SARS-CoV-2 Origins: IPAK Research Exonerates Dr. Shi

It has been alleged that the genetic modifications of a specific SARS-like virus by Dr. Shi makes her complicit for the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.

I have mentioned at least two dozen times that my in-depth analysis of SARS-CoV-2 sequences and all available Beta-Coronavirus sequences shows no evidence of genetic manipulation of SARS-CoV-2.

Here I share a side-by-side comparison of the Spike protein motif signature of the spike protein from the very viral sequence Dr. Shi was involved in developing so the public can see the evidence I see.

The analysis involves a comparison of protein motifs found in the SARS-CoV-2 sequence to the sequence Dr. Shi had worked on. Importantly, this is not a full showing of all analyses of this kind to date: that analysis is under peer review and I will report that while some sequences published by WIV and by the Military lab in Nanjiang DO have the characteristic motif pattern, those sequences are natural sequences from bats. The spike protein from the Pangolin also has the characteristic signature motif pattern. NO CHIMERIC VIRUS OR LABORATORY-MODIFIED VIRUS THAT I HAVE ANALYZED TO DATE HAS THE SAR-COV-2 CHARACTERISTIC PROTEIN MOTIF SIGNATURE.

So let’s begin.

A. The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein motif signature

Data: NCBI”s Protein Database Entry [surface glycoprotein [Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2]

This pattern is unusual – it has a short N-terminal domain spike protein, and is missing a She3 and KxDL motif. It also has a GP41-like motif. The matches are not strong, but evolution – and protein function – works on and because of protein shape, not merely sequence.

B. Dr. Shi’s recombinant SARS-like coronavirus spike protein motif signature

Data: NCBI’s Protein Database Entry spike protein [Bat SARS-like coronavirus RsSHC014]

This protein motif pattern is identical to nearly all other SARS coronaviruses including other chimeria viruses derived from SARS. They do not have a truncated N-Terminal Domain motif, and they have the She3 and KxDLmotifs, and has no Gp40 motif.

These results are reproducible using the Motif Search function here.

I realize that to the public, nearly 100% of this is gibberish. However, these differences (and other, more in-depth phylogenetic analyses under review) exonerates RsSHC014 as being involved in the origins of SARS-CoV-2.

In my analysis I also discovered that one sequence published by a Chinese laboratory in 2005 DID have the characteristic motif – and it was from a bat sequence from Hong Kong.

I strongly recommend that all B-CoV spike protein motif patterns should be studied so we know if any studies of treatments exist that might be relevant for clinical investigations.

Note, hoever, that this result does not rule out accidental laboratory release of a natural virus under study.

I sincerely hope this helps people move on to more pressing matters, such as the lack of animal safety studies in the ongoing COVID-19 clinical trials. You can read more about that here (How the COVID-19 Pandemic Will End), and watch a full interview on why that’s a very serious problem indeed.

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