Waning Immunogenicity, Vaccine-Driven Evolution and Hyperimmunization: We Can No Longer Deny the Obvious

NB: This article was originally published on Medium but that account was silenced following publication.

“GET YOUR VACCINES! HERD IMMUNITY! You anti-vaxxers are putting other people at risk!”

This level of ‘debate’ is an emotional appeal to fear and is a form of coercion.

In reality, many current vaccines have reached the limit of their usefulness, and there is no hiding it.

Worse, some current vaccines may make the vaccinated more susceptible to infection from the very pathogens they were designed to immunize against- or other pathogens that the vaccine does not target.

I’ve looked at toxicity of metals like aluminum and mercury in great detail and find a great deal of support in the scientific literature for serious issues with injection of thimerosal and aluminum. Tens of thousands of hours and two and half papers later, we have a viable theory for how vaccines can cause autism, and we have a determination that a series of mistakes have led to doses of aluminum in vaccines that are intolerably unsafe for some.

I’m now of the opinion that if you are partaking of aluminum-containing vaccines, you should never accept a thimerosal-containing vaccine due to additive toxicity. And if one does choose to vaccinate with aluminum-containing vaccines, one should never accept a thimerosal-containing vaccine due to synergistic toxicity. I’m also of the opinion that digging up metals and injecting them into our newborns and our expectant mothers is, well, quite possibly the most stupid idea from medicine. Ever.

I am sharing bluntly from an informed position. My forthcoming review on the role of aluminum and mercury in autism has 250 references, all supporting a key role of vaccine metals in inducing — with the help of some inherited and de novo mutations — ER Hyperstress. Our just-published reconsideration of aluminum study took over a year in peer review — the editor graciously handled the process and the paper was vetted in the end, by an additional three independent reviewers. There is no question in my mind that there is too much aluminum in the CDC vaccine schedule for some, and there is no credible basis for the dosing of aluminum in vaccines, period. This is not hyperbole, we did the math.

The Flu Vaccine Makes Us More Susceptible to Acute Infections from Non-Influenza Respiratory Viruses

Studies are confirming that vaccination against the flu virus leads to increased rates of respiratory infections by non-influenza viruses. See, for example, Rikin et al., 2018 who wrote Among children there was an increase in the hazard of ARI caused by non-influenza respiratory pathogens post-influenza vaccination compared to unvaccinated children during the same period. and “Post-vaccination risk of non-influenza respiratory pathogen was higher in children”. This is in the journal VACCINES.

This finding confirms the work of Ben Cowling and colleagues from 2012: Increased Risk of Noninfluenza Respiratory Virus Infections Associated With Receipt of Inactivated Influenza.

See Rikin et al (2018) Vaccine 36:1958-1964 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29525279

Public health policy around influenza must change so deaths due to “flu-like illnesses” are no longer considered deaths due to influenza. Every cadaver should be swabbed for an exact determination of the virus(es) involved — again, another policy update needed. Americans deserve to know what they are dying from.

But the issue for today is waning immunity. Emblazoned across CNN’s website— complete with a video that includes artificial immunization 101, sure to tell you serious side effects are rare.

“Mumps outbreaks linked to waning vaccine protection, study says” is the headline. But no problem, goes the article, because ACIP has recommended another MMR booster. The article claims that mumps symptoms are reduced by the vaccine. But it skips over the smoking guns in the room, including the major whistleblower lawsuit against Merck for allegedly faking the efficacy of the mumps portion of the vaccine. If you believe the whistleblowers, the MMR vaccine is only 18% effective against the Jeryl Lynn type — so the efficacy must be even lower against the circulating types due to 55 years of antigen drift.

What’s causing waning immunity in vaccines?

The flu vaccine, we were told, was only 10–18% effective this year. I’ve analyzed trends of flu vaccine efficacy and found that higher vaccine uptake in any given two years is associated with decreased efficacy of the vaccine in the next year. I’m convinced that part of that is immune system compromise due to the effects of thimerosal on the protein ERAP1 — which is essential for proper shortening of immune proteins.

The other problem is that viruses evolve. They experience mutations in the wild — and the strains in the vaccines experience mutations in the cultures in which they are grown. The mumps vaccine uses the Jeryl Lynn strain of mumps — isolated from a throat culture of the daughter of Dr. Maurice Hilleman in 1963.

Jeryl Lynn at home with the mumps, 1955.
Jeryl Lynn (left) watches her sister receiving the mumps vaccine developed by her father (right). The virus used was isolated from Jeryl Lynn during her obviously non-fatal mumps infection.

Fifty-five years later, we’re seeing mumps outbreaks involving fully vaccinated individuals. At Syracuse University, every student was up-to-date on the vaccines. The canceling of sports events raised the ire of fans of the Orangemen.

To calculate the number of mutational differences between the 2018 circulating strains and the 1955 strain should be straightforward — sequence the stored isolates and sequence the currently circulated strains. In mumps, this has been done every year — and while overall the predicted amino acid sequences are very similar, for some wild type mumps isolates, protein divergence from the Jeryl Lynn strain are much higher- with divergence as high as 15% (See example study here). Faster divergence in some proteins than others is confirmed in a study conducted on isolates in China.

