Ritual of the Phoenix


The Masonic ritual of the Phoenix struck into the ground like an asteroid on Oct 10th. The DOW ended at -832. The NASDAQ fell 5% to its lowest levels since 2011. Meanwhile the Feds squeezed interest rates like a boa constrictor. I knew this would happen in August. I told anyone with a tie that would listen. They called it my cute conspiracy. Today the pundits in silk nooses explain this was a sentiment correction in tech stocks from turbulence from multiple vectors of blah blah blah. I am mesmerized by the stupidity despite the constant gush of hemoglobin. Why is a fringe writer of dark psychology badly in need of a haircut the only one bringing them this news? I am a small boat fisherman convincing the warehouse mongers they’d sell more catch with his doors open. I have forty-one subscribers. I am contemplating a move into a car to be more nimble. Why are people like me the only ones who see the world so clearly now? I have no special powers. The extent of my financial sorcery was consulting the dark cracked screen of my iPhone calendar. Only some of us can see the predator among us. We know its shape hiding in the trees. We are tiny bugs yelling at the sparrow to watch his back.

We have to stop using their dollar. We have to default on our debt and turn around to face the tiny men with popguns poked in our back. Our hearts still struggle with the idea of blockchain. Some were told to fear it. But you know decentralization is the opposite of a pyramid. To decentralize is to be water. This is a time to rise in our own tide. Digital currency is inevitable. Every dollar has a serial number; a digital currency address. This future is already schooling around us. What’s important is how you approach it. Bankers swarm like sharks. We arrive like dolphins.

Blockchain is the future that’s already here and we’ve missed it. Mexico has more crypto-millionaires than America. The American media has been suppressing the digital gold rush. They know how dangerous blockchain is to their Death Star. Blockchain voting ends voter fraud. It’s a transparent post office box everyone can see. You can verify anyone’s block instantly, independently, anonymously with no central administrator. There are so many ideas already brewing. 250 million patriots can run the government from a thumb drive. Sharks have no fear. Only dolphins need to muster our bravery. We must overcome ourselves and jump into this thermosphere. Like the first time you dove head first into a lake.

Blockchain is a concert with no stage. Instead of a seat, you’re given a drum. You have no idea what you are about to make happen. There is love in the contracts of Ethereum. Each time you buy an oil change, the mechanic donates to your dog rescue. Or a gov’t tax payment limits the funds to a non-military program. There is so much we can do with our new currency. Blockchain is the power of intent. Place no fear inside this photon. Do not fear the instrument of money. Without money no one would make bricks. They would be too heavy a burden to carry to market. Blockchain is built by our children. The elder must invite them to his fire for the wisdom from his smoke.

When you’ve been a victim of global slavery the hardest thing to believe in is a white wizard. Look how culture has bashed that color. The good in all of us is the power of a white wizard. We were tied to the ash tree from the shame of our own power. Tell yourself to rise in your own supremacy. Reclaim the definition of that word. This blue mob knocked it down as our country’s steeple. They took selfies as they smashed it with their jack boots from Amazon. They smeared and spit on the toppled bronze of supremacy. They were too foolish to open a book.  The mechanical cabal is the phoenix of death. We the People are the resurrection of life. There are good pirates sailing in a bad world. Never forget the pirate Ragnar Danneskjöld. He is out there right now. He is Kim Dot Com. He is James True. He is you. We are all white wizards expanding our magic like pollen. Touching foreheads with our fingertips. Our magic won’t help you on your knees with your eyes closed. It needs you to stand up before it begins. If you stand up we can join you in this new world. There will be many questions. We will give each one of them a thoughtful answer.

The post Ritual of the Phoenix appeared first on James True.

Original source: https://www.jtrue.com/blog/ritual-of-the-phoenix

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