1950’s one had to walk into a field office to apply for a social security number. At that time, one was not required to verify proof of the information provided.

C) Nhak’s last name is documented as Kim in 1955, so why is Encyclopedia Britannica claiming that his real name was Kim Yong and that he switched it to Yong Kim, and added Jim in front of it after he immigrated to the U.S., to fit in? Jim wasn’t even born until 1959.

Nhak Hee Kim  Nhak Kim




Records indicate he died on January 4, 1987, the year Jim stated he died. But did he? There are some strange anomalies in 1990, 1993 and 1994. If Nhak were still alive today, he would be 89-years-old.

Nhak Hee Kim died 1987  Nhak Hee Kim grave


This is the correct Nhak Hee Kim stated to be Jim’s father, because there are no other Nhak Hee Kim’s with that exact name, that died in 1987, and has corresponding addresses with his mother Oaksook Chun Kim. Yet, the years in which they owned or rented these particular properties below, were all after 1987. How could Nhak’s name be listed on these properties, without providing verification?

Cambridge Address:

Nhak H Kim and Oaksook Chun Kim are both listed on this property in Cambridge, MA from 1994 to 2009, which is an 18-min drive to Harvard Medical School.

Nhak H Kim Cambridge  Nhak H Kim Cambridge address


3 Matching Addresses:

Dr. Oaksook Chun Kim and Dr. Nhak Hee Kim are both listed on three matching addresses in 1993 and 1994, six years after Nhak Hee Kim was stated to have died. What’s stranger, is Nhak’s birth date is listed as September 1, 1941, yet Jim’s father was born on April 15, 1929. Is this some strange mishap?

Dr Oaksook Chun Kim  Dr Nhak Hee Kim born 1941


In reviewing the property records of 2986 Nicada Dr., Los Angeles, CA, from January 1, 1990 – September 30, 1991, Oaksook Kim and Jim’s brother Bill Kim were both listed on this property, most likely on the lease as a rental, since this particular property has been rented out in the past. This is the same address that Dr. Nhak Hee Kim is listed at, the one born in 1941, as seen above. He is also listed at the Beloit Ave address. Is someone playing games with Jim’s deceased father, or what explanation is there for this?

Oaksook Kim


For purposes of showing these are all in fact the correct family members, below reflects the property ownership of a residence in Huntington Beach, CA, whereby Jim Yong Kim, his brother Bill Hoon Kim, and his mother Oaksook Chun Kim are all listed on this property. The dates are a little wonky, but the address has been left off intentionally because it would appear to be a current residence, so there is no need to publish that here.

Jim Yong Kim, Bill Kim, Oaksook Kim


Nhak Hee Kim, listed here as Nhak Kim married Oaksook Chun, listed here as Oak Chun, in 1957 in Manhattan, New York, NY. Remember, Nhak received his SSN in New York back in June of 1955. According to one source, Oaksook received her SSN between 1955-1956 in Tennessee, but this has not been verified through additional databases. The year is likely correct, but the state may be in question, unless of course Oaksook was living in Tennessee before meeting Nhak and marrying him two years later.

Oaksook Chun Kim

Oak Chun marriage license  Nhak Kim marriage license



In 1959, Nhak Hee Kim’s address was 99 Claremont Ave. in Manhattan, the same location they had been married just two years prior. Jim Yong Kim stated he was born in Seoul, South Korea in 1959. Jim’s brother Bill Hoon Kim was born in 1958. This is all very puzzling.

Nhak Hee Kim Manhattan


Nhak Hee Kim Manhattan New York


Nhak Hee Kim’s parents, Jim’s grandparents, are Chung M Kim and Bo S Song. Bo’s last residence was in California, where she applied for an SSN in 1969. Jim never mentioned his grandparents immigrating to the U.S., nor do records reflect what year they immigrated.

chung m kim and bo s song  Bo S Kim grandmother


Chung Kim and Bo Song divorced on November 9, 1983.

jim yong kim grandparents divorce



Based on all of the above information, it would create a timeline that looks like this:

