Doctors in revolt against the obligation of the restaurant
There are. Do not accept to be vaccinated with these conditions. Or do the restaurant, or you may not work. Are doctors, residents, midwives and nurses of the Region of Lazio, which have contested the ordinance of 17 April, which should enter into force on the 15 September. The text signed by the president Nicola Zingaretti and the department of Health and Alessio D’amato imposes the restaurant putting it between the anti Covid 19. Cliccate here.
In total, there are 6 remedies that until 4 August, committed to the Tar of Lazio. To promote the associations and unions of professionals, but there are also complaints from the over 65-year-olds, individual or group. Because even for this category of lazio is taken the orbbligo of the anti-flu affected (those who will not make the vaccine will not participate in any group activities).
Without scientific criteria
The applicants complain that in the first place, the motivations of the ordinance. “There is a scientific reason that justifies the writing – explains Luca Speciani president of the association of AMPAS (the Doctors for a power supply of the signal). It is explained that since the symptoms of the Covid 19, in the early stages, are similar to those of the influences, vaccinandosi against the seasonal flu, it would facilitate the diagnosis. In practice, it makes you believe that anyone who has fever, if vaccinated, should have the Covid 19. If a Medical student said a castroneria similar to an examination, would not only be rejected, but would be asked not to show up for the next two years!”.
This is the scientific reason?
“Unfortunately, yes. The ordinance recites ‘heard the streets short of the Technical-Scientific Committee…’ and stop. And, in fact, the judges of the Tar, which they have set at the August 4, our audience, have already requested the Technical Committee to present a report about it, in practice, to explain the binding of the anti-flu with the Covid 19”.
At this point your lawyers have sued the members of the Technical-Scientific Committee.
“Exactly. Their position is not neutral. Must be a technical report and independent”.
The studies on flu vaccines
The appeal will be discussed on August 4 is accompanied by 3 technical reports handled by the specialists. In summary it is highlighted that of which we have spoken here: the most important studies on the vaccine for restaurant show, yes, a protection of the vaccinated from the influenza strains (which, however, is estimated at around 30%, so even the vaccinated can contract the flu) but not by the hundreds of parainfluenze (similar to the flu but caused by different viruses).
However, this should warn our government favourable to recommend this vaccine to the most vulnerable groups is another. And that is, that the vaccinated will get sick more easily of respiratory viruses (coronavirus and pneumonia) with an incidence assessed to be 36%.
Ordinance unlawful
The lawyer Alessandro Gaetani (who, together with colleagues Samantha Forasassi and Sara Forasassi supports some of the applicants) to explain why Regions can not legislate in the field of health. “The mandatory medical treatment (Tso) exists for our Constitution (art 32) to some stiff conditions, but when you tap on the rights constitutionally guaranteed, such as health, the competence lies with the legislator (the Parliament). Is the reserve of the law.
In this case, the Region has gone beyond his powers, Nicola Zingaretti, has just signed an administrative act, giving as ‘urgent’ when the urgent is not seen, which shall enter into force on the 15 September: how urgent is the planned 5 months in advance?”
The race purchase
The ordinance on the obligation of vaccination is April 17 and the race for the purchase of anti-influenza vaccines is taken on the 24th of April. For 10 batches corresponding to the same number of anti-influenza vaccines and anti pneumococcichi, in competition with 4 pharmaceutical companies. Curiously (or maybe not that surprising) firms have submitted bids, non-overlapping, have made the cartel. So, in fact, there was no race.
The big pharma are presented in 4, since under the number 5, according to the code contracts, are not subject to any verification on any faults of the offers.
Thus, the Region of Lazio is to purchase vaccines for 116milioni euro.
The vaccine “dated”
Sanofi should supply the ball a vaccine for restaurant high-dose, l’ Efluelda, which contains 3 strains different from those recommended by the WHO. We read in the publication dedicated to the studies on the restaurant (John Bloom, ed):
“On the basis of the viral strains in circulation in the world, the Global Influenza Surveillance Network the WHO, in collaboration with the National Influenza Centres (NIC), to update every year the composition of the influenza vaccine. Surprisingly, therefore, the authorisation of a vaccine that, on 4 strains contains 3 different strains from those recommended by WHO for the season 2020-21” (Source here, page 30, table 7.1)
In summary
The Calabria Region governed by the centre-right has produced an order identical to that of Lazio. By the time we say that the question of vaccines is not politics (or, at least, can not, or is no longer able to be managed by the policy). Both the Lazio and Calabria are part of the same procurement.
Looking at the stages of the story, the closeness of the dates of the ordinance on the obligation and to that of the race, the task seems to be more commercial (which is public health), to justify an overdraft of expenditure in the regional budgets.
Without forgetting the premise of April, the appeal of Farmaindustria: “Book anti-influenza vaccines otherwise there will not be for everyone.” Click here.
It is true that the advocates of compulsory vaccination have talked about savings, thereby strengthening the hypothesis – hypothesis in fact, the whole check – that the vaccinated against the flu affollerebbero the less ready to aid.
On the 4th of August
All appeals will be discussed on the 4th of August.
The Lazio Region will have to explain – without recourse to the Technical-Scientific Committee. – how can it be possible that the fever in the vaccinated against the flu is to force Covid. It will avail itself of other experts.
More of an appeal has sued the Scientific and Technical Committee, since “some members have not declared their conflicts of interest.” Already, yet most of the scientific Societies, some of which are part of it, receives economic support from the companies.
We hope that both respected the law and prevail, the precautionary principle: if in doubt about whether the vaccine exposes the most vulnerable to respiratory infections, we must abstain, or you let the free membership.
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