Government is the Mafia


Under mind control, people think the mafia is rare. They also think it runs underground or operates illegally. But a mafia is just a loose collection of conspirators with a theory. And a conspiracy theory is when two or more criminals have a conversation about breaking a law. Society insists conspirators would never infiltrate the government. The term “conspiracy theory” is a mind control spell. It’s one of the blackest we’ve seen inserted into the collective. Conspiracy theory is a drenched wet blanket over a kindled fire.

Mafia is not an anomaly. The government holds a monopoly on violence. The mafia holds a monopoly on crime. Both organizations are symbiotic. Both have structures managed and built from the same skeleton. Both grew exponentially under Prohibition. Both shrunk in hunger when it was lifted. If you constrict someone’s breathing you can guarantee the first thing they’ll want to do is breath. This makes us all predictable. People will never understand how easy it is to program a population. The difference between the mafia and the government is our belief in the sanctity of badges.

Government and mafia are corporations functioning like secret societies. Under a chain-of-command, these systems insulate the organization from the outside. Omertà is the mafia oath of silence while under interrogation. Classified information is the government’s oath under scrutiny. When a crew of boys is arrested by the policeman, their loyalty is forged in the back of a squad car. The government and the mafia are machines that feed each other. They place their own survival higher than man. We have been dethroned by a machine that trades violence for gold or brass. The mafia does it for money. The military does it for praise.

The military and the mafia recruit from the same pool. They look for low-income boys with weak or missing fathers. This makes a soldier dependable and addicted to the machine. Both groups baptize new members in ritual. Both are raised to positions above the law. These men operate in a slippery bubble of morality. They commit murder thinking this is all part of the job. The most satanic phrase ever spoken is, “It’s nothing personal.”

After Prohibition, the mafia and the government merged. They consolidated resources and took over the human farm of America. Army and Navy units began grooming private squadrons of international gangsters. The Central Intelligence Agency began as a secret society inside the Army. In Kay Griggs 1998 interview on satanism in the military, she outlined the initiation into the Brotherhood requires a kill on domestic soil. Just like the mafia, the machine of military and government feeds on human sacrifice. The recruit takes the life of his target. The machine takes the life of the shooter. Being decorated as a hero or a wiseguy is a death ritual. We treat the military as the golden child and the mafia as the scapegoat. Our lack of sovereignty is the only true cause to blame.

There is nothing rare about the mafia. The Boston mob has shipped weapons to Ireland under the cloak of the American military. Zionists from Germany used the military to launder money. The Brooklyn mob, the New Jersey mob, and the Dixie mob in Louisiana all have had their tentacles in the armed forces. Former Los Angeles FBI director Ted Gunderson confirms these reports and goes on to outline the mafia’s role in law enforcement. “Who you gunna tell?” is a mind control campaign of gang intimidation. The symbology on many reveals the truth of these campaigns. The mafia hunts in broad daylight on our roads and in our squad cars. We believe their shiny badges and medals are incorruptible. We do this because we want to believe. We need scrutiny’s calories to pay the mortgage.

When I joined the Navy, my recruiter told me I should bring all the cigarettes, candy, and magazines I could pack. I arrived in San Diego for basic training early in the morning. When we got off the bus we were told to separate the our property into three cans. This was the first lie. The upper ranks chuckled as they regained some of the lost dignity when they were in our shoes. Lies are the glue for comradery. I was powerless under their seniority.

Studies show 100% of people thrown into a pit desire salvation.

Ascension programs always start with a fall. From the moment I got off the bus, I would thirst for levity. They shaved my head. They changed my clothes. They took my name. Whatever I had to do to stay above the dark water. Pits are gatekeepers for ascension programs and victim predictability. You fall in the enlistment. You rise when you obey. The experience trauma bonds you to the rest of the machine. You are promoted in the military. You are made in the mafia. You are elected to Congress. A broken target will always call salvation the captain of his ship.

Gunderson claimed the first World Trade Center bombings in 1993 were FBI mafia ops. They link Bush to the Clintons via the Arkansas Drug trafficking business hidden by the Rose Law firm. Again, elite military working with the regional mafia. Mobs aren’t anomalies, they are scaffolding. Through the mafia, the cabal feeds the spider. Brotherhood JAG officers infiltrate local courts as judges and political appointees. Michael Aquino is not an anomaly. Griggs says most full bird Colonel’s are promoted through blackmail and sodomy rituals. A recruited, poor, fatherless young man is a Satanists wet dream. The cabal doesn’t need flags, religion, patriotism, or even a common language to thrive. It only needs vulnerable broken young men to do something they are ashamed of for the promise a pedestal. This is the recipe for vampires.

