The Report halved
Transmission Report, aired on February 11, (The vaccine disappeared), dedicated to the case AstraZeneca, it is, of course, well documented.
As the viscount of Calvin, is halved. It stops there, in AstraZeneca. The scapegoat of the vaccination campaign that made the big a mRNA convenient, (out one runs better).
There are things that should not be said and even when you tell the four winds nothing happens and others that are still taboo.
Both, in their own way, represent the pillars of information Hercules.
For those who had not seen it here the video of the broadcast.
It’s not just about money
We talk about the waste of public money; the fact that no government could decide if and how and how many buy vaccines, while having to fork out the amount decided by the European Commission in agreement with the manufacturers. We also talked about it on the blogs.
(By the way there is an EU investigation still top secret on the exchange of messages between Ursula Van Der Ley and the CEO of Pfizer).
Italy paid 4.4 billion euros in exchange for 381 million syringes. 147 million were used. Pay until the last even the remaining unused, 11.5 euros each. With the third and last (hopefully) contract the purchases have been scaled back and until 2026 we will receive 12 million doses a year, in defiance of the venture variants.
The ones expiring? To the macero or to the poor countries, where the populations will also be illiterate but they do not have a nose ring and therefore they have refused the opportunistic “gift”, some burning it, some burying it.
The expression” people with a nose ring ” used by the E direttore Nicola Magrini to refer to the recipients of the halestro contracts, when he took note of them. Here.
On the wave of what was discovered then-that the responsible directors (of Aifa, CTS, ministry etc.) were not – and are not – responsible for anything (so why do we still have to keep them? Wouldn’t it be better for us to change the system in view of the next pandemic X), the Report broadcast shows a slew of missed responsibilities.
From Giovanni Rezza, responsible for prevention until 2023, who again about the contracts admits that “he has not read anything, despite having access passes, because so he had been asked”. And then he justified his “obedience “in this way:” companies have good lawyers ” ” but think if all of us could also have compact Italian lawyers…) to Nicola Magrini that he blew on the fire of the senseless tale saying that “more vaccines should have been purchased” (but why, then, in the face of the acknowledgment of waste?).
Dear Premier Meloni, can you hear all this?
Much more serious is the censorship of adverse events
We admit that on the contracts you could not find an Italian manager, as you explain the magheggi in pharmacovigilance reports on post vaccine deaths and incidence of adverse events? Magheggi declared by Magrini himself in the passage of documents from Ema to Aifa. Ema admits perplexity and Magrini sweeps them away with the bianchetto, “to protect a vaccine”.
Because those without protection are us.
“One case of thrombosis per hundred thousand people or affected a woman of 18-45 years every 25 thousand? It’s not the same thing, ” the Report colleague said. Situation that in the next volume of pharmacovigilance will be summed up in one case of thrombosis in a million.
These manipulations took place in our house by our managers.
Since when is it no longer a crime to cheat? At poker it is and for vaccines not?
A paradox, then. Rezza himself admits the underestimation of adverse events and, through the Report microphones, asks that further studies be done.
But isn’t it up to them to do them, studies? And otherwise to whom?
And, we repeat, but it must be noted: it was certainly not only AstraZeneca that caused strokes and myocarditis and thrombosis.
Among the respondents the immunologist Andreas Greinacher he stated ” that everyone agrees to admit that VIT (subgroup of TTS, thrombosis with cytopenic syndrome) can be provoked by the vaccine”.
Will we know how many episodes and how many deaths caused by all vaccines four years after the pandemic?
In August 2022 we reported that in the volume dedicated to the collection of reports, Aifa surprisingly forgot those disclosed by the ISS. Aifa declared 328 adverse events in one quarter (calculated according to the algorithm), and “forgot” the so-called vaccine failures, reported in ISS bulletins: 41,136 people hospitalized or in intensive care (all vaccinated with full course).
We have written it many times: companies can also mystify for profit but why do the health authorities do it? Shouldn’t they work for us?
How will Italy be protected in the future?
A system that makes square
Report illustrated the most known cases of post-vaccine deaths (of those caused by AstraZeneca), among teachers, policemen, eighteen-year-olds. Similar stories: in front of the emergency, in the hospital, no doctor has ever been suspicious of the recent inoculation to be taken into account for possible life-saving therapies. No, the vaccine is always a holy hand for those who, despite having taken the Hippocratic oath (not everyone, thank God) has soaked their brains in the sea of propaganda.
Thus losing sight of those studies of twenty years ago – but he thought Reports to dust them off-on the effects of the inoculated Adenovirus that binds to platelets “activating”them. It means that the virus used to produce AstraZeneca (as well as as a carrier for other drugs) can cause thrombocytopenie and disseminated coagulations.
Let us ask ourselves how much damage the fake ne danni made Big pharma did – with the bevy of authoritative accomplices – and how many lives could have been saved otherwise.
The obtuse repetitiveness of the “there is no evidence” amazes, the prosecutors have always filed complaints: in emergency there are no criminal responsibilities.
In emergencies drugs are approved without studies and halter contracts are accepted without reading them;
in emergency personal freedoms must be sacrificed for the common good (decided by whom?);
in an emergency you can not enter the hospital or Rsa to visit a relative;
in an emergency you can not hug your child hospitalized in facilities for the disabled if you do not expose the green pass.
The effectiveness? Optional
Every decision has its consequences. That of not demanding “evidence” and welcoming new products with ultra-armored documents (not surprisingly on armored vehicles…) we have all seen: we have experimented with mRNA vaccines that do not prevent infection and we have also justified them, we must make the recall and then the recall of the recall. And since the calls would have been too many, the meaning of the word recall has been changed (it becomes such no longer at the second but at the fourth injection). Then since you became infected and became infected and became sick more than the unvaccinated here is the new trick: vaccines do not prevent the infection but the severe form of the disease (so who can prove it? Those who ended up in the hospital were said to be frail or elderly).
Nothing has been tried before, something has been understood during: the “official ” effectiveness fades within six months of the last recall (and it is certainly not a nice calling card for a vaccine). The real effectiveness? Not received. In fact, people who are sick and hospitalized despite the full cycle no longer even respond to the new terminology: what does the protection from infection or that from serious illness last for six months?
Meanwhile AstraZeneca has sold 3 billion doses worldwide and claimed to have saved six million lives in 180 countries. In 2023 it closed with a profit of six billion.
But even the presenter of the report, Sigfrido Ranucci, said that the vaccines saved us.
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