Medicine Ignoring Research Showing Alzheimer’s May Not Be Inevitable Consequence of Aging


An approaching healthcare crisis was spotlighted in a recent Washington Times opinion piece by the director of the Adult Gerontology Nursing Practitioner Program and an assistant professor of nursing at York College of Pennsylvania Ann Norwich,

Norwich writes, …the crisis in health care is how to care for the estimated 5.7 million Americans with Alzheimer’s. Unpaid family members already frequently provide a total of 18 billion hours of care each year, according to the Alzheimer’s Association. The crisis for tomorrow is how to take care of the projected 14 million Americans older than 65 who will develop the disease by 2050

She continues with a possible solution by writing, “It’s estimated that an early diagnosis of dementia could save $7.9 trillion in medical costs over multiple years…

The main takeaway from the article rightly asks “Why, then, do we not diagnose people early?” However, Norwich along with much of the current medical industry, may be missing key pieces of the puzzle when talking about early diagnosis or even the potential to eliminate a cause. What if there was a way to avoid the coming crisis by building on valid science and the continued findings of medical research?

The Daily Mail also ran a story covering the new experimental Alzheimer’s vaccine being developed by Dr Roger Rosenberg, founding director of the Alzheimer’s Disease Center at University of Texas Southwestern. The experimental vaccine aims to artificially boost the immune system to attack proteins in the brain as they build up. The article states, “A similar line of work [was] undertaken by another institution in the early 2000s…but it caused a whole new set of problems, as the immune response it triggered caused dangerous brain swelling.

Aluminum exposure, especially through vaccine adjuvants, has been the decade-plus focus for many respected researchers globally who are all independently finding that the metal is not as inert and innocuous as science and medicine was having people believe. Pathways and mechanisms showing the havoc injected aluminum creates in the brain and even associating it with multiple neurological diseases is now well documented.

Aluminum is very cheap and highly effective at stimulating the immune system during vaccination, therefore pharmaceutical companies have relied heavily upon the metal in vaccine production. Does the new Alzheimer’s vaccine making headlines, which revs up the immune system to attack the brain, do so using an aluminum adjuvant?   

Vaccines contain aluminum nanoparticle adjuvants that have been assumed to be safe from the findings of limited, mathematical-based scientific research focusing on ingested, not injected aluminum. Unfortunately, global health bodies have placed the safety of their vaccination programs upon limited and incorrectly focused studies while ignoring injected aluminum’s cumulative, ill-health impacts on their populations.   

A loose alliance of global researchers exists whose findings are revolutionizing our knowledge base on how aluminum may be a contributor in the soaring rates of neurological diseases on track to capsize our healthcare system.

Alzheimer’s disease is not an inevitable consequence of aging in the absence of a brain burden of aluminum.” says Keele University researcher Dr. Christopher Exley, whose 35 year career focus has been to understand aluminum in living things. Giving perhaps the most concise statement regarding the aluminum-Alzheimer’s connection by simply stating, “No aluminum, no Alzheimers.

Published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease Reports in 2017 was Exley’s editorial tilted Aluminum Should Now Be Considered a Primary Etiological Factor in Alzheimer’s Disease. The paper summarized the experimental and largely clinical evidence that implicates aluminum as a primary etiological factor in Alzheimer’s disease. Exley writes, “The unequivocal neurotoxicity of aluminum must mean that when brain burdens of aluminum exceed toxic thresholds that it is inevitable that aluminum contributes toward disease.”

Exley’s recent study, published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health in August 2018, found that out of 14 brains analyzed from patients with multiple sclerosis, all had significant levels of aluminum. Some 33% of those analyzed had ‘concerning’ amounts of the metal. His recent MS study comes on the heels of the explosive findings that similar research on autistic brains showed “shocking” levels of aluminum.

During a study mimicking the aluminum adjuvant load of the recommended vaccine schedule in mice, Dr. Christopher Shaw and his team witnessed deficits in both motor and cognitive function. When looking at the brains and spinal chords of the mice, the researchers found massive damage to motor neurons. One of Dr. Shaw’s main research focuses has been ALS. The author of over 300 articles, reviews and abstracts, Dr. Shaw recently appeared to defend his findings in Atlanta during a live debate against those who believe the science of injected aluminum is settled. However, the debate turned into a long-form presentation after his entire debate opposition suddenly withdrew.   

J.B. Handley, author of the new book How to End the Autism Epidemic had his blog at removed in part for highlighting the work of Shaw, Exley, and many others. Handley writes concerning Shaw”

It’s hard to put Dr. Shaw’s work in proper context. Our public health officials, signing off on a massive growth in the number of vaccines given to children, and therefore massive growth in the amount of injected aluminum, had never conducted biological studies to assess the safety of aluminum….

The overarching theme and findings from several leading aluminum researchers is that injected aluminum works very different in the body than if you consume it.

Recently, the body of aluminum research showing biological harm has just received another addition. A recent Spanish study has now shown that movement of aluminum from vaccine injection sites to lymph nodes was demonstrated for the first time in a large animal model. The study unequivocally identified aluminum by different methods both in granulomas, large mass of inflamed tissue, at the injection sites and lymph nodes.

Humanity is facing an inflection point regarding the future health of generations in the current age aluminum. Medicine largely ignores the root causes of disease in exchange for the quick fix drug or vaccine. Yet when brought into the light of debate, it makes little sense to introduce drugs and vaccines, teeming with unpleasant side effects and approved on the basis of questionable safety testing, when its may be possible to simply eliminate an environmental factor and potential root cause. Methods for testing body/brain aluminum levels and exact detox protocols are still in the beginning stages of conceptual development. What’s clear is the deafening silence from both regulatory agencies and much of medicine when it comes to further exploring aluminum’s role in the onset of neurological disorders and autism spectrum disorders, both skyrocketing to epidemic levels.

Dr. Shaw recently summed up how current health and regulatory bodies view aluminum by simply stating:   

The only way to get away from the conclusion that aluminum is potentially a toxin that has a role in various neurological diseases is to ignore it.

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