GLOBAL: Italy’s Populist Leader To End Forced Vaccine Decree, Poland Activates



A movement has broke through the surface globally with shocking momentum. Some see it as parental choice, others as an issue of informed consent, many in the medical community as a long-awaited return to the Hippocratic Oath. People from all walks of society and across multiple professions and classes are uniting in protest of an overarching pharmaceutical industry, working in lockstep with governing medical bodies and health agencies, aggressively pushing vaccines upon communities and families. 

Two recent bellwethers have been playing out on the global stage in Italy and Poland. The mainstream media in most developed countries will rarely give attention to any news, research or events that paint vaccines in a bad light. The mainstream news from Poland and Italy has missed the mark on their reporting of the recent events.

A 2015 government plan in Italy aimed to boost vaccination rates and introduce a series of new vaccines triggering protests among Italian citizens. The National Vaccination Plan for 2016–18 would instantly make Italy a European frontrunner in vaccination. At the time, many questioned the sudden vaccine push. Some suspected the hand of Big Pharma behind the government’s new plan which was confirmed when the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA) suspended Sergio Pecorelli, the president of its board and one of the authors of the new plan, because of his conflicts of interest with Big Pharma. 

Italy’s 2017 Lorenzin Decree raised the mandatory vaccine from 3 to 10 for any child in public schools and daycares. The Decree was rushed through in the face of massive, sustained protests in multiple Italian cities. Why Italy? Over the last decade the county has become a European stronghold for global vaccine makers. In 2015 GlaxoSmithKline announced plans to invest more than €1 billion in Italy over the next four years for “the construction of new plants” and to “reinforce product lines.” Meanwhile in 2017 Merck announced it was investing € 35 Million into an Italian production site in Bari specializing in injectable medicine technology.
A 2016 bill was approved by the Italian Senate of the Republic that allowed the testing of medical products [vaccinations] on the public. The Initiative relaxed the standards and research protections regarding clinical trials of medicines, including vaccinations, and set in motion the reorganization of the Italian healthcare system.

Enter Right Wing Coalition hopeful Matteo Salvini. The populist leader was elected in May of 2018 after having campaigned on the promise to return vaccine choice back to the parents by canceling the Lorenzin Decree. During the run-up to the election, Salvini was not shy about his position tweeting mandatory vaccination represented “a gift to the multinationals [corporations].”
An independent university study out of Rome polled 6000 people weeks before the election and found that for 22 percent, removing mandatory vaccines was a priority. Italy’s election process repressed the first time in history the world watched vaccine choice become a hot button issue comprising a large voting block of people able to sway an election. Appearing far from an empty promise, Salvini reiterated his focus in a recent interview announcing unvaccinated children will have access to school in September “because the only ones who have to choose for their children are the parents.

Poland has resonated in its own unique way with Italy and other countries who are defying forced vaccine policies by taking both a literal street-level approach. Recently receiving viral social media attention for the second year in a row, the people of Poland took to the streets of Warsaw for June 3rd’s International Vaccine Injury Awareness day to make their voices heard. Why Poland? It’s hard to determine exactly the flash point of when and why people take action en masse. However, in Poland it has been clear for sometime that the rising tension caused directly from an irresponsible and tone-deaf government vaccine program has erupted.

Poland has no vaccine injury compensation program which means the vaccine injuries are for the recipient to deal with. Poland also has a country-wide mandatory vaccine schedule which imposes fines for vaccine-refusers. Poland still uses proven dangerous vaccines, which most countries have long done away with, on their population. A 2016 PLOS One study determined that 40 percent of polish people still receive the whole-cell pertussis vaccine. In the US, the mounting injuries and legal actions taken against manufacturers of the whole-cell pertussis vaccine was one of the factors contributing to the formation and passage of the 1986 Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. By 1990, the US had completely shifted away from the problematic vaccine in favor of an acellular pertussis vaccine thought to be safer. Poland, much like Italy, is also a European stronghold for Big Pharma leading the world in experimental vaccine studies with 110 adult and childhood studies currently happening at the time of this writing.

The trend is becoming clear that, on the global stage, the further governments and health agencies use heavy-handed mandates to force medical interventions [vaccines], equal reactions are opposing them. Manifesting in the will and actions of people throughout the world reflexively as a symbolic indication that parental choice, bodily autonomy and informed consent can and will never be extinguished.

The scientific consensus about the safety and efficacy of vaccination no longer exists. Vaccine manufacturers and their sympathizers are racing for the finish line in one last grasping effort to mandate their failing products through government force. At the same time, research from around the globe continues to reveal the shortcomings of current vaccine schedules.


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