ALERT: Oregon Fast Tracking HB 3063 To Eliminate All Non-Medical Exemptions


It was on February 9 that Oregon Rep. Mitch Greenlick’s (D-Portland) comments appeared in media where he extolled his upcoming bill HB 3063, which had not yet been finalized at the time.

Greenlick statedThere’s a growing number of people who believe vaccinations are harmful rather than the lifesavers they are…It’s roughly the same number of people who believe the earth’s flat.

Greenlick switched tones from insulting to shaming parents by continuing, “Those parents that have not vaccinated their kids and exposed them to measles should be ashamed,

Under existing laws, Oregon residents can opt out of vaccinations for personal, philosophical or religious reasons. Greenlick and his co-sponsors’ new bill would eliminate all non-medical exemptions to vaccination in Oregon. The bill’s first reading, which was scheduled to be next week, has now abruptly been moved to this Thursday, February 28 at 3:00pm.

The fast tracked bill has created hardships for many Oregon residents planning on attending the HB 3063 hearing who now have to rearrange their lives last minute to make it to the capital with only days prior notice. To complicate matters, much of Oregon is still reeling from a historic winter storm that has caused an airport closure until Wednesday, brought cities to a standstill due to massive snowfall, and caused the Oregon Department of Transportation to shut down several highways.

Whether purposeful or out of some legislative necessity, Greenlick and co-sponsors last minute, fast track move has signaled to their constituents that their concerns and their safety come second to government convenience. The schedule change has deliberately put many Oregon residents in harm’s way of a snowstorm’s uncertain aftermath. 


Thursday, February 28th at 3:00pm. The hearing is scheduled to be held in Hearing Room E of the Capital building.

Plan to keep your testimony to 90 seconds.

Written testimony can be submitted to They will accept written testimony until 5pm on Friday, March 1st.

Text of the bill here:…/MeasureDoc…/HB3063/Introduced
Bill Overview here:…/201…/Measures/Overview/HB3063

Arrive early so that you can find a place to park. Metered parking is available on streets surrounding the Capitol.

Bring your testimony to read, but no signs are allowed inside the Capitol.

If you plan on testifying in person, show up early to sign up to testify.

It’s likely that the hearing room will fill up, so some people may need to watch the proceedings from monitors outside the room. If that happens, someone will direct you where to go to watch.

It is imperative that everyone submit written testimony, and that can be as long as you want it to be. However, if you are testifying in person, make sure you distill your comments down to 90 seconds.

For additional information, emails addresses and phone numbers of House Health Care Committee members please visit OREGONIANS FOR MEDICAL FREEDOM’S website:


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