What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You About Your Flu Shot


It’s flu season again and the media hype machines are loading up the teleprompters to deliver their seasonal barrage of fear and guilt in an effort to maximize vaccine uptake. Besides being fully backed and marketed by all major corporate media outlets, the seasonal flu shot comes with many additional advantages. Overburdened healthcare workers get to free up their schedules by not having to waste time with cumbersome informed consent before each injection. Both the vaccine industry and the healthcare workers injecting the flu shot shoulder no responsibility or legal liability for injuries causes by their vaccine products. Researchers also get a free pass since inert placebo controls are not required by regulatory oversight and licensing bodies while safety testing allowing the industry to omit the scientific method.      

Sidestepping vital checks and balances like informed consent, proper safety studies and financial liability must be done in order to achieve herd immunity right? If there is a perfect utopia of a herd immunity world, such a place will never be achieved with the current flu shot. The shot, whose track record of effectiveness is known to be a dismal, is being estimated this year to be around 19 percent effective.

What the ‘herd immunity at all costs’ crowd never wants to discuss is the price of trying to achieve their someday, maybe medical dream. The federal government Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) holds quarterly meetings which include a report from the Department of Justice (DOJ) on cases settled for vaccine injuries and deaths as mandated by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP). According to the DOJ’s report, the flu shot continually appears as the most dangerous vaccine available. A common injury associated with the flu shot the US government compensates petitioners for is Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS). Characterized by a rapid-onset of muscle weakness caused by the immune system damaging the peripheral nervous system, GBS is commonly seen on DOJ’s report. Another place GBS can be found listed is on the vaccine insert of the flu shot itself as a possible effect of the shot located in the ‘post marketing experience’ section.

Making headlines recently was the tragic story of Shane Morgan who became paralyzed and unable to breath after a routine flu shot. After Shane’s daughter asked him and his extended family to get the flu shot to protect their baby granddaughter from the flu, everything changed.

In a recent interview, Shane says, “I’m 46 years old and I have never in my life heard you could get anything this serious from a vaccination.

Shane’s wife Monique says, “He immediately got sick about 36 hours after receiving the flu shot.

From his hospital bed, Shane described his current experience stating, “My toes are tingling like you’re putting needles in them which they tell me it’ll most likely never go away…My legs are moving but really weak. My lower back is in constant spasm so I’m in constant pain from that. No control of my lips and I have total double vision…I have zero control over the movement of my left eye.

Shane’s current symptoms could be considered an improvement. After Shane first arrived at the hospital 11 days after the flu shot, his condition went from bad to worse quickly. He needed to be intubated and put in a medically-induced coma for several days after losing control of his lung function.
Shane’s parents both ended up in urgent care and on antibiotics shortly after receiving their flu shots as well. Monique says of the parents’ flu shot experience, “They couldn’t even watch our son like they normally do because he couldn’t be around them because they were so sick.

In an recent interview, HighWire host Del Bigtree asked Shane if his doctor told him before he administered his flu shot that there’s a chance he could experience paralysis.
Shane replied, “Never new that.” Monique added, “You get the insert after you actually get the shot when they hand you the recipe at CVS. They come, they stick you in the arm and give you the pamphlet later.

Although his doctor and neurologist have told him it looks like GBS and he is being treating for GBS, an official GBS diagnosis has not been given by the hospital despite reportedly over a million dollars in extensive testing according to Shane. Therefore, without an official diagnosis, filing Shane’s case as a vaccine injury is being delayed.   

In the recent interview, Monique added, “I had to find out from social media about the vaccination reporting system…The nursing staff doesn’t know what it is. He’s seen three neurologists, the regular doctor, the ICU doctor, the infectious disease doctor…all these medical professionals and not one person has asked if we’ve reported this vaccination or saying they’re going to report the vaccination.

What Shane’s story shows is that vaccines can be unavoidably unsafe for certain people. Yet both the medical system and regulatory agencies still give increasing numbers of vaccines to everyone in a scientifically foolish one-size-fits-all fashion. Shane’s firsthand account also demonstrates how terribly inadequate the US government’s vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS) is. It has been known to both the CDC and HHS that “fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported” because reporting to VAERS is voluntary. Yet HHS and the CDC have went out of their way to not automate the system despite working solutions and common sense fixes being available for years. How many US citizens are in Shane’s position? How many US citizens have been, or are being, denied compensation and justice for their vaccine injury because of this broken system?    

Original Source: http://www.jeffereyjaxen.com/blog/what-your-doctor-wont-tell-you-about-your-flu-shot

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