1907                Bo S Song born on Feb 3, 1907
1929                Nhak Hee Kim – born April 15, 1929 in South Korea to Chung M Kim and Bo S Song
1933                Dr. Oaksook Chun Kim born on Sept 13, 1933
1941                Dr. Nhak Hee Kim was born and shows up on 3 of Oaksook’s addresses after 1987
1951                Oaksook Chun attended Union Theological Seminary in New York City, on a scholarship
1955-56          Oaksook Chun received SSN in TN (the state is not 100% verified)
1955                Nhak Hee Kim received SSN in NY in June of 1955
1957                Nhak and Oaksook Marriage License in Manhattan, New York, NY
1958                Bill Hoon Kim born on June 26, 1958
1959                Nhak Hee Kim had a residence in Manhattan, New York, NY
1959                Jim Yong Kim born on December 8, 1959
1963                Heidi J Kim born on August 30, 1963
1964                Jim Yong Kim allegedly immigrated with his family to the U.S., from Seoul, South Korea
1969                Bo S Song received SSN in California
1983                Chung B Kim and Bo S Song (Nhak’s parents) got divorced in Los Angeles on Nov 9, 1983
1987                Nhak Hee Kim died in January – California
1993-94          Nhak Hee Kim & Dr. Nhak Hee Kim’s names come up in records on 3 addresses after 1987
1995                Bo S Song died on May 18, 1995 in Anaheim, CA


One very important factor to note: Naturalization and immigration records came up empty on the entire family. This does not mean that they do not exist, but all avenues have been exhausted on this end.


Is it possible that his mother and father came to the U.S. in 1955 as an unmarried couple, obtained their SSN’s so as to establish work and residency, then proceeded to get married in 1957 in New York? The only problem is, Bill was born in 1958 and Jim was born in 1959, while they were still living in Manhattan in 1959. Is it possible there was a misprint in the 1959 directory, and Nhak and Oaksook had gone back to South Korea after they married in 1957, birthing Bill the following year, then Jim, and in 1963 sister Heidi? Why did Kim mention his mother going to the U.S. on a scholarship when she was 18, but fail to mention his parents went in 1955 to work, get married, and then return to South Korea to have a family, only to return to the U.S. seven years later? Did his parents meet in the U.S.? How long had the grandparents lived in California, being as his grandma received an SSN in 1969, and why are they not mentioned as immigrating as well? Why is Dr. Nhak Hee Kim listed at the same addresses as his mother, with a birth year of 1941, long after he had died? Surely there is some explanation for all of this.


For the record, Dr. Nhak Hee Kim met with 26 dentists in California, to form the Korean American Dental Association in 1969. He also served as their president from 1986 to 1987. It does not indicate where he lived at that time.

According to records, he was a licensed dentist in Muscatine, IA in 1975, and had opened up shop in Reseda, CA in 1983. It was dissolved on May 12, 1987.

Nhak Hee Kim dentist Iowa

Nhak Hee Kim dentist California


In 1993, Oaksook Chun Kim registered a non-profit in Los Angeles, CA, called ‘Coalition Against Military Sexual Slavery By Japan, Inc.’ which was dissolved in 2017. Oaksook, the registered agent, registered from the Nicada Dr. address, the same address Dr. Nhak Hee Kim, born in 1941, was also listed on in public records.



TOPIC 2:  Auroran Muscatine High School

Jim Yong Kim grew up in the small town of Muscatine, Iowa, just an hour-and-twenty-minutes northeast of Maharishi Vedic City. Jim graduated in 1978, following after his brother Bill who graduated in 1977. Oddly, Heidi, who was four years younger than Jim, would have graduated in 1982, but does not appear in any of the yearbooks. Perhaps the entire family moved closer to the University of Iowa, since both brothers and the parents had attended or taught there?

Auroran Muscatine High School was established in 1868, its colors are purple and gold, and its mascot is the Muscatine Muskies. They offer numerous clubs the children can get involved in and Jim chose to join the Model UN (United Nations) club. He was also on the basketball and football teams. Below indicates that Bill attended both elementary school and middle school in Muscatine, IA as well, but it does not reflect the same for Jim, even though they were only one year apart. It would seem they both graduated high school at the age of 19.

