Bye, Bye, PD

Pesaro 6At the end you will be remembered for the decree vaccines. That longa manus on the children. Infants Italian – unique in the world – should be forced to 10 vaccines in a formulation never tested it before: chromium more tetravalent. Who pays, however, is exempted (sic!) Already. There is the alarm on measles, and you, instead of restoring the only vaccine that gave immunity lasting, the monovalent (source: Iss, Michele demi lovato) go down heavy: the antimorbillo together with the antivaricella, antirosolia and antiparotite. When the antivaricella, until just the other day, was not recommended by all pediatricians, and the last poker of vaccines made in Glaxo, Aifa writes that increases the risk of seizures. Click here.

Pointless question on an obligation that decays with a tip from 3,500 euro; useless to ask the reasons for “scientific” to the authorities that you have put in the first line. Anyone who questions is anti-vax, the people uncouth and fanatical that if it organizes an event “the public networks they have to talk”. (To follow the post Walter Ricciardi, and Roberto Burioni, here).


Stop that decree”

You were born as a party of the people. A people who have never heard and that you take beatings. Yesterday in Pesaro, protested in the thousands. A river of families, 40 thousand according to the police, crowded the park Miralfiore to ask the attention of the Parliament. “No to the decree of the vaccines thus formulated”, “no obligation of 10 vaccines”, “no to exclusion from the schools”.

What does not come back.

“There is the alarm in measles. And then there were two deaths fault of your own, of those who do not vaccinate” you have accused the Italian families.
We admit that it is so. You want to ignore that those unfortunate children were already sick and had a compromised immune system; you desire to neglect which the measles presents itself periodically with the population vaccinated (see data ISS, the years 2010 and 2011): cosa to get the other 9 vaccines?

If you were in good faith put at the disposal of the vaccine anti-measles single. And if you cared about really of our health, put also the one against rubella, to prevent adult women who seek a child to do the quadrivalente (!)

You have used dead children as a flag, colpevolizzato the brothers and sisters of the one, without asking you any excuse.

You sproloquiato of the immunity of the flock: “Vaccines against tetanus, diphtheria, polio and whooping cough do not give immunity to the flock, but individual protection,” says the infettivologo Fabio Francs to Free Radio. And the pediatrician Alberto Villani admits that it is true (!) but it is the same to get vaccinated as possible, because “whoever does this runs the risk of getting less”. Here the transmission.
But the text was not to be urgent, and compelled to protect others, the immunosuppressed?

You were born to defend the rights of the people “from the powerful,” and now, compelled Italy to a decree sought by Glaxo, without even the decency to hide the direction. “It was all about her,” chattered the announcement of the minister for presentation to the networks to be combined. While pointing Ranieri War, by curriculum powerful when embarrassing. Click here. The embarrassment weighs on page 6: War is a board member of the Foundation Glaxo.


What’s going to happen.

Despite all this, in the Senate, in the next few days, thanks to alliances of convenience, you could get with the trust (date to some to the Room). A text is unconstitutional, and will pass without limits and modesty. Some of you will rejoice; some will rely on the network, his comments are vulgar; someone else will spend the summer in Capalbio for the golden rule of chaos since September, overwhelm the schools, the health board and the courts. All a great noise in vain, because in Italy, “except in Scampia” (as he admitted months ago, the deputy mayor of Milan), we have always vaccinated.

And to think that the only thing that you would have had to explain to the italians, placing it at the centre of the parliamentary hearings, is that “we have been chosen as the lead agency for vaccine strategies in the world”. Click here.

In the end, sooner or later, you will go: “everyone is gone, even the worst,” said my grandmother.

But from today, the opposition will be tough.

Bye, Bye PD.




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