Issues aluminum

Started an information campaign on the use of aluminium in the kitchen. Supervised by the ministry of Health (click here), is directed to the whole population. Pots, coffee pots, packaging, cans, bottles, films, food, aluminum, can transmit particles and ions in the foods that we eat.

Of this metal you knows that it can interfere with the metabolism of iron, magnesium and calcium. To describe the effects scholars speak of “the inhibition of the enzymatic activity”, block “protein synthesis” and changes to “cell membrane permeability”. Not only. You know that causes oxidative stress in the brain tissue and it is estimated that, in the brain, there persists accumulating for at least seven years (half-life. That is, is halved in seven years, it becomes a quarter after seven more years, and so on).


The neurotoxicity of aluminium was well known all over the world after the incident in Camelford, Cornwall in July 1988: here, by mistake, were sversate in the aqueduct, several tons of aluminum sulfate. The Authorities rassicurarono that it would be enough to add fruit juice to the water to drink, to conceal the unpleasant taste. Only 16 days after he took the alarm, and action was taken. Many of the people that ingerirono contaminated water had brain damage, and high rate of aluminium was found in the brains of people who died over the years.

Click here.

More and more studies see involving this metal in many diseases, especially neurological and immune alzheimer’s disease, autism), please click here. It is discussed whether it has a role in the origin of certain cancers (breast and sarcomas in animals), please click here and here, so as an adjuvant has been removed from the deodorants.

With this campaign, the ministry makes clear who are the individuals at risk of most harmful effects of the ingestion of the metal: the elderly, children under 3 years, pregnant women and people with kidney disease. Advice on how to use packaging film and food will be circulated on social and on the web sites dealing with cooking (avoid contact with acidic foods or salty and does not expose the aluminum at high temperatures).

Aluminum and autism.

There are two studies that show a high presence of aluminium in brain tissues of sick subjects of autism. However, the topic is the subject of discussions very bitter between those who think that there is a relationship of cause and effect, and those who deny it. Health Authorities deny it. The scientific literature on this is discordant. Can, according to some researchers, that the inflammation caused by the metal “turn on” a predisposition latent. Click here.

The opinion of the experts.

The campaign of the Ministry started this year, with a time delay with respect to the journalistic investigation of Strip the News , which made headlines in December 2017. Here. The two teachers interviewed at the University of Milan, Veniero Gambaro, of the department of pharmaceutical Sciences and Paola Fermo, of the department of Chemistry. Gambaro analyzed the content of aluminium in tomato before and after exposure to the aluminum case. With astonishment he observed that the 3ng/g (nanograms per gram) of the metal naturally present in the fruit came up to 300ng/g when it was enveloped by the film. The Firm estimated the level of aluminium in the baked fish. Before cooking, there were no traces of aluminum, after: 40mg per kg of fish.

The level found in tomato polluted is 300 nanograms per gram. Which is equivalent to 300 micrograms per kg. Professor Gambaro explains that it is a significant amount. Remember that a microgram is equal to 0.001 milligrams. Both teachers understand that the pollution of the food with aluminum is worrying and should be avoided.

Observation. Not all of the aluminum ingested is assimilated, but only a small part (about 3 x thousand of those present in food and 1 x thousand if the content in beverages).


In the light of what has been said let’s compare the quantities of aluminum that are considered of concern in foods to those that you receive with vaccines (we know that aluminium is added to many vaccines as an adjuvant), and that, in this case, all of the metal enters the body.

Between hexavalent and anti-pneumococcal, as provided for in the national Plan vaccines, the amount of aluminum administered to an infant of two months is 0,945 mg (!!!)

So we observe that the dose considered safe for a nursing infant surpassed the one held to be worrying for an adult, if ingested. (indeed: it is absorbed from the intestine).

In the experiment of tomato wrapped in aluminum, an adult ends up absorbing a quantity of metal of more than 1000 times lower than that injected in the infant (in proportion to the weight 14.651 times less); in the case of the baked fish (1 kg), the dose is 7.9 times less (in proportion to the weight: 110,5 times lower). Therefore, an adult should eat 110 kg of baked fish to absorb the same amount of aluminum a baby (by weight) at its first sitting, and vaccine. But the vaccination does not end with the first!

I thank dr. Fabio Franchi, infettivologo, for his useful advice and for the control of the calculations. Here you can find its sources. And here the more detailed calculations.

PS. The aluminum is used in vaccines as an adjuvant (ABA), but has never been tested separately from the vaccines. Click here.

PS. In 2003 were the medical associations to ask for vaccines without mercury, and the ministry was in agreement.




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