Bill Hoon Kim high school Muscatine Iowa  Jim Yong Kim high school Muscatine Iowa



1978 Auroran Muscatine High School

Auroran Muscatine Iowa High School

Jim Yong Kim rookie football



TOPIC 3:  Jim Yong Kim Joined Forces with the Clinton Foundation Long Ago

World Bank President Jim Yong Kim delivered a speech at the Clinton Global Initiative’s 12th and final annual meeting, praising the Clintons and their work together. Here are a few cliff notes:

The CGI community has helped lead the way in recognizing the power of innovative financial tools to bring about significant social impact. Whether the goal was to build resilient cities or leverage resources to fight Ebola, the CGI community has changed the way wealth is put to work.

Over the years, the World Bank Group has partnered with other CGI members on 47 Commitments to Action. That is an impressive amount of investment, sharing of information, and expertise that takes place in those projects.

Just two years ago, we launched the SheWorks CGI Commitment to Action at the CGI Annual Meeting to bring together leading companies committed to achieving gender equality in the workplace.

… But CGI — using so many tools, including innovative financing — has had great impact on improving the lives of the poorest. I want to thank CGI for all the good it has helped create in the world, especially for all the good it has done for the poor.


In a recent Sputnik article, Charles Ortel was quoted stating, “I do not believe enough attention has been paid to the period starting in 2003, when Dr. Kim worked with the World Health Organization, and also interacted with the Clinton Foundation. Between 2003 and 2009, in my view, the Clinton Foundation illegally solicited and raised hundreds of millions of dollars to ‘fight HIV/AIDS internationally’, including about $300 million from UNITAID, a non-governmental organization housed within WHO.”


Three Partnerships with the World Bank

In an 84-page report put out by the World Bank in 2013, titled ‘The World Bank Group and Foundations – Stories of Partnerships,’ they illustrate examples of the work the World Bank has done with over 80 foundations. They break down just three examples of work they have done specifically with the Clinton Foundation, through their illegally formed Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), and the illegally formed Clinton Climate Initiative. On the India partnership, the report indicates that they have worked with the Clinton Foundation from 2006 to date. Lupin and Novartis received millions in contracts to reduce incidence of TB in India. The same two companies donated thousands to the Clinton Foundation.


World Bank Donor to CHAI

Between 2010-2017 the World Bank is listed as a donor on Clinton Health Access Initiative’s site, donating between $1M – $5M.


Rwanda Partners and Timeline:

On March 23, 2012, the day former President Barack Obama announced Kim’s appointment to World Bank President, Forbes ran an article quoting Rwandan President Kagame and former President Bill Clinton:

Rwandan President Kagame wrote:

I was delighted to learn that Jim Kim has been nominated for this post, as he is a true friend of Africa and well known for his decade of work to support us in developing an efficient health system in Rwanda. He’s not only a physician and a leader who knows what it takes to address poverty, but also a genuinely good person. President Obama’s nomination of Dr. Kim as President of the World Bank is a welcome one, and should resonate well with the many men and women who are working to transform lives around the world.

Former President Clinton wrote:

Jim Kim is an inspired and outstanding choice to lead the World Bank based on his years of commitment and leadership to development and particularly health care and AIDS treatment across the world. He will be the most experienced development expert to ever take the helm of the World Bank.

The Human Resources for Health Program in Rwanda was announced on July 19, 2012 by former President Bill Clinton, including partnerships with Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, along with CHAI operating out of Rwanda on a seven-year, $150 million collaboration. In this article, Bill Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, Paul Farmer, and Minister Dr. Binagwaho are seen posing with nursing students at the Rwamagana School of Nursing and Midwifery.

On November 21, 2013, the New England Journal of Medicine released a special report detailing the largest-scale global health partnership ever initiated between American universities and a low-income country, and Dartmouth Geisel School of Medicine, one of the founding partners, put out a press release. They explained that, in an unprecedented move by PEPFAR, the $150M was comprised of reallocated funding from the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), that was channeled directly to the Rwandan Ministry of Health, along with support from The Global Fund.

The press release also states that the Ministry of Health asked the Clinton Health Access Initiative, who had also worked with Rwanda in 2002, to assist in the planning of its response to HIV and AIDS. CHAI gathered a U.S. academic consortium to forge a 7-year partnership with the government of Rwanda. They quote Paul Farmer in this release as well.

Rwanda partnership Dartmouth, Clinton Foundation, Harvard



TOPIC 4:  Partners in Health (PIH) = Partners with Clinton Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, George Soros, and Hundreds of Others

Jim Yong Kim co-founded Partners in Health with Dr. Paul Farmer, Todd McCormack, Thomas White,
and Ophelia Dahl in 1987. There is a lot of material out there covering PIH, so for purposes of keeping this short, here are four key points that may or may not have already been covered.

