Public Demanding Transparency & Action on Glyphosate-Contaminated Food and Vaccines


The high-stakes game continues for Bayer AG and its deeply troubled investment Monsanto as they struggle to regain public trust and marketshare. For those who entered this ongoing saga at any point in the timeline recently, a quickening of events can be witnessed.

Almost a month out from the $289M San Francisco Roundup-cancer verdict and further lawsuits are continuing to pile on. As thousands line-up throughout the US seeking compensation and justice for their cancer allegedly being triggered by Roundup, a new legal angle has emerged and activated. It was last week the nonprofit Environmental Working Group (EWG) released their study promptly picked up by major media outlets globally. The group, having a long history of spotlighting the dangers of glyphosate, discovered amounts of the widely used herbicide in thirty-one out of 45 tested products. The glyphosate levels, found in popular oats, granolas and snack bars, have levels higher than what some scientists consider safe for children. Shortly after EWG’s study findings were released, Reuters reported, “General Mills Inc has been hit with a proposed class action lawsuit claiming the company failed to warn consumers about traces of the weedkiller glyphosate in its Cheerios cereals.”​

​For a few years semi-regular reports have been published alerting consumers about concerning levels of glyphosate found in not only food products but within the vaccine supply given to infants and children. In the past the mainstream media has been silent, however it appears they no longer can be. Will media outlets have the courage to go further and report on how widespread glyphosate contamination has become? ​Will they begin to spotlight the numerous studies that do show glyphosate causes harm within the human body?


Source: EWG, from tests by Eurofin Analytical Laboratories
New York Senator Chuck Schumer’s office posted a press release pressuring the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to update the public on their two yeas of hidden testing surrounding glyphosate in everyday foods.

Schumer stated, “I am making it known today that the federal government is in fact investigating this chemical, and I am here today to ask them to provide us all with an update on their work so that concerned parents and consumers can get the answers they seek.

The press release goes on to state, “…according to reports on Freedom of Information requests to the FDA and their own submission, that the agency has been testing food samples for the weed killer chemical glyphosate, but that the agency has not released any official update or final report to Congress or the public. In 2016, an FDA spokesman also confirmed the agency study of the chemical to media, but Schumer says he and others are still waiting on results.

Maybe Schumer has been a subscriber and reader of the weekly reports from Moms Across America who, in 2016, was demanding for multiagency transparency from US regulators as well as politicians after finding widespread glyphosate contamination in the vaccine supply. Nearly two years ago, MOM wrote,

Moms Across America has sent a letter on September 1, 2016 to the FDA, CDC, EPA, NIH, California Department of Health, and Senator Boxer requesting that they make it a priority to test vaccines for glyphosate, recall contaminated vaccines and for the EPA to revoke the license of glyphosate to prevent further contamination. “And in the meantime we call upon our lawmakers to rescind the mandate which forces parents to vaccinate their child in order to attend school, in light of extraordinary new evidence.

After not addressing MOM’s original request, a Freedom of Information Act request was sent
for any and all information the FDA and CDC have exchanged or filed regarding glyphosate in vaccines. The agency’s responses contained redactions on approximately fifty percent of the pages from the FDA while many others were completely blank.

How has Bayer AG-Monsanto navigated the controversy after their historic trial loss? Monsanto has continually went on record giving press statements defending their untested Roundup product. The company is holding the line claiming their product isn’t cancer-causing despite their internal emails and documents showing they have not done the proper testing. There are numerous studies showing glyphosate does cause harm. In addition,  a lab has done some of the first tests on the entire, synergistic Roundup formulation and reported their findings in early 2018. The researchers found that exposing plants and human cells to the components of Roundup formulations, both mixed and separately, showed “measured toxicity and human cellular endocrine disruption below the direct toxicity experimentally measured threshold.

Will Bayer AG simply try to erase all traces of Monsanto as the company’s reputation and failed agricultural technology goes up in smoke? Fox 2 Now St. Louis recently reported that during Bayer’s “Day One” transition of their newly acquire Monsanto division, their priority was to replace the “Monsanto” company signs with “Bayer: Crop Science Division.” In the age of information, it may take more than a change a window dressing for generations of families to forget the growing evidence of Big-Tobacco-level underhandedness that led to illness, diseases and environmental poisoning at the hands of Monsanto. The bottom line is that Bayer AG, at the very least, must now immediately begin to start warning people that their Roundup formulations can cause cancer.

For years people have been demanding food transparency with respect to glyphosate contamination from producer to regulator to retailer only to be pushed aside and ignored. It appears the pressure has now hit a critical mass and is beginning to fracture the old paradigm at its most vulnerable points. If the General Mills lawsuit is viable, will that open another avenue of legal flood gates to sue all other food producers with glyphosate-containing products? Why didn’t food producers proactively implement internal controls to detect and eliminate glyphosate in their products. Why didn’t the FDA do more to regulate the amount of glyphosate in the US food chain when it appeared to have multiple years of data? Where are the other politicians demanding the US regulatory agencies release their unredacted glyphosate testing results from common food products and vaccines.

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