Vaccines, a Russian roulette?
Other than Russian roulette…
If you are sick from dying it is because you have the wrong vaccine (blue color). If you are sick but do not die, it means that you have been stung with the syringe of a “moderately toxic” batch (green color). If nothing happens to you, it means that the benevolent fate has reserved yellow for you. But this is only the incipit.
And it’s not a children’s fairy tale. Unfortunately.
The assumption is a Danish study, published in late March, showing a huge variation in adverse events associated with different batches of the vaccine Pfizer. Here. The authors noted that the most serious adverse reactions belong to a few batches that the authors called “blue”(distributed to 4% of the population and associated with 47% of deaths as well as responsible for one reaction every 6 administrations); those which resulted in moderately severe reactions (green) were administered to 64% of people and are linked to 52% of deaths; finally yellow batches distributed to 32% of Danes and linked to less than 1% of deaths.
Now the placebos are popping up
Starting from the Danish study two German scientists found that only the blue and green lots were supervised by the German institute Paul Ehrlich (PEI) which authorized them throughout Europe. And that the” harmless ” yellow lots would not have been subjected to any quality control.
Scientists, Dr Gerald Dker, professor of organic chemistry at Ruhr University in Bochum, and Dr r, professor of analytical chemistry at the University of Leipzig hypothesized that yellow batches are placebo. Water and salt instead of mRNA technology. According to scholars, the German regulatory agency was aware: because it did not control the yellow lots while authorizing their distribution.
Find all the information here, in the article of the German journalist who signs himself with a pseudonym Robert Kogon.
Ps I invite you to read the comments to the article and the teet Milena Preradovic to the two German scientists.
What will happen now? What syringes will be destined for us against the eternal Covid: blue, green or yellow?
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