The Eugenics of LGBT


What’s the difference between saying “I am gay” and being in a genital cult? Seriously, I can’t tell the difference. In this column, I am going to argue that the LGBT community is actually a religion and our anti-hate hate laws and initiatives have violated the separation of church and state. Finally, I’ll propose that side-boob gives lesbians the pole position.

To begin, LGBT is not accurate. The proper acronym is GRLGBT. This correctly classifies LGBT by hive rank. At the top of the acronym we have gender (G). Gender trumps everything. Race (R) is a very close second. The bronze medal is a toss-up of genitalia blending. We can simplify the equation by removing gender from the “LG” and we see the third tier is a genitalia prejudice ranking system. For example, two vaginas will always beat a pair of penis. Since bisexuals are so non-committal, they bring up the rear. If you are wondering why “trans” is last it’s because a trans person could be a heterosexual. So to review, gender beats race, which beats genitals. Just like poker, your entire hand counts so a gay minority would trump a non-gay minority. A royal flush would be a trans-racial-lesbian combo.

The ceremony to join the equality movement is a public declaration of chastity to anti-reproduction. So if you have a “front hole,” you are promising to only have sex with other “front holes.” In a deeper way, you are promising not to produce. This core-belief is hidden under a pile of genitals. So the genital cult comes with a vow of celibacy. It’s a promise to never engage in their own reproductive power. Sadly, really kind people lose their identity in this cult. They defend this cult because they are told by the media how oppressed they are. Our compassion as humans is as giving as it is gullible. Someone says, “I identity with being gay.” They take a piece of themselves and give it to the movement so that when they see the movement they can see themselves. This is psychological projection not equality. This is how cults work.

The equality cult is an elite class in society. Membership has privileges. But a class only exists in plurality. You cannot be the only lesbian. You cannot put a lesbian under a microscope and find “the lesbian” inside her. Joining a special class is a choice of identity. It’s a part of the inside clinging to something outside. To relate to something that is external and intangible is a belief system. This is what we call a religion. Lesbianism is the religion by and for female genitalia. A religion cannot be sanctioned by government or university. Equality needs to be squelched and exposed for the dogma that it is. The hate laws on the books are unconstitutional and support collectivism.

But underneath this political grass fire. We miss an obvious truth. The LGBT agenda is destroying the herd population. The equality movement is a mind-splintering eugenics program. If you wanted a population to sterilize themselves, equality politics would be a good prescription. Hormones in our food wouldn’t hurt either. If we splinter the genders into a spectrum, how will we match up biologically? Will we even? Keep in mind, the lowest member on the totem pole is called a “cis.”

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