But, as I’ve said about Ebola — it’s not the rate, it’s the mutation. A series of individual mutations, or a single mutation could render the MMR significantly less effective than it had been in previous years. Or, a new strain of the mumps could come into prominence due to the efficacy of the mumps vaccine.

The disease burden from vaccination is not adequately assessed. Here are some facts worth considering:

(1) Vaccine Adverse Event Are 100- to 1,000-fold Under-reported.. or More. An automated system designed to capture vaccine adverse events was developed and abandoned by CDC after discovery of the massive increase in reporting of adverse events. The creators of the system, which is called ESP-VAERS, reported that only 1% of adverse events are typically detected by VAERS, the passive system for reporting vaccine adverse events.

(2) Live Vaccine Types Can Directly Cause Disease. Persistent infection of mumps wild-type virus (Jeryl Lynn 5 mumps virus) has been detected in cases of chronic encephalitis. (See Morfopoulou et al.) This evidence is as strong as the evidence used by CDC to conclude that Zika contributed to microcephaly in Brazil.

(3) Whooping Cough Bug Persists in Vaccinated Medical Professionals.Medical professionals, including pediatricians, who vaccinate every ten years against pertussis may be the reservoir of wild-type infectious because they are not immune to B. pertussis, the bacterium that causes whooping cough-they just show no symptoms. (See my article at World Mercury Project). Medical professionals should be swabbed every Monday morning for asymptomatic B. pertussis infection.

(5) Type Replacement is Real. Type replacement is accepted in influenza, and always has been. It is denied by CDC to be occurring in HPV vaccinated populations, in spite of the fact that most studies show type replacement (See my article on this in Epoch Times). The CDC’s own study (Markovitz et al. (2016)) found no net change in overall HPV infection rates after the 4-valent HPV vaccines came to market but somehow concluded that their data did not support type replacement.

We at IPAK have re-analyzed the Markovitz study data in the simplest manner possible to ask a very simple question: Was there a significant shift in the prevalence of non-vaccine targeted types after the introduction of the 4-valent HPV vaccine? Recall that Markovitz et al. (2016) concluded that no type replacement had occurred after the HPV 4-valent vaccine had been brought to market.

The study data were ambiguously labeled with a column “non-4v HPV” but a close read of the text points to “Any HPV” — “4v HPV” vs. “non-4v HPV” as the data of interest to use in a 2 x 2 contingency test. We used Fisher’s exact test on counts (not frequencies). Counts were estimated from the prevalence data, data are represented as percentages for clarity.

Here is the result:

CDC Study Actually Supports Type Replacement in HPV Vaccinated Populations

Fisher’s exact test on the count data was significant at p<0.0001.

This means that for HPV, type replacement is real. Due to using weak statistical testing, when more powerful tests are available, CDC can be considered culpable for new infections that occur when doctors tell patients “you are protected from HPV”. In my view, the Markovitz et al. paper should be retracted because it is misleading, and clinicians should warn patients that they could still be infected with rarer, potentially more dangerous types of HPV if they have other risk factors (unprotected sex, multiple sex partners, drug use, etc). To be fair, I contacted CDC some time ago and asked them to consider whether their data might necessarily show type replacement, like other studies published at that time had shown. Dr. Markovitz declined direct dialog, and an underling stopped replying after I pointed out the obvious.

In 2016, the world shifted to a new polio vaccine that was developed to increase the match between the vaccine-targeted wild type and the type in the vaccine. Viral type replacement is a form of evolution is well-accepted — that it can lead to to the circulation of hyperpathogenic strains is evident, but not well appreciated by vaccine policies.

Denial of type replacement in HPV is harmful and unscientific. And, I would add, possibly quite dangerous.

Why? First, the rarer HPV types are not harmless. In fact, host-pathogen interaction studies and models of virulence in pathogens tell us that common types of pathogens are common because they don’t kill their host. Rarer types of HPV may lead to more aggressive HPV-related cancers in younger people. This is supported by data; see, for example, this study that that HPV genotypes not targeted by quadrivalent vaccine types conferred 2.94 fold higher risk of cervical carcinoma. And rare types not targeted by the 9-valent HPV vaccine also have been found to be oncogenic.

In spite of attempts of individuals to claim that data show that HPV vaccine reduces HPV-related cancers rates, one must always read the fine-print. The studies look at surrogate outcome (CIN rates), and they often only report rates of CIN lesions associated with vaccine-targeted HPV types. We may not know if rarer types sweep into populations and increase overall HPV-related cancer rates for decades.

The second reason that HPV vaccination-induced type replacement is possibly quite dangerous is that both intra-typic and inter-typic recombination could lead to increased new types of pathogenicity. With hundreds of rare types, those that increase in frequency due to vaccination may be different in different parts of the world. Evolution is fastest in semi-divided populations with gene flow due to low migration rates and high genetic diversity within subpopulations. And recombination occurs in HPV. This study shows recombination occurring between European and African HPV types.

