The Decree

Have a seat, please. Tomorrow at Monza, scene of The Decree. The monologue of David Gramiccioli, actor and artistic director of the Radio Colors. The two hours spun from the stage of the teatro Manzoni to tell it how it is born, the decree-law Lorenzin on obligation of vaccination. Settle in, ladies and gentlemen, no censorship shall prohibit participation.

If twenty years ago someone had said to me that one day I would be considered news, not censorship of a work for the theater, I laughed. Old stuff, from the dictatorship. Instead. Gentlemen, start again. Happens when the story no longer has anything to teach, and the chronicle is only one voice (and clumsily directed).

The monologue of Gramiccioli risked to be suspended two times, in Florence and in Bologna, but it is jumped only in Bologna. In the tuscan capital has been Matteo Renzi to alert the prosecutor’s office. It was the 3rd February. Within half an hour Gramiccioli found himself before the magistrates to justify their cloth. “During an informal chat I told him about what I would put on the scene, and the prosecutor’s office have found no reason to keep me from acting,” explained the author.

So even if you don’t like: Matteo Renzi would have prohibited the performance of “regardless”, without having seen it and without being informed.

In Bologna, the censorship is taken on the 3rd of march. “The mayor called the pastor, who manages the room, saying that in the election campaign, my monologue would be out of place, because against the PD” has added Gramiccioli.

The play traces a piece of recent history. Remember the alarm the swine flu epidemic of 2009-2010, the year in which Italy costs 184 million to buy 20 million doses of vaccines (only a million packages was used). Relive the false alarms, as we know, was agitated the spectrum of the disease. “There was a lot of awkwardness, there would have to laugh if in the middle there was our health. The law Lorenzin is responsible for an unacceptable discrimination, only today and in 1938, the racial laws, the children are dismissed out of hand, and expelled from the schools. I hope that this work face to discuss and reflect hopes that the author has already filled 11 of theatres, from the north to the south involving 4.200 spectators.

Gramiccioli broadens the horizon of the discussion to the Usa. What does the ministry of Defence? Because the vertices of the healthcare institutions express themselves as managers of pharmaceutical companies? And what has led to the agreement signed in Washington between Obama, Ranieri Guerra of the Foundation Glaxo – then became director of the ministry of Health and the minister Lorenzin? As ever the figures who played a role in the decree vaccines have attained positions to Who?

On the calendar, three other dates. “We will retrieve the appointment to Bologna; on the 13th of April we will be in Cavalese in Trento and the grand final, we will arrange to Verona, in memory of George Trembling”. (For the uninitiated: Giorgio Trembling died this winter at age 76, has spent her life countering the obligation of vaccination after two of his children are dead following a vaccination – first one and then the other – and a third remained severely impaired). In Verona there is a plaque in his memory.

During the presentation of the show, Gramiccioli wanted to remember the figure of the judge Ferdinando Imposimato died last January at the age of 82. Imposimato, the honorary president of the supreme Court of Cassation, has been busy combating terrorism in addition to the camorra and the mafia (he was a judge instructor is in the process of the kidnapping of Aldo Moro in 1978 and the attempted assassination of pope John Paul II in 1981). “At the funeral of Imposimato, the only institutional presence was the mayor-Rays – recalled Gramiccioli – In the last years of life Imposimato has supported the positions of the families critical to the obligation of vaccination, for this has been isolated. The son of Imposimato said: my father was a man of the law, but it is a dead outlaw”.

The Decree, march 2, teatro Manzoni, Monza (20:30-22:45)
Free admission with prior donation; free entry for parents of the Movement Parents Lombardia
Info and reservations:

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