Barillari, Burioni and bugiardini

rosoliaburioni su varicellaburioni su pertosseDavide Barillari is the regional advisor of the movement 5S, which, together with his colleague Roberta Lombardi, has submitted a draft law on vaccinations for the Region of Lazio, which you can read here.

We omit to comment on the full text, and we focus only on article 11, which is what has sparked the most controversy (but it is also the most respectful of the children are immunosuppressed).

It asks that “the school ensures that both respected the quarantine period of 4-6 weeks to the subject as soon as vaccinated with attenuated virus in order to avoid infections induced by the same according to the precautionary principle”.

What we are asking the counselors is present in all of the bugiardini vaccine live viruses. We read here the warnings and precauziomi of the Priorix Tetra, against measles, chicken pox, rubella and mumps. Text: “once vaccinated, your child should try to avoid, for at least 6 weeks after vaccination close contacts with the following individuals:

-people with a reduced resistance to disease;

-pregnant women who have not had chickenpox;

-infants from mothers who have not had chickenpox”.

The package insert of the Rotavirus specifies that “the child just vaccinated should not be close to who is doing the treatment against cancer”. Click here.

In short, in the package leaflets of the medicinal products it is stated that those who have done one of those vaccines “can” transmit the disease to a certain period of time. And the regional law of the M5S keep me in mind and inviting the newly vaccinated to stay away from school, to protect the immunosuppressed.

We are not here to remind you that until last year, until the decree on the obligation of vaccination, our institutions have never been concerned of people with the weakened immune system. But now that you drew attention to it is not clear why the law Lorenzin had to go well and that There’s – that most reflects the leaflets of the vaccines – no.

By the way the children are immunosuppressed are 10 thousand, scattered in 8 thousand municipalities, on 60milioni inhabitants. The average is 1.3 in the town. But not everyone can attend school, nor all the other crowded environments. We read the recommendations of the organization non-profit Physicians for Informed Consent that are dedicated to school children with a compromised immune system. Here. Here in Italian.

We wonder: if instead of discredited Barillari and his proposal, you count the pupils immunosuppressed of every school (perhaps with the help of the deans including their stretch and how important it is to the immune system) and is created around each a “safety belt” made up of comrades vaccinated and others that, after having made a vaccine a live virus they have complied with the quarantine, we’d all be quiet and we would have really made a concrete action to protect the most vulnerable.

Proof I’m attaching 6 screenshots enlightening. The first two refer to the hospital prescriptions for patients who are immunosuppressed. Is the law clear on the invitation to avoid contact with people recently vaccinated with vaccines a live virus.

The other two are excerpts of the technical data sheets of the vaccine, anti-rubella and rotavirus: in the observation post marketing, and then to the vaccines already distributed to the population, it has been observed the spread of infection from vaccinated to non-vaccinated.

Finally, two warnings issued by professor Roberto Burioni, which a lot of people ask for clarification. In the first one the prof responds to a pregnant mommy who has vaccinated her two children with the anti-chicken pox. “As a precaution, for twenty days, avoid kissing them, and drinking from the same glass”. The other post concerns the vaccine anti whooping cough. Burioni precise that who did it “can” transmit the infection to someone else, while not showing the whooping cough.

Moral: it is becoming more and more difficult to receive clear information and honest about the vaccines, when to get there (even if everything was in the flow of the leaflet) is a satisfaction. In wishing all of you a Good Ferragosto, the public, the letter of Giorgia, 28 years old, immunodepressa. We have read many appeals to those who have children in the same conditions of Giorgia, now listen to she who asks not to be exploited.


I am a girl of 28 years, my name is Giorgia Scataggia and are immunodepressa.

I would like to expose my opinion about the obligation of vaccination, bearing my testimony of a person with a serious impairment of the immune system. Despite not having children, the issue is particularly dear to me, as I believe that the people in my particular condition are now extremely instrumentalised to justify a law that I believe to be unjust. For this, for some time, I do activism in my own small way, to at least offer a different point of view.

Be severely immunosuppressed, a condition absolutely crippling: what for others is normal, for you it becomes dangerous. There are many, many viruses, bacteria, and fungi that can cause serious problems to a person immunodepressa and that with vaccinations there really nothing. For a person immunodepressa, often, even their “guests”, who are not usually hostile, can become dangerous. Then we speak of a serious handicap.

The logical deduction is that the fact that a immunedepressed is recommended or not to attend public places and crowded depends on the state of health of the immunedepressed, certainly not from the alleged elimination of the 10 diseases… which are so dangerous if the body is not able to fight, but this is the minimum percentage of a world of micro-organisms is extremely large. In a few words, to use a simile, it would be like exposing himself to volleys of machine-gun fire with only a helmet on his head.

Of course, not being a doctor, not by the merits of the effectiveness of vaccinations. But, as immunodepressa that he has risked several times the life and always to pathologies that are not vaccinabili, I can definitely testify that you are truly evil… and that to pass the message that the immunosuppressed are safe, thanks to mass vaccination in order to convince people that the obligation has the right, in addition to being morally questionable, is disinformativo, as the reality of suffering is not this one.

This is my experience. But what I need, is the ethical question… because I believe that the State, in this affair, to have touched really the bottom. The State has created the sick series A (the immunosuppressed), and sick of series B (the damaged by the vaccine), the State has put the parents against each other, exploiting the image of a child immunedepressed, and the sick, which rightly arouses empathy, to make people believe that eliminating fundamental rights is right. A civilized country obviously has the duty to protect people like me, the people with the most fragile, this is no doubt. But every human being, even if healthy, has the sacrosanct right to receive health treatments that are tailored to their needs, and freedom of care, since the risk of side effects is always there.

When a parent comes to the pediatrician, should have the right to think first of all what is best for his son, and can not be forced to base their choices about the issues of other people’s children. And it is absurd that this, today, is called selfishness… when it is simply a question of fundamental rights, because we all want our health to be protected and no one, rightly, should be treated as the waste of society who are sacrificed to this supposed “common good”.

Children are sacred, all. It is shameful that the State has created this climate of hatred, exploiting for political purposes the children and parents who suffer, and putting them against other parents who just want to make the good of their children… by creating divisions that shouldn’t be there, because we all should fight for a right to health that is universal, not fight one against the other, trying to strip the rights of to the next.

I, last march, I self-discharged from the hospital against medical advice, because I absolutely wanted to attend a course which you wanted so much. I knew perfectly what I almost forgot… I have put on my mask, I picked up my two white blood cells unhinged and I went. I never even thought of violating the privacy of my classmates, claiming to view their sensitive data to know if they were vaccinated or carriers of some disease to me potentially dangerous. And it seems to me absurd to have to tell you, today, as if I did who knows what… it was the their privacy and had no guilt for my suffering.

I dissociate myself and I dissocerò always from the exploitation of the immunosuppressed as a justification of the obligation.

I don’t claim to have the truth of righteousness, in the pocket, but I invite all the immunosuppressed and the parents of the children are immunosuppressed who think like me and who do not want to be involuntarily “accomplices” of an injustice, not to stay in the shadow and to make their voice heard.

The only cure for suffering is not to be immunosuppressed!

Giorgia Scataggia.
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