Why You Should Sign Up For IPAK-EDU Courses NOW

An educated public is an empowered public – and we need to empower the people now more than ever.

Amazing certificate courses are being offered at IPAK-EDU.org this fall.  These courses were designed to educate and empower the public on the fundamentals of science, logic and reason so they can better engage in public discussions on topics that matter to us all.

All courses meet once a week, are LIVE (zoom meetings w/classmates!) and registered students have access to video of the lecture if they miss a class.  All of the courses are super affordable, as well!  Links for registration are included below.

Anatomy of a Scientific Study.  In this course you will learn how to read & interpret a scientific study.  Learn what information can – and should – be expected in specific sections.  Learn some fundamentals of study design.  Dr James Lyons-Weiler Register now.

Bio A. If you’re serious about science in 2021, you need to understand the fundamentals of biology. This is the equivalent of the first semester of Biology – the fundamentals of biology!  Along with Bio B, this course is a prerequisite for all of the other Bio courses offered and being developed.  Dr James Lyons-Weiler Register now.

Environmental Toxicology: Ecosystem and Human Health.  Learn principles of toxicology, and all about the effects of various classes and specific types of toxins on our own health as well as the health of our planet.  Every class ends with action items for activists. Dr James Lyons-Weiler Register now.

Vaccine Course – Learn the key studies and resources on vaccine safety.  Andre Angelantoni Register now.

History of Law in The West & The US – Learn the deep heritage where our rights & laws that impact our liberties were first conceived and how this knowledge compels us to participate in our own governance.  This course is a prerequisite for future courses including Constitutional Law, Environmental Law, Vaccine Law, and How to Participate in Government in an Open Society. Dr. Robert Rigney Register now.

Key Readings in Public Health – COVID19 – Join Dr. Jack and Dr. Ealy in discussions of key studies that have been published since January 2020 on and about COVID19.  Over 17 weeks starting in the first week of September, we’re going to read and review in detail key studies in COVID-19 science to educate the public on the scientific basis of claims being made about the SARS-CoV-2 virus COVID-19. COVID-19 treatments and COVID-19 vaccines.  Key Studies in Public Health KNOW YOUR COVID-19 SCIENCE! Lyons-Weiler and Ealy Register now.

Psychology 1 – Introduction to Psychology.  An introduction to the main contributors to theories on human psychology.  Dr. Shannon Kroner Register now.

Find the registration option and REGISTER NOW – Fall Classes start in September!

Register here – https://ipak-edu.org/old-home-2/

Questions: questions@ipak-edu.org

Website: http://ipak-edu.org

This article first appeared on jameslyonsweiler.com.

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