So the report on drugs has “cleared” adverse events
It was struck out from the report Osmed (National Observatory on the use of the drugs) the whole chapter devoted to adverse events.
Published since 1998 by the health ministry, the volume aims to:
* develop and validate mechanisms for the collection, analysis and interpretation of data use of drugs in Italy
* describe the changes in the use of drugs
* correlate public health problems and use of medications or therapeutic categories
* * * * facilitate the dissemination of information on the use of drugs
* compare the consumption of drugs in Italy with that of other Countries
* contribute to initiatives to promote better use of medicines
* clarify the profile the benefit-risk of medicines, by connecting the information on adverse reactions with those of the levels of use of drugs in the population.
Seven, therefore, the aims. It is clear that, in the absence of the last point, is less one of the most important raison d’être of the publication. Only with the knowledge of the adverse events, in fact, a doctor can inform the patient correctly and Aifa can realize the important pharmacovigilance, which thus remains hidden.
In the presentation, the director of the Aifa, Luca Li Bassi speaks of “appropriateness of the use of drugs.” We ask ourselves how we can be suitability without knowledge of the consequences.
In one of the two attached photos you can see an excerpt from the 2014 edition in part dedicated to the monitoring of medications. The section that is missing in the report 2018. Click here. Where, for the first time are not even mentioned are the seven reasons that justified the previous documents.
To tell you the truth, also the ratio Osmed of 2017 is lacking in the chapter on adverse events, despite the fact that this is mentioned with importance in the afterword, that is, in the last page. Click here and scroll to page 472.
We asked Aifa the reasons for these omissions (we are waiting for a response). Hard to think of a forgetfulness. Also why on the website of the national Institute of Health also report Osmed this year is presented with the seven purposes mentioned earlier. Click here.
Summary: the section dedicated to the adverse events of drugs and vaccines appear until the edition of 2016. Dutifully, in that section, were grouped the adverse events post-vaccination, without, however, it was pointed out how many and which were attributable to the drugs and how many and which vaccines. We commented here the procedure unclear.
What is therefore, the Osmed 2018?
Shows the percentages of the most frequently used herbs, by the use of antibiotics to antihypertensives to antidepressants, consumption by age, territory, and the items of expenditure. There are so many charts.
It is curious that in this latest edition, Aifa has decided to dedicate a chapter to the “vulnerable populations”: children, the elderly and pregnant women, “because often these sub-populations are not adequately represented in clinical trials authorisation”. Already. In this regard, in the scientific community, there are opinions and controversial findings on the effects in the so-called “vulnerable populations”. In particular on the safety in pregnancy the clinical studies are rare and not very convincing. So much more than that, up until a few years ago, it was strongly recommended not to take medicines during pregnancy. Today, instead, it says that you can and patience if the precautionary principle is not followed… Even for these “subpopulations” is missing from the chapter on adverse events. As you can see from the attached picture there is a concern about most of the cats that of women. The wiki site how to recommend a pregnancy safe without drugs and vaccines for the micette.
We await the answers of Aifa, we would not like that, once struck out the section, and deleted the words, it is possible to say that … adverse events do not exist.
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