The brotherhood is everywhere. Their symbols don’t just intimidate kids. They reinforce obedience. It has to be out in the open for it to work. Missing children is the transmission of the cabal. Without human sex trafficking, the mafia goes nowhere. That’s why a friend in Missouri isn’t allowed to track a missing child by a photo for 30 days. In 30 days that child will be gone. This is not an anomaly, it’s a nationwide feature. Do you see the world wide web yet? They dangle it in our face and in the media. The spider is so huge and close that fear makes us blind and oblivious. We think it’s all random anomalies but this machine is perfect. This is the anatomy of a cabal. It’s time to make our sleepy neighbors uncomfortable. It’s time to put a tax on apathy and denial. Epstein is a door. The zeitgeist will only be injectable so long. Be smart with your words. You don’t need to convince them. You only need to make it uncomfortable to ignore.

The Anatomy of Satanism in the military can be summed up in one quote from the movie ‘A Few Good Men.’ Lt. Kendrick (Kiefer Sutherland) explains his views on sovereignty to a court, “The only proper authorities I’m aware of are my commanding officer, Colonel Nathan R. Jessup, and the Lord our God.” The Lieutenant does not grant himself a position in the Chain of Command. The MIC chain of command uninstalls the individual as an authority. Weakening families makes this process possible, permanent, and comfortable to live under. The intercontinental mafia is an army of existentialists. They read Clausewitz, Neitzche, Sartre, and Montesquieu. They are moral relativists. According to Griggs, brotherhood members would write about these men as a senior thesis to pad their resumes. Moral relativism in the military is summed up Clausewitz, “War is the continuation of politics by other means.”

“In all my career at ATF, the people I put in jail have more honor than the top administration in this organization.” – Agent Bob Hoffman

The Waco, Texas Massacre was pillage ritual used to cover the murders of four Clinton witnesses. The evidence for the raid at Waco was an unsubstantiated rumor of a $200 unpaid tax on a single automatic rifle. The ATF would broadcast the sounds of rabbits being tortured over loudspeakers during the siege. They planned every part of this ritual for months. At the 16:30 mark in this film, you see one ATF agent kill three of Bill’s Clinton’s former bodyguards after they enter a window from the roof of Mount Caramel. A fourth Clinton bodyguard was killed onsite in the parking lot before the siege began.

Timothy McVeigh listed Waco as a contributing factor for his attack in Oklahoma City. His execution was carried out four times faster than any other prisoner in Federal history. In 2002, Gore Vidal wrote McVeigh “told us why he did it at eloquent length. But our rulers and their media preferred to depict him as a sadistic, crazed monster … who had done it for the kicks”. The Clintons are only one of the many mobs running America. Arkansas crime was not their creation. Infrastructure is required for the giant spider to feed. Their hit list is well over 200 domestic murders. Sixteen deaths are from plane crashes. The Waco massacre was trivial.

I’ve only told you about four American mobs and we haven’t even mentioned Chicago. Obama’s first two elections were won on technicalities and disqualifications from inside the party. In Chicago, the mob united into a monolithic force called the Outfit. Mob brotherhood permeates America deep in its shorts. Shitbags like Sheriff Israel are a standard feature in cities across America. All of them thrive under the singular watchful eye of the FBI. How’s that working out for you? How’s that working out for the spiders?

From the drug cargo ships of JP Morgan to the cocaine submarines seized by the coast guard, the mafia is an independent state living inside our country. False flags are the satanic machine priming the system for another season. Terror and intimidation are the melancholy Santa ringing a bell outside the mall. These uneasy feelings fill up their coffers. We have no idea what happens to that money once it drops. Satanic evacuation requires a constant stream of reliable injustice. America has been drowning in its spinal fluid for centuries. The Brotherhood has permeated every nook and cranny of our military and our justice department. They can turn any of us against any of us with one call.

The brotherhood mob is decentralized and distributed. This makes the spider web invisible to the eye. We only see a small spider here or a bigger spider there. We are in complete denial of the mother living underground. She lays new eggs each day inside our trust. This is the anatomy of satanism in government. It has henchmen, agents, directors, and tycoons. It goes higher than the president of a country. It goes higher than Kissinger but we’ll never hear those names. Satanism outranks us all. As long as we fear ourselves, we will continue to work for an international human cartel of evil. We will protect their assets in broad daylight with naive ignorance at the sight of a badge or medal.

We shed ourselves to join Hollywood and the military. We sign up to be raped and rebuilt with a new appetite and compass. We mark success with silver medals and golden idols. We are cheered for our acts of self-destruction. MIC and Hollywood eat our flesh to stay alive. Like Hollywood, the tree of liberty is covered by cameleons of red, white, and blue. Satanism is loyalty to colors. It worships our ability to wear a uniform and do our job.

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