When schools do not comply with the law on vaccines

9267875A-7844-4E7A-BCC6-81B358D17C38This is the story of two girls expelled from school in three years. A well-told story of mother Clare Tinuzzo in an interview with Rt that the coating under the entire. But it is also a story emblematic of why is made possible by the ignorance of a law much discussed, the 119/2017 on vaccines, which is still in force.

We were among the first to criticize this law, and we have dedicated several articles. We disapproved because the intake of a medicine-vaccine may not coincide with a’ taxation , nor can they be under blackmail as is evident from the risk each medicine carries with him and by informed consent. We have shown many times that does not hold not even the excuse of having to protect the children, “immunosuppressed”, otherwise even the teachers and school janitors would be forced to 10/12 vaccines and subsequent appeals up to the board but, above all, would be respected the quarantine period of each vaccinated potentially contagious as indicated on the bugiardini of medicinal products: “Anyone who is vaccinated with a vaccine (a live virus, should not come in contact with pregnant women, infants, and persons immunosuppressed for a period of between 7 days and three weeks.”

However, on this occasion, we are to ”defend” formally the text of 119. The law does not say, nor that children who have not done one or more of the vaccinations should be expelled, or that the directors of the nursery schools or the teachers need to know how many vaccines have done for the pupils.

What the law says.

The role of schools is to receive the documents by the parents and submitted to the Asl of the list of members.

According to article 3 bis, paragraph 2, click here, it is up to Asl once it has received the documents, specify who is not in the rule.

It is not in good standing who: has not made the vaccine and has not submitted request for exemption from, or waiving or deferral as certified by local health authorities and pediatricians (from here we understand that in your classes, there may also be children not vaccinated, but in compliance with the law), and, attention, who has not submitted a formal request for appointment to the ASL. It can be deduced that those who submit to the school a letter of appointment with the company health is in good standing with the law 119.

Then, enshrined in article 5, that “for primary schools, the non-presentation of the documentation referred to in paragraph 3 in the terms laid down, involves the loss of inscription”.

I repeat, to a further clarification: the nursery schools for the law 119 will be the rule of those who submit the documents indicated under the terms of. Mother Clare was in possession of a letter of appointment with the local health authorities for the two gemelline. Document that the school has ignored, indeed, has not even required.

In spite of this, the first day of school, the girls, duly registered, are not able to get into the classroom with the other children, because a cordon of agents and gangs of firefighters in uniform, has prevented the access.

In a sign of protest Clare has started a hunger strike that lasted five days (!!!) and he slept for three nights in the car, out of the nursery. Clare, who is also her teacher, recalled that “there is no law that provides for the exclusion from the schools. It is expected the temporary expulsion in serious cases and for pupils larger but in this case the suspension must be preceded by a procedure”.

The asylum, which denied the girls replied “you apply the law 119”.

Here you will find the interview in full.

In a sign of solidarity to the gemelline excluding held a torchlight procession. Click here.

Original source: http://blog.ilgiornale.it/locati/2019/09/14/quando-le-scuole-non-rispettano-la-legge-sui-vaccini/

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