LOCAL HEALTH OFFICER IS CRIMINAL — The Healthy American, Peggy Hall
Backup channel on Bitchute
He was guilty of taking payments from drug company Astra-Zeneca, and now is in cahoots with UCI to run a “large population study” on people wearing masks. He continues these unlawful “local health orders” breaking every law along the way. Fraud is a felony, and a felony carries a prison sentence.
Next steps will be coming.
Watch this video for background: https://youtu.be/iUQa_HQvjuw.
According to CA law (likely the same in your state); “A local health emergency can only be called if there is an IMMINENT and PROXIMATE THREAT of an INTRODUCTION of an infectious disease.”
The “introduction” of the disease was back in February.
There are NO LEGAL GROUNDS for this unlawful “local health emergency” to continue.
Your governing body (either the County, or your City Council) has the LEGAL authority, power and DUTY to terminate this “local health emergency” IMMEDIATELY — and all the orders that are associated with it go away.
These public servants think YOU are too ignorant to know better.
But we DO know better!!
Please Help Us in Orange County — because we can set the example for the ret of the Country!
1. Are you personally prepared to go to prison for FRAUD by allowing this unlawful local health emergency to stand? Are you aware that fraud is a felony that carries a prison sentence?
2. You are aware that you EACH are COMPLICIT in fraud by INTENTIONALLY MISREPRESENTING THE INFORMATION about this “local health emergency” for monetary gain? In other words, you are allowing this “local health emergency” to stand in order to get state and federal funds. This is FRAUD, which is a FELONY, and which carries a PRISON SENTENCE.
3. Are you aware that YOU have the power, authority and legal duty to make a motion for a vote to terminate this unlawful “local health emergency” TODAY?
4. Are you aware that there are NO LEGAL GROUNDS for a “local health emergency” according to state law?
5. Why are you breaking state, federal and local laws by allowing the continuance of this local health emergency, which violates state law?
6. What evidence (as required by state law) have the health officers submitted to you that supports their orders?
7. You already are aware that there is no reputable medical science and evidence that supports healthy people wearing masks, so why do you support this?
8. Why are you PERPETRATING FRAUD ON THE PUBLIC by allowing a local health emergency to continue when there are no grounds to do so?
9. Would you explain how my RELIGIOUS BELIEFS protect me (or not) from having to wear a mask?
10. Can you tell me why you SUPPORT the public being HARASSED and INTIMIDATED in places of business, when our state civil code protects me from discrimination based on my medical condition, and allows for my “free and equal” access to all business establishments of any kind, whatsoever?
11. Why have you given away your authority by allowing the health officers to defy your requests for information?
12. Why do you continue to put the ELECTORATE at EXTREME PERIL of health risks and DEATH, as testified by countless licensed physicians, associated with wearing masks?
13. Are you prepared for LEGAL ACTION AGAINST YOU PERSONALLY for your FRAUDULENT actions (a felony, with a prison sentence) by not terminating the local health emergency, as required by law?
14. Why do you CONDONE DISCRIMINATION against those with medical conditions, who cannot hear people who are wearing a mask?
15. Why do you condone and support the masking of the public, going against all evidence presented to you by competent medical doctors and mental health professionals, who testify of the psychological and physical trauma this masks create?
16. How much money is your body/agency receiving from the state and federal government in emergency aid?
17. When and where do YOU PERSONALLY WEAR A MASK and is it a sterile and hygienic mask that is kept clean and disposed of between each interaction, and put on and removed after washing your hands, according to CDC guidelines?
18. Are you prepared to FACE A PRISON SENTENCE FOR FRAUD, by intentionally misrepresenting the “local health emergency” just so you can get state and federal funds?
19. Are you aware that UNLESS YOU TERMINATE this unlawful “local health emergency” — the public is moving ahead with a very VISIBLE LAWSUIT and all the media to go along with it?
20. You are aware that YOU WORK FOR THE PUBLIC, and THE PUBLIC DEMANDS YOU TERMINATE this “local health emergency” by VOTE today!
Original source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHQPxq81lIs