  • The same co-founders of PIH founded Zanmi Lasante in Cange, Haiti in 1983, and built a medical treatment center in 1985 to treat patients who were incapable of paying hospital fees. Kim did not receive his M.D. from Harvard until 1991, and Farmer received his M.D. in 1990. Zanmi Lasante is now the largest non-government healthcare provider in Haiti, and in 2008 alone, they had recorded 2.6 million patient encounters. How is it that Americans were able to setup an organization in another country, prior to establishing it in America first, which is how the law requires one to do so?
  • Chelsea Clinton serves on the Board of PIH, and Paul Farmer serves on CHAI’s Board. Mala Gaonkar also serves on the CHAI board, and has connections with Dartmouth, Harvard, Lone Pine Capital, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. She is also a big donor to CHAI and Partners in Health.
  • PIH’s donor list far exceeds that of nearly any other non-profit organization existing. This is a 56-page PIH 2012 Annual Report, with 21-pages consisting of donors alone, in 4-columns per page, with roughly 50 people/organization per column, just to put this in perspective. Everyone who is anyone contributes to PIH. The cross-referencing of funds moving between these organization would be an arduous task at best.
  • On April 4, 2001, a Harvard Consensus Statement on Antiretroviral Treatment for AIDS in Poor Countries was spearheaded by Jeffrey Sachs, and signed by 148 faculty of Harvard University. It provided parameters for making antiretroviral therapy immediately available to poor countries. This report lists the faculty, which included Paul Farmer, Jim Yong Kim, and Jeffrey D. Sachs. This came just one year after the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and GAVI were formed, and one year prior to the Global Fund launching. All of these foundations/organizations, along with PIH, were focused on AIDS treatment. This was a key piece of information used to catapult their agenda. Interestingly, the article would have one believe that Bill Gates gave pause to this, yet his partner in the Gobal Fund, is the one who spearheaded it.

In a conversation with financial analyst Charles Ortel, regarding this consensus statement, he had this to say:

This is not a legitimate report. The numbers don’t add up. The process they used to come up with this, is inaccurate. This was used to set precedent, and nothing more.


  • Clinton HIV-AIDS Initiative funded Partners In Health’s AIDS program in Rwanda in 2006. PIH also received millions, in their early years, from the Soros and Gates foundations, and Eli Lilly.
  • In 2010, while president of Dartmouth, Kim worked with students and faculty to partner with PIH, forming the Dartmouth Haiti Response, raising over $1M in donations for medical supplies and volunteers to Haiti.



TOPIC 5:  Who Chose Jim Yong Kim as World Bank President?

Hillary Clinton, then Secretary of State, is the one who put Kim’s name into the mix for World Bank President in 2012. Former President Barack Obama announced his appointment on March 23, 2012.



TOPIC 6:  Dartmouth Days

Just prior to being appointed to the World Bank President in 2012, by former President Barack Obama, Kim served as the President of Dartmouth, beginning in March, 2009. During that time, he raised over $1M for Haiti in 2010, and received an anonymous $35M donation that same year so that he could establish the Dartmouth Center for Health Care Delivery Science. Controversy arose the following year, over Kim not releasing the college’s budget, and lack of transparency.

During Kim’s time at Dartmouth, Professor Elliott Fisher, now the Director of the Dartmouth Institute, was working diligently on research for the ‘Affordable Care Act.’ Fisher worked on a long-term study called the ‘Dartmouth Atlas Health Care’ which was influential in the debate of passing Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act, while he served as the director of the centers for population health and healthy policy research at Dartmouth from 2007–2009. The Affordable Care Act was introduced on October 29, 2009 and passed on November 7, 2009. Fisher was removed from Dartmouth in 2018, under investigation, along with five other professors. Full story here.

While Fisher was working on research for the ‘Affordable Care Act’ at Dartmouth, former CDC Director Thomas Frieden, who was the commissioner of health to New York City from 2002-2009, was working on the Electronic Health Records (EHR). Obama made it a point to praise Frieden’s work on the 2-year EHR pilot program he had been working on, when he appointed him to be his CDC Director in 2009. This story runs much deeper. On August 24, 2018, Frieden was arrested for forcible touching, sexual abuse, and harassment. His trial has been pushed to March, 2019.