Interestingly, impaired normal recombination of the human genome is the virus’ cancer-causing calling card. As an evolutionary biologist, I’d say that enabling recombination among types is part of this virus’s phenotype. Evolution loves diversity. Evidence of recombination among HPV types is strong (see for example this study). And since recombination is most likely to occur between different HPV types in individuals with >1 HPV types, prevention of exposure to new HPV types in individuals who are already infected is very important.

Evidence of vaccine-driven evolution also exists for many other vaccine-targeted pathogens, including B. pertussis (See Octavia et al., 2011). Evidence of waning immunity in mumps is growing; high variation exists in the amount of serum required from any given individual to neutralize genetically diverse mumps strains. The vaccine target protein, a nucleoprotein, is a non-neutralizing target. Asymptomatic wild-type infections are known to occur in mumps after vaccination, and the age distribution of occurrence has shifted. A quick BLAST of the Jeryl Lynn nucleoprotein amino acid sequence against all mumps nucleoprotein sequences in NCBI’s Protein database reveals variation as high as 6% (in a mumps virus isolated from China). The Jeryl Lynn mumps type appears to be an immunologic outlier compared to other types of mumps. A new cluster subgroup of Genotype G seems to have driven an outbreak of mumps in Scotland in a highly vaccinated population. And molecular analysis of isolates from the current Dutch and American mumps cases point to newly emergent types with variation in the immunogenic epitopes — leading to a call for a polyvalent mumps vaccine. While a model could account for waning immunity due to a 27-year immunity, and dismissed a role for the emergence of heterologous virus genotypes, that approach begs the question of what proportion of the loss of the presumed 27-year protection is due to viral evolution. The current 18–20 year old age-class has been exposed to more doses and total amounts of injected forms of aluminum — and more immunogenic antigens from pathogens than any other class before them.

Lower-than expected efficacy of the mumps vaccine is reflected in cross-genotype seroresponse studies, has been suspected by others, and has been reported by the two Merck whistleblowers.

The rates of clinically diagnosed cases of mumps skyrocketed in Western Australia in 2015 and 2016:

Source: Vaccination Status is Not a Determinant of Susceptibility to Mumps (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJcWlBQ6dHo)

This explosion of cases began in April 2015, the same month in which influenza vaccines were made freely available to aboriginal peoples (see “For the First Time”, here: http://iaha.com.au/naccho-health-news-indigenous-children-now-able-to-access-free-flu-vaccine-in-australia/).

Here is the timeline of cases:

See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJcWlBQ6dHo

And the age distribution, by Aboriginal status. The outbreak involved only the Aboriginal population — and mumps can lead to sterility, as the presenter of these images describe in this video.

See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJcWlBQ6dHo

Clearly, the FluQuadri and FluQuadri, Jr. vaccine may have an an unforeseen effect on the aboriginal population. Hyperimmunization could be responsible. (Neither vaccine contains thimerosal, according to the vaccine manufacturer The product insert from 2015 is available via the WayBack machine.)

This is what happens when we do whole-population experimentation without informed consent and do not insist on randomized clinical trials to assess long-term safety of vaccines and vaccine schedules before unleashing them on to an uninformed, non-consented population. None of the patients — Aboriginals or not — were informed they were part of a safety testing for Sanofi-Pasteur’s new vaccine. However, additional vaccines were also used and it is possible that simultaneous administration of aluminum-containing vaccines occurred.

In general, the sources of waning immunity are likely two-fold: the damaging effects of metals in non-live vaccines on the immune system, combined with vaccine driven evolution (antigenic drift) leading to type replacement.

Discussions of “breakthrough infections” in populations vaccinated against mumps should consider the importance of individual amino acid differences in viral biology and immune escape.

Jeryl Lynn, like the mumps viruses, has changed a bit since 1955.

Image © Ramin Rahimian https://raminphoto.wordpress.com/2013/05/13/jeryl-lynn-hilleman-for-the-new-york-times/

It’s time for a ruling on the MMR efficacy controversy, and for research on safer and and more effective means of artificial immunization. And it’s time that governments in countries that use vaccines to inform their populations that post-marketing surveillance studies mean they are enrolled in safety studies, and that they have the right to expect that the medical professional will honor their basic human right to opt out of any such study under laws inspired by The Nuremberg Code. There are many reasons why that is the right thing to do… reason #1 for me is that, in spite of what we had all hoped, vaccines are no longer what they used to be.

You can find me on Twitter James Lyons-Weiler

and on

WordPress http://jameslyonsweiler.com

Or at work:

Lyons-Weiler, J and R. Ricketson. 2018. Reconsideration of the Immunotherapeutic Pediatric Safe Dose Levels of Aluminum. Journal and Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 48:67–73


Senapati R et al. 2017. HPV genotypes co-infections associated with cervical carcinoma: Special focus on phylogenetically related and non-vaccine targeted genotypes. PLoS One. 12(11):e0187844. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0187844.

Original source: https://jameslyonsweiler.com/2019/04/03/waning-immunogenicity-vaccine-driven-evolution-and-hyperimmunization-we-can-no-longer-deny-the-obvious/

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