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation began giving grants to Dartmouth College in October, 2008, just 5 months before Jim Yong Kim was named the 17th president of Dartmouth. In May, 2009, just three months later, they granted Dartmouth $100,000 “to harness women’s immune systems to prevent HIV-1 infection.” After Kim departed Dartmouth in 2012, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation granted one last grant for polio vaccine research, and seemed to have halted grants since 2014.


gates foundation grants to dartmouth



TOPIC 7:  Ebola Outbreak of 2014

Thomas Frieden, Ban Ki-moon, Jim Yong Kim, and Christine Lagarde were all discussing the need for major funds to fight Ebola in October 2014, stating that the Ebola outbreak in West Africa was comparable to the AIDS epidemic, and if not contained it could cost the regional economy $32 billion.

Head of the World Bank Jim Yong Kim, made it his mission. The New York Times reported that Dr. Kim had driven the normally lumbering bank to act on Ebola with uncharacteristic speed. It had committed $400 million to fighting the disease, one of the largest sums of any donor. The first $105 million took just nine days to reach the governments of the affected countries, a pace unheard-of at the bank.

The Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), and several of its members, jumped on board to bring aid to Liberia and Sierra Leone, which allegedly consisted of 9.8 million defined daily doses of medications, rehydration solution, coverall gowns, masks, and gloves. In December 2014, Bill Gates’ company GAVI, which is funded by 19 governments, the European Union, and a number of NGOs, announced its $300M commitment to buy Ebola vaccines to prepare for the future.

The Center for Global Development found some potential discrepancies in how much money was actually being spent on this Ebola crisis, by tracking the funds through OCHA’s Financial Tracking Service. The World Bank had committed up to $400M, but OCHA’s database only accounted for $197M. There was also a $391M discrepancy with the U.S. government funds. They later updated their article to state that in the case of Ebola, some of the funding announced by donors was for long-term development assistance, and therefore may not have been reflected in OCHA yet.


A Few Key Facts:

  • Clinton Foundation is currently under investigation.
  • Former CDC Director Thomas Frieden was arrested in August 2018 for sexual abuse and harassment, with trial set for March 2019, not to mention his own sordid history of potential corruption.
  • Managing Director and Chairwoman of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Christine Lagarde, was convicted and found guilty of criminal charges over a massive government payout in 2016, served no time, no fines, and is still the head of IMF.
  • Former Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon has worked very closely with Jim Yong Kim on many projects, including ‘Every Woman Every Child,’ founded by Ban Ki-moon. Kim stated that the World Bank Group would put its full weight behind the next phase of resource mobilization for GFF, a financial arm of the bank that they launched in support of ‘Every Woman Every Child.’ The World Bank has many financial arms, including GEF, who recently funded the Clinton Foundation and Richard Branson’s Ten Island pilot project, which is in the drug and child trafficking transits all along the Caribbean.




This is a compilation of a questionable history with questionable actions, and this is only a mere glance into the history of Jim Yong Kim. Perhaps Kim has done some remarkable things in his lifetime, and quite possibly even helped some people along the way, but that doesn’t negate the fact that he is complicit in working with the Clinton Foundation, that has long been known to be operating illegally, and is under investigation. A CPA or financial analyst can easily assess this upon looking into their filings as well as their tax returns. In fact, many from the general population have the ability to discern this. In addition, Partners in Health has been under strong scrutiny, which will likely continue to see a spotlight on it. And finally, Elliott Fisher, Thomas Frieden, and Christine Lagarde have all been under investigation as well.

More importantly, time and time again, it is the same group of people running and funding these operations that are said to be “saving the world” for their 2030 agenda, of which they all speak openly about in articles, on their websites, and at conferences. To a blind eye, it would appear as though, these philanthropic wonder dogs are overflowing with compassion and on a mission to in fact save the world, but to those paying attention and following the money trail, they can see the game. The money moves between these foundations and organizations, oftentimes not accounted for, and with little transparency as to the alleged “cause” it was supposed to be appropriated to, other than numbers and words on a website. Maybe Kim set out with good intentions, and got caught up in the game. Either way, there is a lot of explaining to be done. Will the real Jim Yong Kim please stand?


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